The texture mapping could use serious improvement. The textures themselves need work and need better blending together. The back foot looks distorted. Largely due to the way you've done the toes/claws. Bring the toes out further, make them better sized. More like what one would expect from an elephant or rhino, then place the claws one. The necks too long, giving a horribly stretched look to the thing. The head's rather small in comparison to the body, and weakens the relative look of strength/danger of the creature. The tail is being held in an unnatural position, and has an unnatural shape to it in comparison to the spikes placed on it. For a decent idea, one could look at renderings/drawings of ankylosaurs, which share a fairly similar anatomy/body type to the kell dragon, and should help give an idea of a more natural look for the tail and the spikes on it. (They wouldn't be a good reference for the legs though, of course, since Kell's walk sprawled. Perhaps a crocodile would be a good reference for the legs, which also have a rather unnatural and ungainly look to them.) On the whole, the general look isn't so bad, but much of it has ended up looking unnatural, exaggerated, almost cartoonish.
As for the ugnaught, there's a clear seperation of the folds and the underlying skeletal structure that yours doesn't have, and probably contributes to comments about the face. Increase the look that those side parts are just hanging there, not sticking out and it'll probably help. In the second game ss, the hips/torso connection just looks horrible... Looks like his *** is huge as well in that shot.
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Wolf Moon
Cast Your Spell On Me
The Woods At Night
The Wolf Has Come