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ForumsJedi Outcast and Jedi Academy Editing Forum → Mod help, all Jk2 editors read this!
Mod help, all Jk2 editors read this!
2005-02-23, 9:36 AM #41
and guys don't be so hard on me...i havent been editing but for lilke 2 months:( :( :( just kidding, but i've only really been editing for 2 months
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2005-02-23, 1:16 PM #42
You've been modding for 2 months, and have started your own TC? Dude, get ****ing real.
2005-02-23, 2:49 PM #43
i am being real, all the team knows i've been only editing for 2 months...and yet.. i learn fast lol...
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2005-02-24, 7:53 AM #44
well we have one more added to the team....sweet, now will anybody else who would like to HELP with this mod, not DO ALL THE WORK you are welcome to join.

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2005-02-24, 8:35 AM #45
All I can say is good luck. Good luck.
2005-02-24, 8:37 AM #46
thank you echoman
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2005-02-24, 8:53 AM #47
Come back in a year or three
2005-02-24, 9:58 AM #48
And even then, know what you're doing. Heed the advice I gave. I wasn't just giving it to be witty or smart. You're new. You know nothing about editing. Do exactly what I said, and you'll know everything, or close too. Don't do it, and you'll fail. A simple concept. I'm sure the others who do know about JO editing will back me up, Echoman, GothicX?

ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2005-02-24, 10:02 AM #49
I totally agree with you, hence my posts here. I've been editing the Q3 engine for almost 5 years, and I've seen mod projects rise and fall. However, the only ones that got completed, was made by people with experience, and knowledge. Those two are essential for any mod.
2005-02-25, 8:15 AM #50
thanks for the warnings i'll keep them in mind, but this mod has gone too far to close it off now.
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2005-02-25, 8:15 AM #51
so i'm going to stay with the mod.
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2005-02-25, 10:11 AM #52
oh and believe it or not, i had made a tut for a person who was more experienced than me, but he's a mapper, and i'm an effects, gfx, texture...etc editor, and he wondered how i got different effects for lightning, and my first project (enhanced E-11 Betav1) which kinda sucked to others, but i had made a tut for him. this is the tut:

This is for those people who say "Manslayer, make a tut about how you did this and that" well here's the tut, and it works for more than just one thing:

-----Well, first of all, if you want to change the way the shots look, like the color, all you have to do is this:

If you have a nice photo editing program, i use photo impression 4, then all you should do is find the "laser" image,, in the assets.pk3 file(the exact location in the pk3 is gfx\effects\nameofweapon_blob.tga), and if the program has an enhance function, just change the color by going to the "hue" slider and slide it in different directions, in order to change the color. Then save it as the gfx\effects\nameofweapon_blob.tga

If you don't have a photo editing program, or it doesn't have that function, then you'll have to start from scratch, and make a whole new "laser". I use the program Autodesk animator to do this. If you don't have a copy of animator, you can also use a photo editing program, or paintshop, or even windows paint(it just won't look as good). Well what you have to do is find out what the size of the "laser" image is, in the assets.pk3 file(the exact location in the pk3 is gfx\effects\nameofweapon_blob.tga). Now what you do is you start an image with the size of the image. Now you take a "line tool" and you draw a line straight up, a big line, depending on how big you want the shot to be, this one should be the color or "glow" of the shot. Then you make another line, around half size of that one, and this one must be white, unless you want a multi-color shot. Now save it as you would have above.

The following above work for editing sabers and other objects.

Changing the shot "effect":

This one goes for changing the shot to be fire, lightning, etc. Now this one is totally different, but, yet it is sooo much more easier. Open the assets0.pk3 file. Now, go into the effects\name_of_weapon\shot.efx, do not open that file. Now all we are going to do is find the file of the thing we want it to do, well if you want to shoot lightning, fire, etc. you just go into the effects folder again. Now, which one do you want... For lighting, you look all over that screen for the lightning.efx (for other effects, if you can't find it there, look in all the subfolders, till you find what you like). Now, you extract this from the assets0.pk3 file, and rename it shot.efx. Now create a new pk3 file, and in it put the folders effects\name_of_weapon, and there you put the shot.efx file. If you want to change the effect when it hits the wall, flesh, etc. look in the weapons effect folder for the name of the efx file that makes that effect and rename the file (in this case lightning.efx) to effect_name.efx.

One more thing, if you just want to make the effect of the weapon you are changing to have the effect of another weapon, just copy that weapons effect_name.efx, to the weapon you are changing's effect folder (ex. demp2's shot.efx file to the blaster's effect folder)

The following above also work for saber impacts, and other effect files.

