Oh and I never mentioned them to be Sith. Dark Jedi and Sith Lords do not make one. Sith Lords are Dark Jedi, but Dark Jedi are not nessecarily Sith Lords. 
Either way, if I point you guys to the way the DB is set up, we have three orders to choose from :
Sith, Obelisk and Krath.
The Sith are the politians/warlords type
The Obelisk are the true warrior
The Krath are the scholars and sorcerers
That is how they are defined without the Dark Brotherhood of the Jedi, though of course, they are not fully true to the Star Wars EU. (On the other hand, in a sense it could be, as the storyline of the Dark brotherhood is set 10-15 years after Palpatine's death (which marked the end of the last true Sith.)
In that picture, the man, Ferran, is an Obelisk, while the female (which I'm currently reworking from the tips I've had on this forum) is a Krath.

Either way, if I point you guys to the way the DB is set up, we have three orders to choose from :
Sith, Obelisk and Krath.
The Sith are the politians/warlords type
The Obelisk are the true warrior
The Krath are the scholars and sorcerers
That is how they are defined without the Dark Brotherhood of the Jedi, though of course, they are not fully true to the Star Wars EU. (On the other hand, in a sense it could be, as the storyline of the Dark brotherhood is set 10-15 years after Palpatine's death (which marked the end of the last true Sith.)
In that picture, the man, Ferran, is an Obelisk, while the female (which I'm currently reworking from the tips I've had on this forum) is a Krath.
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless