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ForumsShowcase → A Simple Investigation-The Informant
A Simple Investigation-The Informant
2004-05-31, 10:13 AM #1
To help lead my publicity campaign, I have some shots from PK. These are shots from the demo I plan to release for the Massassi SP contest. For those of you who don't know, in other words all of you, A Simple Investigation is a massive SP project set the year after the New Jedi ORder series of books. You can find the site at We still need plenty of volunteers, so if you want to help, drop me a line in my forums!
2004-05-31, 11:31 AM #2
Looks really thrown together. Maybe you should plan ahead a bit more, or if you're already planning ahead, try doing it less. There's a happy median for that sort of thing, methinks.

Oh, and I don't think the contest is still on.


<]-[ellequin> Nothing is quite as satisfying as placing a .177 lead pellet in between the eyes of a cat.
<]-[ellequin> I think I will leave it's corpse there, to warn all the other cats to keep out of my hibiscus patch

Live on, Adam.
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2004-05-31, 11:38 AM #3
Who said that Kirby?

Snail racing: (500 posts per line)


The Massassi JO/JA Single Player contest info
2004-05-31, 11:44 AM #4
... Thrown together?

What are you looking at? It's freaking awesome if you ask me.

Frogblast the Vent Core!

--End of Line--
"In the beginning, the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move." - Douglas Adams
Are you finding Ling-Ling's head?
Last Stand
2004-05-31, 12:06 PM #5
I'll be sure to pass this on to the mapper. No, I didn't map this, PK did.
And, unless Kengo was wrong about it, the contest is still on.
2004-05-31, 12:31 PM #6
Don't listen to kirby. It looks great.

There are two asses in Massassi... and I'm one of them.
The Matrix Unplugged|My Portfolio|My Levels
2004-05-31, 12:32 PM #7
That looks fantastic, I have no idea what Kirby means by thrown together *shrugs*

You can't judge a book by it's file size
2004-05-31, 2:04 PM #8
It looks like a lot of great stuff, don't get me wrong, but the orginization doesn't look too spiffy. I see a lot of uneveness.

Also, Brian hasn't said anything about the contest for a long time, no thread was made for it, and 4 people posted on the original thread. Doesn't sound like you're getting a prize if you win, at least.


<]-[ellequin> Nothing is quite as satisfying as placing a .177 lead pellet in between the eyes of a cat.
<]-[ellequin> I think I will leave it's corpse there, to warn all the other cats to keep out of my hibiscus patch

Live on, Adam.
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2004-05-31, 2:25 PM #9
Not bad, but i strangely find myself agreeing with Jedikirby. The map looks like a jumble of random shapes on what apppears to be a street with a building on it. I'd recomment a little more work before showing us the next set of shots.

"Iraqniphobia - The fear of non-existant weapons of mass-destruction."
50000 episodes of badmouthing and screaming like a constipated goat cant be wrong. - Mr. Stafford
2004-05-31, 2:45 PM #10
Ok, lets go this route.

What is it SUPPOSED to look like? If you can tell us that, you'll probably get a far better consensus as to if it's fine or too thrown together.

Frogblast the Vent Core!

--End of Line--
"In the beginning, the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move." - Douglas Adams
Are you finding Ling-Ling's head?
Last Stand
2004-05-31, 3:10 PM #11
Sorta like Coruscant, a large city which is high above the ground. Also, it is not supposed to be organized. You can hit the site and see the script, and base your opinions on what you think the map should look like. Also, sure the architecture is bad, but Kengo's maps aren't that good either. I belive that storyline is the important part of the level. Besides, wait until you see some of the easter eggs we plan to hide in there.... []
2004-05-31, 3:38 PM #12
I hope your mapper doesn't take this personally. It's not a bad map per se, but it needs quite a bit of work.

There's no definite style. Some parts are round, others boxy. There's an unexplained hole in the road, but the lights in the middle go on through. The texturing on top of the domes gets squished into the middle. The floating signs have no discernible source or borders. A lot of the textures are scaled too small, and the tiling is too obvious. The environment seems underdetailed. The railing on the upper area stops when it gets to the curve. Basically, a lot of the environment doesn't make sense. Why would there be a stairway leading down to a pair of long walkways to nowhere? Why are the walkways divided when they are leading in the same direction anyway? All that does is make less room for people to walk on. Why would a speeder even need a road when they can fly all by themselves, as seen in AotC? Why are there lights on the outside of the road? Why do advertisements create the majority of the lighting? That's not good planning on the part of the city contractors, if you ask me. [] If the entire map was as detailed and inventive as that stairway leading to the road, it would be another story. But the map as it is needs a lot of work.

Map-Review | My Portfolio | The Matrix: Unplugged
2004-05-31, 3:43 PM #13
You mean the bad planning? I blame it on bad cotractors. After all, this is a place where a lot of criminals meet, and is very seedy. Also, it's patchwork because of the bad planning and the signs float because of stolen advanced holotechnology. Besides, these are still very early. Most of the map isn't even started yet. And, as for the flying speeders, because of gameplay problems I can't let them fly. If I did, then the gameplay of the map would be severly affected. Basically, I blame the flaws on gameplay issues.
That strategy sound familiar?
2004-05-31, 3:48 PM #14
Five words: A galaxy far far away.

It's supposed to look like... hmm... A more 'modernized' bespin. BTW, it's FAR from done. I'm working off of ideas I get as I go along. Go take a walk in a city. Every building looks different because it's created by different architects. Same with my map. Besides, the 'streets' will be the main area, and I haven't mapped them yet. I've only got the landing pad and a couple surrounding buildings done.