Hopefully you will understand what i mean to say here and this will be of help to you.

that was for changing effects and changing sabers, which all of us know how to do, but he didn't....and also i'm doing this mod, and while i'm doing it i'm also learning...
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2005-02-25, 10:36 AM #53
well the screenies are below, i changed some stuff just a little bit then there are others that have been drastically changed...check it...


those are a few of some okay ones, the explosions have been enhanced, i changed the impact effect of the disruptor, and it just shows the lightning, but that's not all the screenies...


i've changed the blood particle, just a bit, and the saber has more sparks, maybe too many...but thats the screenies...and sorry if you didn't like the screenshots, but i can't take pics of every single effect change...

ps. guys leave me alone i know what i'm doing, were not too far from the releasal of v2...
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2005-02-25, 2:54 PM #54
V2 of... "Hey look, I can change some numbers..." I'm sorry, but you don't release these sorts of things. What you're making is considered a learning experience. A PATH to a big powerful mod. Not a big powerful mod in itself. I could do that. I don't even know the first thing about JO/JA editing, but I'm certain I could reproduce all of the above. Sparks = Partical Spawn # + 20.

ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2005-02-25, 8:27 PM #55
ha ha ha ***hole, if all that you are going to do is criticize this mod, don't post here, if this mod offends you then leave, you don't have to wast your time here you know.
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2005-02-25, 8:30 PM #56
Wow... You can't take criticism? You can't face opinions and comments on your mod? Gee, you should stop now.
2005-02-25, 11:52 PM #57
I'm trying to help you improve... retaliating by calling me an ******* only shows how sensitive you are about a few numbers you changed. Please, grow up before trying to use the internet, much less make a mod.

ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2005-02-26, 6:05 AM #58
no the reason i called you that is because all you are doing here is posting to me, criticizing my mod. Kirby ur a cool guy when you want to be, but right now, ur aggrivating the heck out of me about a mod, you haven't even tested, yes all i did to make those sparks that many is changed numbers, but not all the enhancements are like that, there are some that take a little work, not efx editing, but jpg editing is frustrating at times...i know ur going to have a smart comment on that so go ahead lets hear it....:p
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2005-02-26, 6:27 AM #59
Oh, this is hilarious.
2005-02-26, 6:30 AM #60
Stop being a stuck-up prick, please. Your work is neglectable, Kirby could make something way more awesome within a few hours. If you think that's "too far to close it off"? I sincerely doubt that anything worthwhile is going to come from this, then. And for your information, this isn't original. This isn't unique. There's been a buhjillion of effects mods out there, many even that easily outdo yours. If you're going to continue with this so-called total conversion, you'd be better off starting over, or waiting a few years. Seriously, what you currently have doesn't even show traces of skill, and no work I actually find worth looking at.

And when Kirby posts, he's right most of the time. No need to go insulting him because you can't face the hard truth.
2005-02-26, 10:37 AM #61
I'm just going to stop posting on this thread and leave you with one thing:

I've been exactly where you are, except with JK editing. I wanted to make a big amazing mod. I was probably the exact same age you are now. I learned the things I'm trying to explain to you the hardest way. I'm trying to help you so you DON'T learn the hard way. Please, heed my advice so you don't waste a year changing numbers and asking people to do things for you. I ended up being a pretty damn good modeler in the process, but it took me a year too long to become that modeler. Don't make the same mistakes.

By the way: I'm still learning to this day. NEVER settle for what you know. I plan tackling cogging this summer, even though I probably won't use it much at all.

ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2005-02-26, 1:24 PM #62
okay kirby, i'm sorry and guys just because this mod isn't good now what says that if we can get our presumptions in the forums to become reality it would be just a plain changing numbers mod, who said that it would only have the little bit of effects it has now, i know it has been done before and i know that alot of them kick mine's *** that's why i'm trying to do this mod to make it better than thiers. Kirby you don't have to leave, and thanks for the advice, but right now i want to go on with this...if i wast time on a mod that doesn't become big, so what, i don't care, the point is that i'm getting people together who like doing this and trying to get them to do their passion, like...yod@ for instance, he's our web designer, but he also loves making maps, so thats what i let him do. This mod isn't because it'll be the best one you ever saw, but because we tried for it to be...that's all i'm saying to you guys on the subject of my mod...oh and by the way...we do only have a small team...four conclusion sorry i was a jerk, prick, and ***hole but please don't criticize me because i'm trying

