love it
As far as the model I owe you, gotten burden down with everything, mainly me g/f
but that will be comming shortly (if all goes well).
I'd like to think I'm pretty good at inventing characters...I have a couple of chars I'm "using" (ie if I actually could finish the undertaking) currently that could have cameos that could fit right in, but I'd like to think I'm good at making up characters, for example: *clears throat*
Name: Fraue Bithe Flunikesse
Description: Human female with a large section of the top of her head missing, her face and half of her body with deep burn scars. Her personality is untrusting, backstabbing, smart, determined, and cold but has probs controlling her anger.
Backstory: Caren is a 'underdeveloped' (ie, about 1990's tech) planet which was engaged in a world war between two sides when the Empire came and conquered the planet, where one half of the planet was able to repluse the Empire and strike a peace deal, where the other half remained under occupation. In this half, bands of insurgents fight the Empire for their country's freedom, choosing not to ask the other country's (the unoccupied one) help, Bithe was one of these (few) Carenians who escaped off-world via an Imperial freighter. She had skills in information warfare, and as such, was a high value target for the Imperials. After she got away, she made her way to the outer rim, where she used her skills for some Spice traders. However, after a major shipment of Spice was intercepted by the police near Ralltiir, the traders blamed Bithe and rigged her ship with a bomb. Yet, she was saved because it detonated prematurely, leaving her with her injuries, but after she healed, she has gone to Mos Esley in search of these traders, working at a speeder shop as a tech until she can find them.
Guess that would make her an ally until she puts a knife in your back