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ForumsDiscussion Forum → I'm surprised no one has touched this one yet...
I'm surprised no one has touched this one yet...
2004-02-15, 4:37 PM #81
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Rod-Nog:
That's my biggest issue. They want equallity then they flaunt about.. "I AM GAY, AND PROUD OF IT!" Well, I don't run around saying "I AM STRAIGHT, AND PROUD OF IT!"


Again, this goes back to your hatred as to why they do so.

Blacks used to rally, hell, James Brown (the f*****g Godfather of Soul) has a song called Say it Loud. The chorus is "Say it loud, I'm Black and I'm Proud!". The fact of the matter is, they flaunt the fact that they're gay because they've been a dark secret of society for so long that it feels liberating. Blacks used to give in to being persecuted by white men, and sold as slaves. The Civil Rights movement allowed people to understand that just because your skin is brown doesn't mean that you have to be the lesser person.

So screw you and your biggotry. Just accept people no matter what, and you'll not have such flaunting. Gay rallies are there to raise awareness, and flaunting homosexuals want attention drawn to their plight.

-=I'm the wang of this here site, and it's HUGE! So just imagine how big I am.=-
OSC Returns!!
10 of 14 -- 27 Lives On
-=I'm the wang of this here site, and it's HUGE! So just imagine how big I am.=-
The OSC Empire
10 of 14 -- 27 Lives On
2004-02-15, 4:38 PM #82
He said a word we didn't understand! ...and he won at Scrabble with it!
2004-02-15, 4:39 PM #83
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Rod-Nog:
That's my biggest issue. They want equallity then they flaunt about.. "I AM GAY, AND PROUD OF IT!" Well, I don't run around saying "I AM STRAIGHT, AND PROUD OF IT!"


...yeah there's a reason for that. It's because your rights as a heterosexual and the morality of it is not in question. If it was you might raise your voice too, I sure would if someone tried to restrict me.

(PS - no more Nazi/Hitler comments please...I've already had to ban one person this thread, I don't want anymore.)

Cantina Cloud | BCF | The Massassian 1 & 2 | Gonkmeg
Corrupting the kiddies since '97
2004-02-15, 4:39 PM #84
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Rod-Nog:
I was pointing out (In a very odd way, yes) that being homosexual isn't normal..I know I am going to say this all wrong, but it isn't. Like I said people are here to reproduce. So being hetrosexual is normal.</font>

Normality is a really, really bad basis to have an argument on. absolutly noone is normal. we are all different, in different ways. does that mean we should all be outlawed? obviously it doesn't. so how does gay marriages not being normal become a viable argument?

As for the people saying that gay marrages are unnatural and thereby should be illegal, let me just say one thing: try living one day with no TV, no phones, no computer, no clothes, no houses, no cooked food, no cars, no streets, no paper, no pensils, no schools, no laws, no goverments, heck, even no massassi. all of these things are manufactured, unnatural, products of human ingenuity. humans are unnatural. deal with it. i am even of the belief that humans would not even have survived darwinian evolution had it not been our ability to build thigns and a certain knack for adaptation, so in a way, our whole race is unnatural (well, if you go by my theory, but i'm sure not many poeple would).

"No good can ever come from staying with normal people"
-Outlaw Star
"Some people play tennis. I erode the human soul"
-Tycho, Penny Arcade
"I'm a Cannabal-Vegitarian. I will BBQ an employee if there is no veggie option"
A Knight's Tail
Exile: A Tale of Light in Dark
The Never Ending Story²
"I consume the life essence itself!... Preferably medium rare" - Mauldis

2004-02-15, 4:39 PM #85
Oh, yes, I should post more ways why arguments against homosexuality are just plain bad...

Homosexuality goes against the Bible, making it obviously wrong.
Although there are multiple places throughout the Bible that condemn homosexuality, there are other places that condemn other things that we do, as well, such as having any contact with pigs, which would very well prohibit football, as well as many meat products. Also, it states that it is wrong to lend money at interest, yet our whole economy is largely based upon that principle.

Obviously, you can't just take the words as they are... It is largely believed that most of the things in there were written in according to the historical context. In the years B.C., most homosexuality could very well be condemned. In biblical times, homosexuality was typically part of pagan rituals. In Greek times, it usually involved an older man, and a young boy. Thus, realizing this, one can presume that the original message had a considerably different meaning then than today.

Nes digs around in the trash can.
Nes finds a hamburger!
Nes puts the hamburger in his backpack.
Wake up, George Lucas... The Matrix has you...
2004-02-15, 4:41 PM #86
[] [] []

Gir wins this flame war! Move along!

I'll admit to Reactor CTF, Duel Abyss, Duel Turbulent, and even the CCCP, but not Sky High! (my first, be kind!) Ok so maybe I will.
2004-02-15, 4:41 PM #87
Opinions are worthless on massassi I see.