Also look out for [url][/url] ;)

and if you like gaming forums and massassi forums, we'd like it if you visited ours...even if it's just for support...isn't that how mods get where they are? Support... and guys we even have a few new additions to the forums...halo, half-life, and half-life 2...and pretty soon we may be supported by massassi, jk2files, gaming forums,, and more...(not the mod, the forums)
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2005-02-26, 2:24 PM #63
once again guys i apologize for the things i said i look back at my posts and man...i got mad cause he insulted a mod...i am terribly sorry, well we still have slots open, with only two people how can we not...
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2005-03-02, 7:47 AM #64
whoops i mean with only 4 people...well i guess you guys won't even talk to me now...
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2005-03-03, 8:46 AM #65
well if anyone else would like to join please do...
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2005-03-03, 8:49 AM #66
Look , posting a 'please join' three thousand times, isnt going to get anyone interested. Show them some quality work. Post screenshots of the updates. Anyway, just trying to help. Update the website frequently.
2005-03-03, 8:52 AM #67
whoa, hey biggs how's it goin...thanks...i'll consider that...okay...sorry, just trying to keep this thread alive....i just scared off some guys who were...:( ...****, i shouldn't have been so mean to kirby...
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2005-03-03, 8:53 AM #68
oh, by the way, to anyone reading the thread besides biggs and me, [url][/url] is up :) .
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2005-03-03, 8:55 AM #69
It isn't really updated...:confused:
2005-03-03, 8:56 AM #70
oh, and so far, all the gfx work is done so if i post any pics they will be of what i've done, like shaders and all...i'm going to keep going with them, i thought i was done before, but i'm far from it...i have to finish shaders, i have to also fix the effects that i added too much to...and if i can learn C++, if i can even get the program from yod@, then i'll have way more work...
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2005-03-03, 8:58 AM #71
i know, i can't update it till yod@ sends me the ftp address, until then it's not going to be updated, plus he hasn't been on today, but he's still going to send it to me, thats what i wrote to you in the pm...and we'll also have to wait till he has gotten far enough in the level to post
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2005-03-03, 2:29 PM #72
Stop multiposting to keep your thread alive. Unless it's 3 days later; a post made 3 minutes after can be edited and added to the last post you made.

Not to mention, as I initially said, do it all on your own, and stop asking others to join and do it for you. Learn it all, or don't bother making a mod.

ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2005-03-04, 9:17 AM #73
KIRBY! How's it goin, and dude, i'm not making them do all the work please don't start that again, just nice to see ya.
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2005-03-04, 4:27 PM #74
If you're not having them do it for you, tell me, what are you doing that ANYONE else couldn't do?
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2005-03-04, 9:22 PM #75
:) well i'm not going to fuss ;) . But even though anyone probably can edit jpgs, create new ones, edit efx files, and edit shaders, i'm doing it, i'm not doing it because it's the easiest thing, it's because i want to and i chose to, plus i help create our sites and forums. Well its very nice to see you posting here again kirby:D . But i'm okay with criticizm now, i don't know what came over me before, but i'm over it now. Well guys i have now got the ftp address and so the site ( is getting done.
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2005-03-05, 6:41 AM #76
I've been watching your progress and I don't mean to critisize, but for a TC to work you have to have something that people will actually want to play. Changing shaders and jpgs is not something that someone is going to really want to spend time downloading off of jk2files or other public sites.

One of the things you'll need is coders and currently there are very few JO coders (also JA coders) that can take on any more mods. The few that remain are either behind the scenes at OJP or working on individual mods such as JA+ and JA Reloaded or Duelers Mod.

A realism mod has promise but I've seen many people who have intricatly planned mods but eventually find that no one can do or wants to do it it and the mod fails.

Please don't take this post to hard.
Free your mind, use Open Source.
2005-03-05, 11:42 AM #77
i know, our biggest concern is if we can find coders, and i know one but he's in a mod, i think, and i havent heard from him in a while, his name is lolotrgeek and he was working on the RC Mod, and he's way more experienced than me, he could do the mod we are working on singlehanded, because he's a code editor and animator, mapper, and tons more he knows it all almost. when i asked for his help it was a few months ago and he was working on the mod and couldn't help, and now i can't even reach him. But what you were saying is true, that i need a coder, or at least a few of them, or this mod isn't going to work really, not with what we're planning on doing with it. plus another big concern is animators...thanks for your advice and nice to see you are watching our mod's progress :) :D :) .

oh one more thing, if anyone can help me with this problem, i'm trying to increase the speed and attack of some of the weapons, please help with this...
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2005-03-05, 11:45 AM #78
one more thing, if you guys want screenshots and all there are some on our site, or if you want me to just ask and i'll post them here!
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2005-03-05, 11:52 AM #79
If you go to the site for screenies recently they are not shown they are there and they have been dled but they aren't shown, they are broken images, i'll have to fix this in spare time...
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2005-03-05, 1:05 PM #80
Ok, anyone who is interested has seen this thread and has gotten your site name. Now if we could all just let it die quietly...

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