There are seven secrets in the level with a cache of goodies in each one. Did you find them all? If not, perhaps you should explore more ;). I ran through the level on easy and did notice a subtle lack of ammo, since there aren't as many baddies to harvest extra powercells from, but I feel the ammo and health/shield placement is pretty even on medium/hard. There are some issues in 2 places where enemies are not dropping guns when you kill them, but I honestly have no idea what is causing it. Back when I originally created the level, the thing limit removal patch was not even dreamed of, so the level skirted on the edge of disaster due to it's immense size. Now that the limit doesn't exist, I can look at these issues and add in some more crates o' ammo.
Known issue. There's a grate there now to catch you, most of the time. Before that the player would sometimes just go flying off the cliff, which was quite amusing as the cutscene captured it perfectly. I've tried a couple of ways to get the player to stop moving as soon as they enter the trigger sector, but nothing appears to be working.
As I said above, I'm not sure why they're not. It's certain not intended. I also had issues with an elevator cog refusing to work in a specific area, so I'm not sure if it's just a issue with JK spawning items really far from the origin...
I'll consider adding more secret areas and ammo caches. I also enjoy exploring and finding little hidden nooks and crannies. That's probably why there are so many of them in the level :p
Thank you for your feedback.