Have I said recently I'm really geeky?
I'm really geeky.
So, after having just finished LoEG 2, I'm seriously scarred (Mr. Hyde having anal sex with the invisible man till he dies?), but, to quote another scarrd and deformed individual, "my resolve has never been stronger".
Okay, LoEG '55, which I've discussed here a few times, I believe, features more contemporary characters, and a few that harken back to the good old days.
![http://www.geocities.com/bearded_jarl/shadow.txt [http://www.geocities.com/bearded_jarl/shadow.txt]](http://www.geocities.com/bearded_jarl/shadow.txt)
Source: The Shadow radio serials, comics, and movies
A young playboy fom New York by the name of Lamont Cranston had been endowed by his creator with unbelievable powers of the mind, which he squandered in the far east as an opium druglord. After years of evil, sinful behavior, Lamont was disciplined and then re-trained as a crimefighter by a powerful mage. He returned to New York and did good deeds, building an intricate network of spies. After the British Museum, headquarters of the League, was raided by a sinister cadre of evildoers, the Shadow was hired by British Military Intelligence to track down the robbers before they could use the powerful items they had stolen.
![http://www.geocities.com/bearded_jarl/bond.txt [http://www.geocities.com/bearded_jarl/bond.txt]](http://www.geocities.com/bearded_jarl/bond.txt)
Source: The 007 novels and films
During WWII, it was not uncommon for young men to join the military in order to defend their country. One fo these young men was a brilliant and athletic fellow named James Bond, who joined British Military intelligence. At the end of the war, he was promoted to the rank of 1st sergeant and assigned to accompany, take care of, and act as a liason for the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, a traditional group of riff raff and misfits who performed dubious acts in the name of the crown. Prevented from promotion to Agent by a man of some standing in the upper echelons referred to only as "Q", James grew bitter. His only allies in the group were a hired gun from America named Kato and the brilliant professor Quatermass. After the raid of the British Museum, Bond was made an honorary member of the league and required to seek out various person who could assist Mi5 in finding their lost toys.
![http://www.geocities.com/bearded_jarl/kato.txt [http://www.geocities.com/bearded_jarl/kato.txt]](http://www.geocities.com/bearded_jarl/kato.txt)
Source: The Green Hornet radio serials, TV show, and comics
A Japanese man, hailing from the Philipines, Kato endured much racial discrimination until he joined a Mr. Britt Reid in California. Reid was better known as the Green Hornet, and employed Kato for a long time in his fight against evil. However, due to Kato's increasing age and an injury he received foiling a bank robbery, he retired, his young son taking his place. Kato later joined the League in the early 50's, and worked as a driver and hired gun. In early 1955, a dastardly group of thieves and villains raided the British Museum, killing all but Kato and Bond (and Quatermass, who survived by concealed his presence from the others). The two then went on an adventure to return the various devices and contrivances that had been in the museum's coffers.
![http://www.geocities.com/bearded_jarl/quatermass.txt [http://www.geocities.com/bearded_jarl/quatermass.txt]](http://www.geocities.com/bearded_jarl/quatermass.txt)
Source: The Quatermass TV serials and films (and the 007 novels and films)
Professor Bernard Quatermass is a mystery wrapped in an enigma wrapped in a brown sweater and white lab coat. He was responsible for solving a number of tricky situations that endangered all of humanity (including the business with the Hobbes Lane pit) and worked with a number of brilliant scientists, including Doctors Brown and Wonka, and helped the Americans at the Groom lake and Black Mesa installations. He became a member of MI5 and had his name reduced to simply Q. He eventually joined the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, analyzing the various curiousities collected by England in her years of exploration. When James Bond joined the outfit, Quatermass refused to let him become an Agent in MI5 due to his unpredictability and lack of respect for authority. He then befriended James as Quatermass the scientist in order to improve him to the point where he would be worthy. During the raid by the mystery bandits, he faked his own death in order to more safely serve his government.
![http://www.geocities.com/bearded_jarl/jones.txt [http://www.geocities.com/bearded_jarl/jones.txt]](http://www.geocities.com/bearded_jarl/jones.txt)
Source: The Indiana Jones films, books, and videos
Dr. Jones spent his life chasing wild artifacts and fighting Nazis. This required him to spend, on average, three days a semester at his job, after which he would depart on some damn fool idealistic crusade, flying around the world on the university's dime, coming back with nothing but crazy stories and a few mild STDs. This does not a lasting career build. After he was fired, he went into exile, exploring ancient ruins that he always wanted to see but never got to in a professional capacity. During one such foray, he was approached by the LoEG to help collect and catalogue a number of goods stolen from the British Museum.
