I finally decided to spill the beans on this secret project Descent Pilot and I have been working on. Underground Resistance (UR) Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing game. 2 versions are being developed (Very similar) as one is private for the RPG group UR, and the other is for the public. The first of the two is more updated, and contains more storyline, and is backed up in storyline, as the public is not.
Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game / Server System
With the use of a Dedicated Server (Provided by Gammasts and Ober) and GBK’s Thing Creation System, a single level (See topic ‘Worlds, Traveling, and Massive Level’) with an immense and deep RPGing experience will be achieved with JK. Those familiar with the Underground Resistance storyline know where and when the story takes place. With a dedicated game server, players information and data will be stored within the server, allowing for a true RPGing experience, the only problem is the fact that only 32 players can participate in JK at one time.
Player Development
Since player stats are savable, players will be able to develop their characters to their little hearts content. With statistics and skills (See topic ‘Skills’) ranging from weapon accuracy, to speed, players can create their player to their perfect specifications.
-Morality System
Killing a well known bounty hunter could prove you a skilled assassin, and your knowledge of the trade would be well known by others in the world, but perhaps you yourself could be assassinated because of it. Doing good usually gets help for you, making others mad, usually can get you killed. (See Topic ‘World AI’ and its sub-topic ‘Events’)
Worlds, Traveling, and Massive Level
We’ve decided on including 9 worlds in the MMORPG, but have not decided the exact name and types of planets we plan to include. How exactly would we include entire worlds!? By GBK’s amazing TCS, giving us the ability to make nearly as large of levels as we’d like (Within the barriers of JED) and have generally less lag then most multiplayer levels. How will you get from planet to planet, and across the large planets? Drivable vehicles. (See topic ‘Ship, Weapon, and Player creation‘)
Ship, Weapon, and Player Creation
Ships and weapons can be personalized with certain tools and skills. Using barrels, cartridges, compression tubes, scopes, barrel attachments, and handle/trigger types, players can create there own weapons. As with starships, where-as more of the internal portions of ships are bettered, as with foils, elevators, engines, etc. Players are also created from one of the following races.
Mon Calamari
(See topic ‘Realistic Player Character’)
Realistic Player Character
Players can create there playable character not only physically, but mentally as well. With a system that measures what things a player is good at in comparison to their Race, age, and player description. Players who are smarter then others may be more skilled at piloting, and may have quicker reaction times, while a less intelligent player would have small durations in turning at which the ship stalls. Players have different accuracies, specialties in weapons, and specialties in items.
Virtually like any other stamina meter in games out there. The more you run, the harder it is to keep running. The lower the stamina, the worse accuracy, jumping, and other physical deeds. Once a certain level of damage is reached, blood loss begins. The lower the stamina, the quicker blood is drained, the quicker more damage is done. When stamina is at its fullest, health regenerates until blood loss stops. Bandages, and other health items can be consumed at this time to help stop the bleeding.
Skills are usable with the appropriate statistics full, plus the correct tools needed for the job. Not just anyone can build a speederbike out of old parts, but someone who is high in intelligence, and has perhaps been trained, or taken classes (Time consuming events done while offline) could possibly do it. This section is being developed more and more as ideas are brought up.
Real Time Strategy System
High ranking players of the Imperial, Republic, or Resistance can command AI on the battlefield. Commanders do this from the comfort of large ships, etc. When viewing a holographic screen, the commanders get an overhead view of the actual battle taking place, with actual players moving within. soldiers can be concentrated at certain areas, and more soldiers can be dropped in.
The NPC artificial intelligence in the game is far advanced, with keyword recognition for speech, area specific ‘T’ commands, detailed enemy AI. Bar-fights, street stores, haggles, muggers, bounty hunters. All coded into the game.
World AI
Interaction with the world, like snowstorms, sandstorms, fog, etc is calculated in the game. Players can expect it to stop raining once indoors. Accuracy is effected by the weather, and can be vital to a teams actions. A player moves faster on a wetland, then in the desert.
If a war is won by the imperials, the game changes. If a battle is lost by the imperials, it changes even again. Gebohq and I plan on creating a detailed hierarchy of the storylines, with several if else situations, allowing for the players interactions to control the path the game physically takes in storyline.
So, I understand that all of this is next to impossible, but it's meerely a group of obsticals, that technically are possible to overcome, and once have been, is simple in relativety.
Please don't let this become the 'OMG THIS IS NOT GOING TO WORK' thread. If you don't think it'll work, ok, but at least you could comment on what we've got in mind. Ideas? Etc.
