Originally posted by Emon
Simple...use the patch to avoid the DVTVCR having to fetch, store, put, etc. dozens of data fields for hundreds of objects as often as every frame. Then write a simple frustum culling COG (CDTVTCS whatever)which flags things to invisible if they are outside of the player's 90 degree viewing frustum. This can be done locally with some vector math. Additionally cull things at whatever maximum viewing distance you want.
The result? As many things as you want rendered only when you can see them on your screen. They won't be rendered but they can still shoot at you. Either I missed something or Friend14 needs to stop protecting his RVTVCDTS brainchild like vultures are flying overhead.
Simple...use the patch to avoid the DVTVCR having to fetch, store, put, etc. dozens of data fields for hundreds of objects as often as every frame. Then write a simple frustum culling COG (CDTVTCS whatever)which flags things to invisible if they are outside of the player's 90 degree viewing frustum. This can be done locally with some vector math. Additionally cull things at whatever maximum viewing distance you want.
The result? As many things as you want rendered only when you can see them on your screen. They won't be rendered but they can still shoot at you. Either I missed something or Friend14 needs to stop protecting his RVTVCDTS brainchild like vultures are flying overhead.
I repeat myself: NO commercial engine is stupid enough to render anything outside the player's FOV. Not even the JK engine.
"Häb Pfrässe, süsch chlepfts!" - The coolest language in the world (besides Cherokee)