Bah, I was talking about the secondary fire
It's beside the point anyway... laser pointers aren't very effective in FPS games... unless you know of a way to render a red dot at the point you're aiming. In most cases, you wouldn't see the beam at all... only if there's a lot of dust or humidity in the air. It's best to stick to just crosshairs IMO... they're more effective.
With that in mind, why not add custom crosshairs to each of the gun models? Each unique to the gun itself... like in Unreal. That would be sexy as hell. They could be part of the gun's 3do, but a seperate mesh, so they won't sway when the player walks... and that would get rid of the annoying crosshair when using a saber...
BTW- Yea, thats a great Bowcaster.... how will it compare to JKAdvanced 2's bowcaster? That one was sweet... it had realistic animations in 1st person. You know, you really outta hook up on Ace1... between the 2 of you, you'd get this thing done in no time flat... and I doubt anyone could do it much better than you 2.