Epic: Episode I TC, Epic: Podracing Mod MP/SP, Epic: Starbattles Mod MP/SP
Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game / Server System
With the use of a Dedicated Server (Provided by Gammasts and Ober) and GBK’s Thing Creation System, a single level (See topic ‘Worlds, Traveling, and Massive Level’) with an immense and deep RPGing experience will be achieved with JK. Those familiar with the Underground Resistance storyline know where and when the story takes place. With a dedicated game server, players information and data will be stored within the server, allowing for a true RPGing experience, the only problem is the fact that only 32 players can participate in JK at one time.
Player Development
Since player stats are savable, players will be able to develop their characters to their little hearts content. With statistics and skills (See topic ‘Skills’) ranging from weapon accuracy, to speed, players can create their player to their perfect specifications.
-Morality System
Killing a well known bounty hunter could prove you a skilled assassin, and your knowledge of the trade would be well known by others in the world, but perhaps you yourself could be assassinated because of it. Doing good usually gets help for you, making others mad, usually can get you killed. (See Topic ‘World AI’ and its sub-topic ‘Events’)
Worlds, Traveling, and Massive Level
We’ve decided on including 9 worlds in the MMORPG, but have not decided the exact name and types of planets we plan to include. How exactly would we include entire worlds!? By GBK’s amazing TCS, giving us the ability to make nearly as large of levels as we’d like (Within the barriers of JED) and have generally less lag then most multiplayer levels. How will you get from planet to planet, and across the large planets? Drivable vehicles. (See topic ‘Ship, Weapon, and Player creation‘)
Ship, Weapon, and Player Creation
Ships and weapons can be personalized with certain tools and skills. Using barrels, cartridges, compression tubes, scopes, barrel attachments, and handle/trigger types, players can create there own weapons. As with starships, where-as more of the internal portions of ships are bettered, as with foils, elevators, engines, etc. Players are also created from one of the following races.
Mon Calamari
(See topic ‘Realistic Player Character’)
Realistic Player Character
Players can create there playable character not only physically, but mentally as well. With a system that measures what things a player is good at in comparison to their Race, age, and player description. Players who are smarter then others may be more skilled at piloting, and may have quicker reaction times, while a less intelligent player would have small durations in turning at which the ship stalls. Players have different accuracies, specialties in weapons, and specialties in items.
Virtually like any other stamina meter in games out there. The more you run, the harder it is to keep running. The lower the stamina, the worse accuracy, jumping, and other physical deeds. Once a certain level of damage is reached, blood loss begins. The lower the stamina, the quicker blood is drained, the quicker more damage is done. When stamina is at its fullest, health regenerates until blood loss stops. Bandages, and other health items can be consumed at this time to help stop the bleeding.
Skills are usable with the appropriate statistics full, plus the correct tools needed for the job. Not just anyone can build a speederbike out of old parts, but someone who is high in intelligence, and has perhaps been trained, or taken classes (Time consuming events done while offline) could possibly do it. This section is being developed more and more as ideas are brought up.
Real Time Strategy System
High ranking players of the Imperial, Republic, or Resistance can command AI on the battlefield. Commanders do this from the comfort of large ships, etc. When viewing a holographic screen, the commanders get an overhead view of the actual battle taking place, with actual players moving within. soldiers can be concentrated at certain areas, and more soldiers can be dropped in.
The NPC artificial intelligence in the game is far advanced, with keyword recognition for speech, area specific ‘T’ commands, detailed enemy AI. Bar-fights, street stores, haggles, muggers, bounty hunters. All coded into the game.
World AI
Interaction with the world, like snowstorms, sandstorms, fog, etc is calculated in the game. Players can expect it to stop raining once indoors. Accuracy is effected by the weather, and can be vital to a teams actions. A player moves faster on a wetland, then in the desert.
If a war is won by the imperials, the game changes. If a battle is lost by the imperials, it changes even again. Gebohq and I plan on creating a detailed hierarchy of the storylines, with several if else situations, allowing for the players interactions to control the path the game physically takes in storyline.
So, I understand that all of this is next to impossible, but it's meerely a group of obsticals, that technically are possible to overcome, and once have been, is simple in relativety.
Please don't let this become the 'OMG THIS IS NOT GOING TO WORK' thread. If you don't think it'll work, ok, but at least you could comment on what we've got in mind. Ideas? Etc.
Epic: Episode I TC, Epic: Podracing Mod MP/SP, Epic: Starbattles Mod MP/SP
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