wow I get drunkenated come back and my post has change!!! Thanks for teh pics G man (though i would like to add your sft's are working 100% they're supposed to be blue ammo/health numbers...)
the jaffa with the gold emblam on his head is MEANT to be the first prime. He was only meant to be in the level, but I was testing first prime JeeBay ' Khay

in the mod.
the other will have the same symbol as GBK but in black tattoo.
Well done to Grant for guessing the lesser known Guaould Lord is called Ruthven
The sign i use is the symbol I created to represent my existence in life when i was 10 ( iwas a strange kid...)
stuff tomorrow when I'm not so drunkenated
if(getThingFlags(source) & 0x8){
do her}
elseif(getThingFlags(source) & 0x4){
do other babe}
do a dude}