I hope your mapper doesn't take this personally. It's not a bad map per se, but it needs quite a bit of work.
There's no definite style. Some parts are round, others boxy. There's an unexplained hole in the road, but the lights in the middle go on through. The texturing on top of the domes gets squished into the middle. The floating signs have no discernible source or borders. A lot of the textures are scaled too small, and the tiling is too obvious. The environment seems underdetailed. The railing on the upper area stops when it gets to the curve. Basically, a lot of the environment doesn't make sense. Why would there be a stairway leading down to a pair of long walkways to nowhere? Why are the walkways divided when they are leading in the same direction anyway? All that does is make less room for people to walk on. Why would a speeder even need a road when they can fly all by themselves, as seen in AotC? Why are there lights on the outside of the road? Why do advertisements create the majority of the lighting? That's not good planning on the part of the city contractors, if you ask me.
If the entire map was as detailed and inventive as that stairway leading to the road, it would be another story. But the map as it is needs a lot of work.
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