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ForumsShowcase → Hello and W.I.P
Hello and W.I.P
2007-10-06, 3:49 PM #1
Hello! I'm Larry McBruce, a modder for Jedi Academy (some of you may have been unlucky enough to play some of my levels... Poor souls). I was an active member (not that active actually) of not so long ago, but it seems MR's Golden age has passed, and I thought that it was time for me to move on somewhere else. So here I am, glad to meet you all.

I have been working on this new SP level for quite some time now, but I never took the time to properly showcased it on this forum. Allow me to repair the mistake:

The action will take place on Olosys, a neutral planet where both the Republic and the imperial Remnants are present (this should ring a bell to those who actually played Kotor). Invasion will feature some RPG elements. Indeed, in Invasion the player is given the opportunity to complete several side quests. As in any RPG, there is a reward for each of these quests: weapons and ammunitions, reinforcements, new force powers and such... These side quests will help Nina, the main character, to reach her different objectives. The two levels will also feature deadly environmental interactivity.

Although 'Invasion' has been delayed for quite some time, the mod is almost complete now, but I'm still need a voice-actor for the Part of Horatio Halca, Nina's boss. If someone is interested to do some voice-acting, please let me know. Here is a short description of Horatio:

"Horatio Halca is the actual director of 'Nova Unit', a highly trained team assembled to assist temporarily the outnumbered Jedi knights. He was a senator in the final days of the Old Republic, and befriended senator Mon Mothma during these dark times. Horatio eventually joined the Alliance shortly after the formation of the Glactic Empire.

Horatio is usually described as a 'cool-head' with an extensive knowledge of political affairs, and a strong sense of justice."

Screenshots, and trailer below.







A link to the trailer:;81940

I hope you'll enjoy. I'll post a link to the beta tomorrow.
"You look like you need a monkey..."
2007-10-06, 4:01 PM #2
Looks cool, but there are so many bright glowy lights for the middle of the day :/
[01:52] <~Nikumubeki> Because it's MBEGGAR BEGS LIKE A BEGONI.
2007-10-06, 4:09 PM #3
That's...really awesome. The architecture shows a believable, flowing sci-fi design. Very nice.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2007-10-06, 4:13 PM #4
That looks really really good. Great work dude

2007-10-06, 7:52 PM #5
This is so good it can't be true.
2007-10-06, 8:31 PM #6
Originally posted by Tiberium_Empire:
This is so good it can't be true.

Let's wait until tomorrow to make judgments.

2007-10-06, 10:26 PM #7
Awesome. I've seen your work on Map-Review, and it looks good to see it again.

Always loved the architecture.

Do you by any chance have bigger screenshots?
2007-10-06, 11:02 PM #8
The last shot reminds me of a mall or a cruise ship. Really well done.
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2007-10-07, 1:45 AM #9
I really like this.
2007-10-07, 4:25 AM #10
Thanks for your positive comments guys. As promised I have uploaded the beta.

The first map has already been extensively tested, so I guess it doesn't need too much improvement, which is not the case for the second map. I have doubts about some of the choices I've made in the design. Indeed, I used a couple of marble textures for some rooms, and I really wonder if they match the global architecture. Example below.


Yo echoman! Glad to see you here. And yes I do have bigger screenshots

EDIT: links removed
"You look like you need a monkey..."
2007-10-07, 7:19 AM #11
Cool! You should enter this in Massassi Single Player Contest. :) I especially like the outdoor areas.
2007-10-07, 7:37 AM #12
Looks swell.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2007-10-07, 1:58 PM #13
What resolution are you running it at? The screen shots look so crisp and clean.

2007-10-07, 2:06 PM #14
Originally posted by Koobie:
Cool! You should enter this in Massassi Single Player Contest. :) I especially like the outdoor areas.

Sorry I can't. It wouldn't be very fair towards the other competitors as I've been working on this mod for more than a year now (:gonk:... Argh!). Not to mention that it's a two levels campaign that offers more than 10 minutes of gameplay. Maybe for the next SP contest, who knows... ;)
"You look like you need a monkey..."
2007-10-07, 2:07 PM #15
Originally posted by BombayZeus:
What resolution are you running it at? The screen shots look so crisp and clean.

1280x1024 with 4x AA thanks to mister Nvidia.
"You look like you need a monkey..."
2007-10-07, 6:09 PM #16
Happy Screenshot of the Day.

As for the voice recording, I think we have some people here willing to give their voice.
2007-10-07, 6:34 PM #17
Very sharp. Looks very polished.
2007-10-07, 8:24 PM #18
Originally posted by Larry McBruce:
Sorry I can't. It wouldn't be very fair towards the other competitors as I've been working on this mod for more than a year now (:gonk:... Argh!). Not to mention that it's a two levels campaign that offers more than 10 minutes of gameplay. Maybe for the next SP contest, who knows... ;)

I'm pretty sure it still qualifies. I know of at least one other guy who was trying to finish up an older project he had for the contest.

