You are reading FAR too deeply into this, Friend. zul is in no way a leader, nor am I his follower. There's no larger motive at work here, we're not conspiring to screw you over. When I say, for example, that it might behoove you to take zul's advice given how much better his texture turned out than yours (regardless of whatever you wanted people to be looking at within your showcase), I'm saying this simply because I feel it's true. Which then brings me to the issue of zully's supposed experience.
I know for a fact that zul is a pretty crappy artist in general. He doesn't take classes, he has little or no motivation to do anything to improve his skills. (I say all of this, of course, with the utmost love and respect
) What he does well is make textures. Are his textures perfect? Of course not. He has, however, gotten rather good at making decent, usable textures rather quickly. I know nothing about your background, I'd never seen you post a texture before, and I drew a conclusion about your skill level based on what you posted. I'm not saying you're a newb, I'm not saying zul is "better" than you, I'm simply saying that, based on what each of you posted (and here I refer more to the second, more worn version you posted than the original), zul came off as a much more skilled texture artist. With this in mind, I was bothered when you completely rejected his suggestions. If I've misjudged your abilities, it was simply because of the extremely limited pool of evidence I had to draw from.
As a final thought, maybe you should take several things into account. First, you might anticipate that people are going to misunderstand the purpose of the bland base texture; with this in mind perhaps it would be better to post the texture at a later stage in its evolution or (as you've said) better explain WHY it looks so dull and empty. Second, "authenticity" isn't everything. I understand that you're trying to get as close to the look of the movies as you possibly can here, but perhaps that's not the most important thing. No one plays a level while looking at stills of the actual Tatooine, and no one's going to fault you for replacing something that's a tad closer to the movie with something that just plain looks better. Finally, if many people, the majority of whom have no personal investment in the situation, say that zul's texture happens to look better, maybe they're on to something that you simply don't see.
"After all, millions of Chinese people can't all be wrong."
[This message has been edited by Super S51 (edited December 06, 2003).]