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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Vote Fitty!
Vote Fitty!
2004-02-22, 5:06 PM #41
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Jaiph:
That doesn't make him anymore worthy for public office, which is the implication which was being made.


I don't disagee.

I'm not an actor. I just play one on TV.
Pissed Off?
2004-02-22, 5:07 PM #42
So you think you're gonna make multi-millions and be a common household name?


And Jaiph, going from somethin really bad to somethin good is somethin that deserves respect. He coulda stayed with the drugs but he decided to pursue something else and becamse successful at it.

MBeggar - I never said no one would do good. I said that no one here would do better than 50 Cent. I know I have a slight chance of being wrong but if you can PROVE me wrong, I'll eat my words. And if he's not good, then why is he so famous?

Don't hate the guy cuz he managed to become successful, I think that he deserves respect.

My Tracks
2004-02-22, 5:09 PM #43
Sorry Em, but rap isn't exactly the most INTELLIGENT base for music, especially not 50 Cent. If you want intelligent rap, see Pharcyde, Zion I, and Nas. They at least have a message in most their songs, and Zion I is just rap at its finest IMO. 50 cent is crap, through and through. BTW []

There is no signature
2004-02-22, 5:11 PM #44
You're my hero.

Em Playa, given you record rap, own a website dedicated to rap, and talk in the stereotypical fashion of someone who likes/makes rap, I can't exactly call yours an objective opinion.
2004-02-22, 5:12 PM #45

When did I say 50 Cent was intelligent? I never implicated that he was qualified for the position. I just said he was successful.

Yes I know what intelligent rap is... 50 Cent is in a totally different genre of rap. I'm sure he could rap intelligently if he wanted to. Rappers need to have good linguistics to be good...

My Tracks
2004-02-22, 5:13 PM #46
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Em Playa:
And Jaiph, going from somethin really bad to somethin good is somethin that deserves respect.</font>

I agree. Unfortunately, this guy went from doing something really bad to doing something really bad in a different way.

<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">And if he's not good, then why is he so famous?</font>

Britney Spears. N'Sync. They're famous because their labels bought their fame for them, not because they're talented or "reformed".

<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Don't hate the guy cuz he managed to become successful, I think that he deserves respect.</font>

That's not why we hate him.

Oh, and "household name"? Excuse me? I've never heard of this basketcase until this political career BS, and I'm willing to bet the overwhelming majority of people haven't heard of him before either.
2004-02-22, 5:19 PM #47
Wow. Why such anger? 50 cent was one of the top selling artists last year. 6 million at least.

I also love how people are jumping miles off track. No where did Em Playa say anything about how good a rapper 50 is, how smart he was, or whether he was qualified to hold a political office. All he said was that 50 deserves some respect for going from nothing to a successful artist. THAT'S IT!

Can you even read what people post?

I'm not an actor. I just play one on TV.
Pissed Off?
2004-02-22, 5:29 PM #48
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">I agree. Unfortunately, this guy went from doing something really bad to doing something really bad in a different way.</font>

Oh please. It's not like he's going to hurt you just because he's a rap star.
I wouldn't say he's doing anything good or bad right now, just neutral.

Remember the housewives in Fahrenheit* 451 and how they wanted to vote for someone just because he looked good? America is heading in that direction.

I have no respect for 50 Cent. I'd be surprised if he actually was off drugs.
He doesn't have any artistic interest in his music. The title of his album makes his intentions quite clear. Plus his lyrics show no interest in actual politics.

*Yeah, I know I spelled it wrong. Bite me.

All you need is love.
It's not the side effects of cocaine, so then I'm thinking that it must be love
2004-02-22, 5:32 PM #49
No you didn't []
2004-02-22, 5:38 PM #50
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Em Playa:
So you think you're gonna make multi-millions and be a common household name?</font>

Me? No, probably not, I think I'd be much more content with less, but my point is that it's fairly possible that at least one of us is going to make millions some day. A household name? Probably not, I mean the CEO of say, Sony probably has hundreds of millions. The only reason 50 Cent could be considered a household name is because of the fame associated with music. And I don't even think he's a household name, my friends and I never heard of him till someone ran around yelling, "Whoa this 50 Cent guy got shot in the face NINE TIMES!!" or something.

Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2004-02-22, 5:42 PM #51
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Jon`C:
No you didn't []</font>

Woah... I did..

All you need is love.
It's not the side effects of cocaine, so then I'm thinking that it must be love
2004-02-22, 5:43 PM #52
My problem is that he thinks that he can be leader because he is famous, and not because of any specific policy objectives.