2007-10-07, 9:48 PM #19
very clean, and professional
"Nulla tenaci invia est via"
2007-10-07, 11:47 PM #20
Great, but a little too glowy I think. :D
2007-10-08, 12:47 AM #21
Originally posted by Echoman:
Happy Screenshot of the Day.

As for the voice recording, I think we have some people here willing to give their voice.

Thanks Echoman, and thanks to you all for your positive comments. The lights are indeed a bit too gloowy here and there (especially the holo things). I'll modify the shaders and remove the glow effect.

Feel free to play the beta, the link is above.
"You look like you need a monkey..."
2007-10-08, 9:58 AM #22
I wouldn't remove it. Ideally you should just adjust the glow, but you can't do that. Just let the users turn off dynamic glow if they don't like it.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2007-10-08, 12:21 PM #23
Well, that's another solution of course, one that will spare me the trouble of changing a bunch of shaders.

On another note, it seems that something is very wrong with my provider (Orange, for the record). For an unknown reason my account has been suspended without a single explanation (I've paid the bill for this month, so I guess it's something else). I sent them an e-mail, so I should receive an explanation relatively soon. In the meantime I think it's appropriate to remove the link for the beta. I'm truly sorry for this setback. More news as I have it.
"You look like you need a monkey..."
2007-10-08, 1:05 PM #24
Well, here's a mirror to the beta.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2007-10-08, 1:25 PM #25
Can't wait to see em
2007-10-08, 1:47 PM #26
A big thank to you Emon, I owe you one.

I'm thinking about opening a Photobucket account, from what I've heard it's faster and more reliable than imageshack (opinion?). The screenshots should be back soon.
"You look like you need a monkey..."
2007-10-08, 1:53 PM #27
ImageShack uses a distributed server setup, so the speed depends on which server you end up getting for a particular image. Photobucket is probably more reliable. You could also use Massassi's Editor's Corner.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2007-10-09, 6:13 PM #28
Yeah, I use the EC for images. By the way, I like the look of the image that got SoD. It reminds me alot of KoTOR. WHich is awesome, coz KoTOR is awesome. I'll download the beta and give it a play later.
"What is and what should never be"
Sector 3027 - AA
Space Station Saber Training
2007-10-11, 4:28 PM #29
Yeah, feel free to put the images up on Editor's Corner, and you are welcome to link/show them on other forums as well, as long as they are editing-related.
2007-10-14, 2:49 AM #30
Things are finally back to normal. The beta and the sceenshots are available again. Feel free to share your thoughts on the beta, feedback is always appreciated!
"You look like you need a monkey..."
2007-10-14, 6:58 AM #31
Some new screenshots.





By the way, I'm still looking for a voice actor. If you're interested to do some voice acting, just have a look at the very first post of this thread.
"You look like you need a monkey..."
2007-10-14, 6:42 PM #32
I would be interested. I use Gmail and my e-mail is grismath at...

Shoot me some lines and I'll send you come clips for you to judge for suitability.
Lord Tiberius Grismath
1473 for '1337' posts.
2007-10-15, 8:06 AM #33
I can voice, as well. Gmail -- zeqmacaw. (Grismath and I just recently voiced a "movie" for a Mysteries of the Sith level. Maybe Hell Raiser, who also voiced for the MotS level, will join in the fun, too.)

2007-10-15, 7:59 PM #34
Looks fan-fricking-tastic! :neckbeard: I knew I left JA installed for something! :D

Originally posted by ZeqMacaw:
Maybe Hell Raiser, who also voiced for the MotS level, will join in the fun, too.

Nah, I'm having too much fun impaling myself with vectors and having positions pierce me like space dust moving at mach 3. :gonk:
-Hell Raiser
2007-10-16, 8:52 AM #35
Well, this looks fun :)

And as regards the voice thing, I'm willing to give it a me some lines and I'll do a bit of recording, see if you like what happens.

A good way to banish my lurkerdom with any luck and actually get involved 'round these parts :P
2007-10-17, 1:53 AM #36
Looks fantastic, especially the urban areas. Good job.
Dreams of a dreamer from afar to a fardreamer.
2007-10-17, 9:20 AM #37
Right, I'll send you the lines this week-end (I have a pretty tight schedule for the time being). Thanks for your interest!
"You look like you need a monkey..."
2007-10-18, 10:01 PM #38
I realized how everything in your levels would be perfect if the JA's AI wasn't so bad. :(

I played it through only using guns, which was a pain when it came to Sith. Good idea with the e-11
2007-10-19, 1:23 AM #39
Yeah I know, JA's AI is a bad joke. Even with a visrange and earshot of 2048 game units, NPCs are dumb as a bag of hammers. I remember that stormtroopers (and NPCs in general) were more ressourceful in Jedi Outcast. A shame. Anyway, I'm glad you like this level. Thanks Echo!
"You look like you need a monkey..."
2007-10-19, 8:31 PM #40
I agree. Not sure what happened in the JO-> JA AI department. It's just annoying to shoot down people who just stand still. Not really fun. And I assuming you placed a waypoint system too, and they aren't using it.

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