{EDIT OMG} The Character Map is now at the bottom of the page.
-For the old art, http://forums.massassi.net/vb3/showthread.php?t=17293
I'm really geeky.
So, after having just finished LoEG 2, I'm seriously scarred (Mr. Hyde having anal sex with the invisible man till he dies?), but, to quote another scarrd and deformed individual, "my resolve has never been stronger".
Okay, LoEG '55, which I've discussed here a few times, I believe, features more contemporary characters, and a few that harken back to the good old days.
Source: The Shadow radio serials, comics, and movies
A young playboy fom New York by the name of Lamont Cranston had been endowed by his creator with unbelievable powers of the mind, which he squandered in the far east as an opium druglord. After years of evil, sinful behavior, Lamont was disciplined and then re-trained as a crimefighter by a powerful mage. He returned to New York and did good deeds, building an intricate network of spies. After the British Museum, headquarters of the League, was raided by a sinister cadre of evildoers, the Shadow was hired by British Military Intelligence to track down the robbers before they could use the powerful items they had stolen.
Source: The 007 novels and films
During WWII, it was not uncommon for young men to join the military in order to defend their country. One fo these young men was a brilliant and athletic fellow named James Bond, who joined British Military intelligence. At the end of the war, he was promoted to the rank of 1st sergeant and assigned to accompany, take care of, and act as a liason for the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, a traditional group of riff raff and misfits who performed dubious acts in the name of the crown. Prevented from promotion to Agent by a man of some standing in the upper echelons referred to only as "Q", James grew bitter. His only allies in the group were a hired gun from America named Kato and the brilliant professor Quatermass. After the raid of the British Museum, Bond was made an honorary member of the league and required to seek out various person who could assist Mi5 in finding their lost toys.
Source: The Green Hornet radio serials, TV show, and comics
A Japanese man, hailing from the Philipines, Kato endured much racial discrimination until he joined a Mr. Britt Reid in California. Reid was better known as the Green Hornet, and employed Kato for a long time in his fight against evil. However, due to Kato's increasing age and an injury he received foiling a bank robbery, he retired, his young son taking his place. Kato later joined the League in the early 50's, and worked as a driver and hired gun. In early 1955, a dastardly group of thieves and villains raided the British Museum, killing all but Kato and Bond (and Quatermass, who survived by concealed his presence from the others). The two then went on an adventure to return the various devices and contrivances that had been in the museum's coffers.
Source: The Quatermass TV serials and films (and the 007 novels and films)
Professor Bernard Quatermass is a mystery wrapped in an enigma wrapped in a brown sweater and white lab coat. He was responsible for solving a number of tricky situations that endangered all of humanity (including the business with the Hobbes Lane pit) and worked with a number of brilliant scientists, including Doctors Brown and Wonka, and helped the Americans at the Groom lake and Black Mesa installations. He became a member of MI5 and had his name reduced to simply Q. He eventually joined the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, analyzing the various curiousities collected by England in her years of exploration. When James Bond joined the outfit, Quatermass refused to let him become an Agent in MI5 due to his unpredictability and lack of respect for authority. He then befriended James as Quatermass the scientist in order to improve him to the point where he would be worthy. During the raid by the mystery bandits, he faked his own death in order to more safely serve his government.
Source: The Indiana Jones films, books, and videos
Dr. Jones spent his life chasing wild artifacts and fighting Nazis. This required him to spend, on average, three days a semester at his job, after which he would depart on some damn fool idealistic crusade, flying around the world on the university's dime, coming back with nothing but crazy stories and a few mild STDs. This does not a lasting career build. After he was fired, he went into exile, exploring ancient ruins that he always wanted to see but never got to in a professional capacity. During one such foray, he was approached by the LoEG to help collect and catalogue a number of goods stolen from the British Museum.
{EDIT OMG} The Character Map is now at the bottom of the page.
-For the old art, http://forums.massassi.net/vb3/showthread.php?t=17293