Clean-Shaven and Baby-Smooth
Posts: 2,483
They're supposed to be jet black eyes. It's a low quality pic. I can make it better over the weekend.
That's just a concept of Christian so far. He will eventually have the right look to him.
I suppose I should mention... Cthulhu will not appear in the first installment, unless I have to change something. He's referenced to a lot, but that's it.
The reason I drew him and came up witha bunch of stuff about him is that I just came up with a second concept the other day. No wonder Moore and O'Neill love this stuff:
Basically, 1984. German construction workers working on the power system of a new city (Metropolis) discover an object hushedly referred to as the "Heart Machine" (also from Metropolis, its purpose is never determined in the movie). The object is apparently used to hold ancient spirits. A few begin to break loose.
The Germans contact the British in a desperate plea for help. The British send aging special Agent Flint (Our man Flint, In Like Flint) to investigate. He peaks around, finds out that there's something weird under Germany.
He returns to England and states that a taskforce is required for this kind of crazy problem, prompting the government to resurrect the LoEG. Flint first recruits a scientist on loan from Columbia University in New York, named Egon Spengler (Ghostbusters). Egon recognizes it as a massive plumbing system that drains into the sea and immediately contacts a plumber in Japan who claims to have visited a mysterious realm cuiriously similar to Wonderland. The plumber, named Mario Nintendi (Mario brothers, though I'll have a different name because... well, duh) works for Nakamoto Inc. (Rising Sun) to desing the plumbing system for their newest buildings. Mario comes to Germany to assess the situation.
Meanwhile, a crazy pregnant woman named Sarah Cameron (Sarah Conner from the Terminator series under an assuemd name) has been stalking Flint, saying she needs to learn infiltration and combat from him. He agrees when he sees her talent, and begins to mentor her. Soon, an FBI agent named John Shaft (One Bad Mutha...) shows up, searching for a woman who murdered her crazy boyfriend in a car factory and is connected to the murder of 27 police in LA. He tries to apprehend Sarah "Cameron" because... well, it's a terrible codename, but suddenly, panic erupts!
There are lights in the sky! Giant alien ships swop in geometric patterns over the major cities of the world, demanding that Earth hand over its "Great Demon", a world hopping evil presence trapped here until the "stars are right". These mysterious Space Invaders (Yes, those space invaders, though they call themselves Ataru) are soon joined by other, more powerful races, such as the Botans (E.T., though the name sounds strikingly like "Bothans"), the Daleks (Dr. Who), etc. Martians soon arrive (who, as we know, are culled from Princess of Mars, Out of th eLonely Planet, Lt. Gulivar's Vacation on Mars, Stranger in a Strange Land, the Quatermass Chronicles, and Total Recall) declaring that war on Earth would be met with war on Mars, so they got our backs.
Then, the Heart Machine breaks down! Some presence of a kind escapes, and raises an ancient artificial island called Rl'yeh (The Cthulhu Mythos), in the vicinity of an archipelago named "Los Cincos Muertas", The Five Deaths (Jurassic Park). Madness engulfs humanity. The world is on the verge of tearing itself apart. In Parliment, Lord Palliser (The Palliser novels, so apperantly the name still holds some political power even in the 20th century) proposes a radical new set of laws. Dubbed the "Big Brother Act", these laws essentialy allow the government to crack down severely on any deviant behavior. Basically, the whole world goes 1984 in a few days.
Anyways, there's a whole thing I was coming up with about replicants and cylons and Xenomorphs and terminators and how to defeat Cthulhu, but this was just a mental exercise.
-Moore's right. Once you start making the connections, it gets out of control.