I don't HATE gay people. I don't give a rats a** if they get married or not, I just think it's wrong. Gay people are fine, some of them, just like all people some are fine..others are just...other-ful. The gay people that live normal lives, fine. They gay ones that live "gay pride" touchy-feely-everyone

Home is behind, the world ahead, and there are many paths to tread. Through shadow, to the edge of night, until the stars are all alight. Mist and shadow, cloud and shade, all shall fade, all shall fade.
Someone wrote this over one of the urinals: "The joke isn't on the wall; it's in your hand." - BV
2004-02-15, 4:42 PM #88
^^ winner ^^

Lat rocks my box with sox
[01:52] <~Nikumubeki> Because it's MBEGGAR BEGS LIKE A BEGONI.
2004-02-15, 4:51 PM #89
I just want people to make sure they read my post, so that they can take it in mind... Here's an "abridged version":\

It is "unnatural", therefore wrong

Obviously, there are many meanings, and each must be examined seperately:

It is unusuall/uncommon, thus unnatural, and wrong.
Tons of things are uncommon... are they then wrong, too?

Homosexuality isn't practiced by other animals, and is therefore unnatural, and wrong.
1. Other animals don't cook food, have laws, or religion.
2. Other animals DO have sex with their own gender.

What doesn't come from innate desires is unnatural, and therefore wrong.
If you really, REALLY had an innate/inborn desire to kill, does that make murder right?

Sex between two people of the same gender isn't what the purpose of those organs is, therefore it's unnatural, and thus wrong.
You can use your toher organs for many things, too. The same seems to hold true for genitals. People don't have sex only to "make babies", they also have it for the sake of their relationship (I'll assume it's marriage here). Also, If it's wrong to not reproduce, then it's also wrong to swear celebacy, use contraceptives, or have sex if you're sterile/have sex with a sterile person.

Homosexuality is disgusting, which means that it must be unnatural and wrong.
It obviously isn't for homosexual people. Also, many things are disgusting: surgery, cleaning, etc. Are they wrong too?

Nes digs around in the trash can.
Nes finds a hamburger!
Nes puts the hamburger in his backpack.
Wake up, George Lucas... The Matrix has you...
2004-02-15, 4:54 PM #90
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Rod-Nog:
Opinions are worthless on massassi I see.</font>

Only when they're wrong. The belief that opinions can't be wrong is a bunch of PC claptrap. It's utter garbage. It's a nugget of idiocy created to salvage the fragile feelings of the people who come up with an opinion that they can't effectively back up with evidence or accurate reasoning.

In other words, your opinion that opinions can't be wrong is as wrong as your opinion about homosexuality. []

The dictionary definition of the word "opinion" means that it doesn't have to be backed up with reasoning or proof, but it doesn't say that it's always right. It's fun when quoting the dictionary backfires on you, isn't it?

<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">I don't HATE Christians. I don't give a rats a** if they have faith or not, I just think it's wrong. Christians are fine, some of them, just like all people some are fine..others are just...other-ful. The Christians that live normal lives, fine. They Christian ones that live "missionary" touchy-feely-everyone</font>

Bigotry litmus test. How do you feel about the above statement?
2004-02-15, 4:57 PM #91
Yay! Flamewar finally done!
2004-02-15, 5:02 PM #92
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2"> Lets not compare oranges to apples </font>

Home is behind, the world ahead, and there are many paths to tread. Through shadow, to the edge of night, until the stars are all alight. Mist and shadow, cloud and shade, all shall fade, all shall fade.
Someone wrote this over one of the urinals: "The joke isn't on the wall; it's in your hand." - BV
2004-02-15, 5:03 PM #93
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Rod-Nog:
I don't HATE pancakes. I don't give a rats a** if they hook up with other pancakes or not, I just think it's wrong. Pancakes are fine, some of them, just like all baked goods some are fine..others are just...other-ful. The pancakes that live normal lives with syrup, fine. The pancakes that live "pancake pride" touchy-feely-everyone lives with other</font>

Breakfast food litmus test. How do you feel about the above statement?

The Massassi-Map
There is no spoon.
The Massassi-Map
There is no spoon.
2004-02-15, 5:04 PM #94
Why not? They're both fruit.
2004-02-15, 5:06 PM #95
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Spork:
Breakfast food litmus test. How do you feel about the above statement?</font>

I suddenly feel very hungry...

Nes digs around in the trash can.
Nes finds a hamburger!
Nes puts the hamburger in his backpack.
Wake up, George Lucas... The Matrix has you...
2004-02-15, 5:10 PM #96
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Rod-Nog:
Lets not compare oranges to apples </font>

Actually I believe were comparing Red apples to Green ones.

So far you've proven that you don't hate ALL green apples, just some of them. On the same token we find that you don't eat green apples at all, and so as a scientific community we're baffled at how the green apples offend you in such a way as to be so passionate about it.

A bus station is where a bus stops. A train station is where a train stops.
On my desk I have a workstation...
A bus station is where a bus stops. A train station is where a train stops.
On my desk I have a workstation...
2004-02-15, 5:11 PM #97
Mmm... pancakes...

