Wow. I can't believe that's JK.
Whew, great textures. Now that I've composed myself, on to the comments.
First comment is about the road signs. They're a very nice touch, but look at the
second pic that you posted, the one with the 'No Left-Hand Turn' sign in it -- the sign is wayyy to thick. Real road signs are just a piece of sheet metal bolted to one side of a square aluminum post, so they're very thin.
Same thing with the pic of the
Speed Limit sign, it's as thick as the pole. Also, speed limit signs are usually placed a little bit
after an intersection, not right before it. It would make more sense to see a Stop Sign there instead of a Speed Limit Sign. I'd say put a stop sign there and move the speed limit sign onto that long straight stretch of road a little ways past the intersection.
Next, windows. Like Wolfy said, your windows need window frames. Some of your
exellent photorealistic textures have them, and it would be good to have some sort of frame for all of your windows, whether it's a separate windowframe texture you can use around all your windows, or something you add to your existing textures. I'd add curtains to your
hotel window also, if I was in there I wouldn't want people looking in on me while I slept.
The size of your windows needs some tweaking, I would think. You've got some really huge planes of glass with nothing to support them, especially at your
laundromat. Real windows have supports in them every so often so the individual planes of glass aren't so massive, or the buildings have a lot of smaller windows. More modern buildings tend to have the one big supported window in each room, while older buildings tend to have multiple smaller windows separated by brick. It looks like you're using the older style, so map accordingly. Your photorealistic windows tend to be tall and narrow rather than the short and wide windows you've carved into your walls, and almost none of the windows you've carved are the same size. Keeping uniformity throughout the whole map will make it look and feel better, and eliminate the 'dead space' caused by differently sized windows.
This talk of window size somewhat brings me to my last suggestion: proportion. Let's use the picture of the
speed limit sign as an example. Look at the blue building. It's only got 2 floors, but it's as tall as the tan 3 story building next to it! This causes the windows and ceilings to be way taller than they need to be. Those blue bricks are huge too, it would make more sense to me to have them half that size, more like the bricks in that grey building next to it. I'd suggest using some of your other photorealistic textures as a template as how big things should be on your blue building.
Also, that's the most spacious
laundromat I've ever seen. You could probably fit another row of washing machines in that isle and still have room to spare, and the cieling is almost high enough for it to be a 2 story building.
Now lets look at a good example of proportion that you've done, your
hotel room. The window, the TV, the beds, the picture, they are just about the right size, and there's still room to move around. If there's not enough room, you can always play with the walkplayer template and make him take up less room. I'd also move that picture down a bit to just above eye level.
Now I hope I havn't discouraged you with all these comments, when I first looked at your pics I was totally blown away by how
awesome it looked--and I really was in awe. You've put good textures in JK and everyone thinks it's JO or JA, and they're 8-bit to boot! I've just given you so many suggestions because I can see you already have a great level, but a few improvments could make it really really good. I'll definately beta test for you, give me a line at
Check out updates for my editing work at the
Shadow Jedi Academy.