sorry man, this isn't exactly on time or anything, but i had to work yesterday and this morning, so i didn't make it to the forums...
Im me, Im doing cogs, and i have no idea how far in percents i am cuz 1) I never could figgure that whole percent thing anyway, and 2) I dont know everything that needs to be done yet. so call it 10% or so in a hopeful-sounding kinda way...
Oh, and have we determined what kind of person you play? like sherrif, thief, vigilante, etc? just wondering... And i can help w/ the horse cog if you need.
There are no evil coggers, only evil cogs...
ICQ 81116825
Im me, Im doing cogs, and i have no idea how far in percents i am cuz 1) I never could figgure that whole percent thing anyway, and 2) I dont know everything that needs to be done yet. so call it 10% or so in a hopeful-sounding kinda way...
Oh, and have we determined what kind of person you play? like sherrif, thief, vigilante, etc? just wondering... And i can help w/ the horse cog if you need.
There are no evil coggers, only evil cogs...
ICQ 81116825
cogs dont kill people. people kill people...</A>
ICQ 81116825
((Evil Cog Master))</A>
ICQ 81116825
((Evil Cog Master))