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ForumsShowcase → Ahh, classic doomness
Ahh, classic doomness
2004-08-24, 6:13 PM #41
Well, YEAH the specular maps are directly related to the "plastic" look that oh-so-many people claim exists. That's what determines on the most basic level how shiny it is...most levels of shininess on the wrong texture make it look similar to plastic.

He seems to be missig a lot of bumpmap detail in that first screenshot, looks really washed-out and bland. Maybe a proper specular map will help that, don't know. I'm gussing it would because the blandness could possibly be due to the angle fo the light and your own viepoint meaning there really isnt much shading so...yeah. Sexy.

2004-08-25, 6:54 AM #42
nice, now someone has to make the pinky demon actually pink....

I have found that you can transform your character solely by the power of belief: as you believe yourself to be, so you shall become over time.
2004-08-25, 8:59 AM #43
or just make pinky the bulldog demon

2004-08-25, 4:39 PM #44


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