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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Dec. 7, 1941
Dec. 7, 1941
2003-12-07, 9:24 PM #81
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Mikus:
Yes, I say things like that ALL THE TIME, seriously. I totally laughed in this guys face 'cause his grandmother died.


Well gooooolllyyy, folks! We got ourselves a real rebel here! He doesn't care what anyone thinks!!!

Here's to hoping that James Dean doesn't go down in history as the only rebel without a cause who dies in a fiery car crash.
2003-12-07, 9:31 PM #82
You know, I find all of the westerners who are critically obsessed with Japanese culture quite funny. You get a bunch of people who run around watching import anime (without a clue what they're saying), wearing the most ludicrous tee shirts just because they have kanji characters on them, and constantly talk about how when they "grow up" (snicker) they're going to move to Japan.
And how none of them seem to be aware that the Japanese are not even a tenth as tolerant of foreigners as Americans are. How the Japanese will never accept them. And none of them know that the Japanese laugh at people who are obsessed with their culture, and look on with derision as they spend a fortune trying to suck up a culture they'll never be a part of.

Being proud of the Japanese for their actions in World War 2 isn't something you should be doing. Period. They were friends with the Nazis for a reason, pal: Similar ideals.
Know what they did to Commonwealth POWs? Know what they did to the Chinese in the areas they conquered? Medical testing. They infected them with viruses and diseases, then vivisected them. Live dissection. The Americans let the Japanese war criminals off the hook in exchange for medical data, and then downplayed this fact to avoid a public outcry (The Commonwealth is still waitin' for them to apologize... oh, wait, no, they're too proud to give us that, even after the Americans beat the crap out of them).

There are still WW2 survivors from Japanese death camps - people who were infected with scarlet fever when they were just teenagers. Do you think they were happy with what happened? Do you think the Japanese were "honorable" in their rape and slaughter of the entire region?

The Japanese did hideously evil things during WW2, and the US covered up those hideously evil things (and even did a few experiments of their own to boot. Boom.) I don't blame you for not being proud of the US, but if you're going to be proud of a people for what they did in WW2, be proud of Great Britain. They fought off the Nazis alone while the US didn't want to get involved. They lived in the country and had to go about their lives as civilian targets were being bombed. They survived.
2003-12-07, 9:39 PM #83
Hey Mikus, way to take a thread designed for rememberence of people who died so you can act the way you do now and **** all over it. I've got quite a few things I really feel like saying to you but I don't feel like being banned. Sufice it to say, if I ever met you in the real world, you'd be sorry for the crap you've pulled on this thread.

One of these days you're going to get your self into some **** with your "talk before the brain kicks in" mentallity and you'll get what's coming to you. And when that does happen, just know that I, and many other people will have no pity for you what so ever

I'm not an actor. I just play one on TV.
Pissed Off?
2003-12-07, 11:31 PM #84
In return to topic...

I'm in Honolulu right now, and I went to the USS Arizona memorial on Saturday. For those (hopefully few) that don't know, the USS Arizona was a ship that was carrying 1,177 sailors on it when a bomb was dropped on it's forward ammunition stores. Every last man was killed, either from the initial Earth-shaking explosion or from drowning after it, trapped inside the ruin. Many of the men's bodies were never removed from the wreck. There have been bubbles of oil leaking out of the wreck for over 61 years now, and these bubbles have come to be called the Tears of the Arizona. Survivors of Pearl Harbor say that these tears will stop once all the men present on that day pass away.
"Well ain't that a merry jelly." - FastGamerr

"You can actually see the waves of me not caring in the air." - fishstickz
2003-12-08, 5:54 AM #85
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Avenger:
Hey Mikus, way to take a thread designed for rememberence of people who died so you can act the way you do now and **** all over it. </font>

He posted a inconcederate comment you guys **** this thread over by responding to him like a bunch of children. Just ignore him.
2003-12-08, 1:24 PM #86
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by COTF_Dude:
[Yoink! Settle down unless you want a vacation too.]

[This message has been edited by Jaiph (edited December 07, 2003).]

sorry bout that Jaiph, I just get outraged by disrespectful punks.

Just b/c you're paranoid, don't mean that they're not after you!
<SalvadorChicka> i wasn't all "omg canadians have sex with each other!"
2003-12-09, 8:48 AM #87
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Jon`C:
How the Japanese will never accept them. And none of them know that the Japanese laugh at people who are obsessed with their culture, and look on with derision as they spend a fortune trying to suck up a culture they'll never be a part of.</font>

Not to draw the off topic-ness out anymore than it needs to go, but I think I read somewhere that while those Westerners you talked about proudly call themselves "otaku", it literally translates into something like "one who stays at home and has no friends". Anyone feel like proving me right or wrong on this?

"This hole is octogo. Ogiganeel. It's Octa.. It's got eight sides."
"We interrupt this program again, A. to annoy you, and B. to provide work for one of our announcers."
2003-12-09, 2:40 PM #88
You know what really pisses me off and lots of Japanese/Canadians like myself too is westerners who make ill-founded comments about Japanese culture just because they see a couple of white guys who are obsessed with manga or whatever walk around with Kanji T-Shirts assuming that is REAL Japanese culture. Then comes this idea of how all Japanese people are so intollerant of foreigners in Japan, thats far too easy to say seeing as there are always minorities who segregate foreigners in EVERY country. When I first came to Canada true most of the people in the Kendo club were Japanese origin but our High School team had a French-Canadian guy and a Spanish guy that were really good and when the whole dojo went to practice in Miyagi not a single non-asian person was ill-treated by a Japanese over 2 months. Maybe you should stop judging people by what they wear or what you think they do in their spare time and focus on your own priorities.



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