PS: The car's not mine, it's NeoMarz1's.

[This message has been edited by PK (edited May 31, 2004).]
2004-05-31, 3:51 PM #15
PK, good to see you here!
2004-05-31, 3:52 PM #16
Wow, fast reply.... Are you monitering this 24/7 or something?
2004-05-31, 3:55 PM #17
Yeah, but I'm about to go offline in ten minutes.
2004-05-31, 3:56 PM #18
If it's supposed to look something like Courscant or Nar, I see little problem with it. As had been said, improvments can be made. But has also been said, this is only the initial stages of the map.

I think it's fine.

Frogblast the Vent Core!

--End of Line--
"In the beginning, the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move." - Douglas Adams
Are you finding Ling-Ling's head?
Last Stand
2004-05-31, 3:57 PM #19
Good! So, anyone have any news on the contest?
2004-05-31, 3:57 PM #20
Oh, and those screens are outdated. Since then, I added frames to the holograms, added a bunch of detail to the buildings, and am currently working on the inside of the square one. And I'm building a frame around the domed one so you don't see the texture problems. Oh, and about the light from advertisements: There's a bunch of spam, what can I say? Besides, it's not a daytime map.

And that's not a hole in the road... The picture doesn't show it well, but there's a grid there.

[This message has been edited by PK (edited May 31, 2004).]
2004-05-31, 4:00 PM #21
It seems to me like we're using these forums as a replacement for AIM... That's freaky. Anyway, are you saying there's a chance there is no contest?
2004-05-31, 4:01 PM #22
Thrawn hit all the nails on the head. Trust me, dispite your opinion on your own design flaws, no one's going to take into consideration the developement the contractors started. They're going to look at it and say it's an odd level.

I knew I had something with my original post!


<]-[ellequin> Nothing is quite as satisfying as placing a .177 lead pellet in between the eyes of a cat.
<]-[ellequin> I think I will leave it's corpse there, to warn all the other cats to keep out of my hibiscus patch

Live on, Adam.
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2004-05-31, 4:02 PM #23
Grumble. Fine, you win. Anyways, there should be, I just hope that someone is going to say something and verify it.
2004-05-31, 4:04 PM #24
It's not even really started yet... Hold yer complaining until I get the next set of pics up.
2004-05-31, 4:05 PM #25
OK PK, I'll leave the posting of new pics to you now.
2004-05-31, 4:06 PM #26
K. Expect some more.... um... soon, I guess. As soon as I get my laptop connected to the internet. (I'm mapping on my laptop now because it's much more efficient.)
2004-05-31, 4:09 PM #27
I'm logging off now... cya tomorrow... I think...
2004-05-31, 4:35 PM #28 thx

Looks ok. It needs much, much more detail to be a convincing city.
A desperate disease requires a dangerous remedy.

A major source of objection to a free economy is precisely that it gives people what they want instead of what a particular group thinks they ought to want. Underlying most arguments against the free market is a lack of belief in freedom itself.

2004-05-31, 5:24 PM #29
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by moberemk:
You mean the bad planning? I blame it on bad cotractors. After all, this is a place where a lot of criminals meet, and is very seedy.</font>

Contractors will only do something poorly if it's to their advantage, i.e. to save money. Putting lights on the outside of a road and putting barriers in the middle of walkways doesn't save money. Besides, everything looks very clean. No trash or dirt to be seen. That seems a little odd for such a seedy place. []

<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by moberemk:
Basically, I blame the flaws on gameplay issues.
That strategy sound familiar?

No... : \ Anyway, it's possible for levels to be seedy and nicely mapped at the same time. []

Map-Review | My Portfolio | The Matrix: Unplugged
2004-06-01, 1:43 AM #30
Crud. Well, um, the contractors were smugglers who didn't have much money to build the stuff.
2004-06-01, 2:08 AM #31
You suck at thinking up excuses.
2004-06-01, 2:10 AM #32
Um... I think I'll just quietly dissappear from this thread now.... PK, excuses are all yours. I think that I'll just go back to writing.
2004-06-01, 4:37 AM #33
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">You suck at thinking up excuses.</font>

I almost said that like... 10 posts ago.

<]-[ellequin> Nothing is quite as satisfying as placing a .177 lead pellet in between the eyes of a cat.
<]-[ellequin> I think I will leave it's corpse there, to warn all the other cats to keep out of my hibiscus patch

Live on, Adam.
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2004-06-01, 11:05 AM #34
I've got no excuses, except that it's far from complete.
2004-06-01, 2:20 PM #35
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by moberemk:
Crud. Well, um, the contractors were smugglers who didn't have much money to build the stuff.</font>

Smugglers don't build stuff, silly. Unless they're trying to build a base, in which case they would want it to be far away from everyone else. Besides, if their operation was big enough to warrant a base, they would have enough money to build it. []

I am the logic king! Still, nice work on that stairwell.

Map-Review | My Portfolio | The Matrix: Unplugged
2004-06-01, 3:17 PM #36

What once was...
2004-06-01, 3:40 PM #37
OK, those were excuses. Please ignore all of my posts which are excuses, and all anti-excuses posts. So please keep your comments on the map. If you want to comment on the script, I am going to post a topic on that.
2004-06-01, 4:24 PM #38
ASI represent
real men wear pink
2004-06-01, 4:25 PM #39
**** i cant use colors
2004-06-02, 2:11 AM #40
Duh. If we could, we would. And since when do you represent ASI? Never.

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