OK, I was originally planning to keep this a secret until its release, but you know how bad I can keep my mouth shut
Kyle, a member of the XWA community, had made a formidable design for a Republic Cruiser for an XWA project called [url=adp.bluephantom.de]A Dark Prophecy[/url] by Mateus Borges, I had agreed to build the model for it.
Unfortunately both Mateus and Kyle have been away for ages and the project's somewhat run into stagnation. But I didn't want that nice design die with the project, so I'll finish this ship independently.
Kyle, a member of the XWA community, had made a formidable design for a Republic Cruiser for an XWA project called [url=adp.bluephantom.de]A Dark Prophecy[/url] by Mateus Borges, I had agreed to build the model for it.
Unfortunately both Mateus and Kyle have been away for ages and the project's somewhat run into stagnation. But I didn't want that nice design die with the project, so I'll finish this ship independently.