I wonder if homosexual pancakes are any less delicious than heterosexual ones. My suspiscion is that since they're all pancakes, they taste exactly the same. If you're getting McDs microwave hotcakes, though, hoo-boy, break out the diarhea medication.
2004-02-15, 5:14 PM #98
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Rod-Nog:
I don't HATE jock itch. I don't give a rats a** if it wants to make me uncomfortable, I just think it's wrong. Fungal infections are fine, some of them, just like all fungal infections some are fine..others are just...other-ful. The fungal infections that live under my balls, fine. They fungal infections that live "inflamitory" itchy-scratchy-rashy</font>

Nonsense litmus test. How do you feel about the above statement?

-=I'm the wang of this here site, and it's HUGE! So just imagine how big I am.=-
OSC Returns!!
10 of 14 -- 27 Lives On

[This message has been edited by Yecti (edited February 15, 2004).]
-=I'm the wang of this here site, and it's HUGE! So just imagine how big I am.=-
The OSC Empire
10 of 14 -- 27 Lives On
2004-02-15, 5:16 PM #99
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Yecti:
nonsense test. How do you feel about the above statement?</font>

Yep. Passes all tests.

Appears to be nonsense in a vain attempt at wit.

A bus station is where a bus stops. A train station is where a train stops.
On my desk I have a workstation...
A bus station is where a bus stops. A train station is where a train stops.
On my desk I have a workstation...
2004-02-15, 5:18 PM #100
It wasn't a vain attempt at wit. I wanted the statement to be utterly stupid, and I feel I succeeded. Had I wanted to be witty, there would've been a much thicker slathering of sarcasm, as well as a good dosage of STFU.

-=I'm the wang of this here site, and it's HUGE! So just imagine how big I am.=-
OSC Returns!!
10 of 14 -- 27 Lives On
-=I'm the wang of this here site, and it's HUGE! So just imagine how big I am.=-
The OSC Empire
10 of 14 -- 27 Lives On
2004-02-15, 5:44 PM #101
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Jaiph:

(PS - no more Nazi/Hitler comments please...I've already had to ban one person this thread, I don't want anymore.)


Who got the axe?

Most people regard me as the dark and immoral side of Massassi. At least I'm getting what I want out of life.
2004-02-15, 6:01 PM #102
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Rod-Nog:
That's my biggest issue. They want equallity then they flaunt about.. "I AM GAY, AND PROUD OF IT!" Well, I don't run around saying "I AM STRAIGHT, AND PROUD OF IT!"


You get the "I believe all stereotypes are true" award for that one. Not all gay people, hell very few, run around flaunting their homosexuality. Stop learning from the TV.

I'm not an actor. I just play one on TV.
Pissed Off?
2004-02-15, 6:05 PM #103
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Pagewizard_YKS:
Who got the axe?


Mort-hog. Not a permenant ban. The offending post is long gone and the less said about it the better...for his sake.

Cantina Cloud | BCF | The Massassian 1 & 2 | Gonkmeg
Corrupting the kiddies since '97
2004-02-15, 6:27 PM #104
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Avenger:
Stop learning from the TV.



I agree with whoever said that all marriages should be renamed Civil Unions.

Also, the government has no right to say who can or cannot get married.

and fourwood, i love you.

"Those ****ing amateurs... You left your dog, you idiots!"
2004-02-15, 7:37 PM #105
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by fourwood:
He said a word we didn't understand! ...and he won at Scrabble with it!</font>

<3 <3 Eddie Izzard

[Blue Mink Bifocals !] [fsck -Rf /world/usr/] [<!-- kalimonster -->] [Capite Terram]
"You'll have to face it, the endings are the same however you slice it. Don't be deluded by any other endings, they're all fake, with malicious intent to deceive, or just motivated by excessive optimism if not by downright sentimentality. The only authentic ending is the one provided here: John and Mary die. John and Mary die. John and Mary die." -Happy Endings [Margeret Atwood]
Also, I can kill you with my brain.
2004-02-15, 7:59 PM #106
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Schming:



That goes without saying [] Thinking more along the lines of some of the gay characters you see on TV shows

I'm not an actor. I just play one on TV.
Pissed Off?
2004-02-15, 8:22 PM #107
Here is a wonderful quote (sort of) from a comedian:

"You know what, legalize gay marriages! Quite frankly, I'm tired of their happy-go-lucky lifestyle. Once they start getting married and seeing what married life is like and start fighting over who left their underwear on the floor, they wont want to get married anymore."

"Guns don't kill people, I kill people."
"Guns don't kill people, I kill people."
2004-02-16, 3:18 AM #108
I find the argument that allowing gay marriages would threaten traditional marriages particularly amusing. I wonder if such people who hold that view feel "threatened" by divorce, spousal abuse, or whatnot, that already exist in society. Allowing gay marriage won't threaten society, any more than allowing interracial marriage did.

2004-02-16, 6:18 AM #109
But Firefox, think of the degradation of our cultural standard of morals that we all share and all firmly believe in!

Speaking of which, did you tithe this month?

"Those ****ing amateurs... You left your dog, you idiots!"

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