Besides, he isn't worth a dollar.
2004-02-22, 5:45 PM #53
True, only half.

Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2004-02-22, 5:46 PM #54
"As my first order of business, I shall rename my cabinet to the 'G-Unit.'"

Superstition brings bad luck.
-Raymond Smullyan, 5000B.C.
2004-02-22, 6:02 PM #55
If you haven't heard of 50 Cent, you must be living under a rock...

In da Club, anyone?

My Tracks
2004-02-22, 6:05 PM #56
No, I'm just really really white.

But seriously, I don't like rap music hardly at all, so why should I follow it? Many people have heard of him, but I don't think that makes him a household name.

Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.

[This message has been edited by Emon (edited February 22, 2004).]
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2004-02-22, 6:09 PM #57
I hadnt heard of 50 cent till now.
IMO (In my opinion) rap is the worst music style out there, so why should i pay attention to whos the most popular?

"It's OK for us to randomly attack people!"

2004-02-22, 6:16 PM #58
And we're posting why half dollar sucks because Em states that somehow he's better than us because he made millions and is a household name. Plato never made millions, neither did Capernicus, or Bohr, or Einstein. Neither did George Orwell, although he was extremely famous, or Isaac Asimov. They were just great minds, better than what people idolize nowadays.

There is no signature
2004-02-22, 6:18 PM #59
Household name? Not even close.

Besides, who says you have to be a household name to be successful?
2004-02-22, 6:19 PM #60
It's not really a rap thing either. The most popular people in music for teenagers often (but not always) suck.
Personally, I'd feel the same way if Fred Durst or the guy from Korn tried to get into politics.

I wouldn't mind having the guy from Atmosphere as the mayor of Minneapolis or something though. He seems smart enough.

All you need is love.
It's not the side effects of cocaine, so then I'm thinking that it must be love
2004-02-22, 6:28 PM #61
So you're comparing yourself to Copernicus/Plato/etc?

Did I say that he was better than them? Did I say that he's better than EVERYONE in the WORLD?


I don't even consider 50 to be the best rapper out there... not even close. I'm sayin that what he's done with his life is great, and is prolly more than any of us will do with ours.

You guys take things WAAAAAAAAAY out of context.

My Tracks
2004-02-22, 6:29 PM #62
Massassi: making mountains out of molehills since '99.

I think its kind of funny how this thread started out as another one of those "Only in america" things and escalated into rampaging debate over social worth of rap artists. Got tangents?
2004-02-22, 6:34 PM #63
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Em Playa:
I don't even consider 50 to be the best rapper out there... not even close. I'm sayin that what he's done with his life is great, and is prolly more than any of us will do with ours.</font>

Well it seemed to me that you only stated it because you thought people were bashing 50 Cent because he was a rap artist, which I think is a little inaccurate. I think they were bashing him because he thinks he can run for office just because another famous person did, which isn't really a valid reason. As far as I know, he's got absolutely zero political experience.

And where did we say you said 50 Cent was better than any of the aformentioned people? I think all Dj Yoshi was pointing out is that you don't have to be rich or famous to be successful, or be rich to be famous.

Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2004-02-22, 7:29 PM #64
I've got nothing against him and have his last CD. I don't think I'd vote for him though.

gbk is 50 probably

2004-02-22, 11:04 PM #65
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Em Playa:
If you haven't heard of 50 Cent, you must be living under a rock...

In da Club, anyone?


This comment really made me laugh.
You're a fan or rap, so of course your going to be following rap artists, and talking to other fans of rap about rap artists, so you know who the latest and the best is, to make your listening experience all the more worth while.
The thing you're missing, is that not everyone is a fan of rap. Hell, a lot of people don't even follow music at all. I could just as easily say that you've been living under a rock if you havn't head of bands like Shades Apart, Rick Ruin, or Addiction 64. But I wouldn't expect you to be following punk rock bands. Which is why the very comment is absurd to say someone has been living under a rock for not knowing who 50 Cent is. He isn't a household name. He's just another guy trying to make money from music, just like thousands apon thousands of other people. There are plenty of different music varieties, and even more people out to make their claim in one or another.

And he's a former crack dealer. And he refers to himself in the third-person. He does not belong in any sort of office.

"When all else fails, eat pie."
thoughts from beyond observance
2004-02-23, 1:33 AM #66
Did those punk bands reach the top of the billboard charts for practically half of last year?

My Tracks
2004-02-23, 2:23 AM #67
...should have carried a bigger clip
2004-02-23, 2:37 AM #68
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Jon`C:
You know, drug dealers and rap artists are about equal on the ladder of societal acceptance, so it isn't that much of a step up.... I mean, either way, he's going to be raking in a fortune from people with poor tastes and no future.</font>

Nice generization... So people who enjoy a certain type of music are not going far in life or have the eceptional music tastes that you aquire? I'm sorry that you only listened to the mainstream **** like 50 Cent and won't try and listen to real rap artists which producer very poetic and emotional songs (along with the usual **** to sell).

Massassian since: March 12, 2001

[=-"The hardest thing is to forgive, but God does;
Even if you murdered or robbed, years wrong, but God loves;
Take one step toward him, he takes two toward you;
Even when all else fail, God supports you." - Nas
Got a permanent feather in my cap;
Got a stretch to my stride;
a stroll to my step;
2004-02-23, 2:41 AM #69
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Em Playa:

I never said no one would do good. I said that no one here would do better than 50 Cent.


You do relize that you are on a forum that has alot of geeks right? There might be another Bill Gates in here....


"Run Away!"
The tired anthem of a loser and a hypocrite.
2004-02-23, 2:45 AM #70
O_o GBK!?

Don't be unwise judge me not by my size. You wont believe your eyes watch the xwing rise!
2004-02-23, 2:54 AM #71
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">I never said no one would do good. I said that no one here would do better than 50 Cent. </font>

Apples and oranges. People can do comparably as well in other trades, that doesn't justify putting down this community by arguing no one here could amount to what a rap star has done.

Even if he *were* hypothetically better than everyone here, that doesn't justify a political run for the sake of popularity.

2004-02-23, 2:57 AM #72
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by MechWarrior:
O_o GBK!?


[] When i say Bill Gates i just mean either, the richest man alive, the CEO of a HUGE company, or just better then Half Dollar.


"Run Away!"
The tired anthem of a loser and a hypocrite.
2004-02-23, 5:21 AM #73
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Run:
Massassi: making mountains out of molehills since '99.

I think its kind of funny how this thread started out as another one of those "Only in america" things and escalated into rampaging debate over social worth of rap artists. Got tangents?

Hey man, that molehill was awfully small to start with. It was a great accomplishment to build it.

I dunno, it went from "lol, look another celeberity is running" to "rofl, look, a rapper is running". Then some people said "hey, what you have against rappers. While he may have essentially been a criminal, sings in a rather disturbing genre, and god knows what else he could have done, he can be good! Look Bush had a DUI!!" Then other replied "hey rappers suck".

I dunno, it seems like a predicted evolution. People here, some of them, hate rap. Others love it, god knows why. But it's one of those polar things, like creationism vs evolution, liberal vs conservative ect ect.

And yeah Em 50 cent is sooo much better than everyone here. His contribution to society is damn great isn't it? I'm sure that we just wouldn't be the same without him! Em, you seem rate people on money and noterity. That isn't really what everyone calls success.

Why in the name of god do people like that genre anyway? They are for the most part really unpleasant, and they, for the most part, glorify really stupid things. Even if it was about freaking transendental philosophy, it's a guy talking with music in the background.

Allright, you wanted a tangent, that was a tangent.

------------------ -No porn. We promise*
2004-02-23, 5:30 AM #74
Yo, man, 50 Cent is ma bro, yo. He's juz totally pimpin out there, and if he ain't winnin' that election, nobody ain't. B'sides, y 'all deal with -BLING BLING- money all day, so y'know what 50 Cent is, aye?


Map-Review | Digital Core | The Matrix: Unplugged

Farewell, MaDaVentor. In our hearts, you'll always live on.
2004-02-23, 8:09 AM #75
I'm running for the Oval Office. Go me.

"For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries."
-Robert Jastrow
"For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries."
-Robert Jastrow
2004-02-23, 10:18 AM #76
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by gothicX:
Yo, man, 50 Cent is ma bro, yo. He's juz totally pimpin out there, and if he ain't winnin' that election, nobody ain't. B'sides, y 'all deal with -BLING BLING- money all day, so y'know what 50 Cent is, aye?

You were going good up until the "aye." Ghetto pirate? You Dutchlanders just don't have the street cred. Word.

Superstition brings bad luck.
-Raymond Smullyan, 5000B.C.
2004-02-23, 10:27 AM #77

Map-Review | Digital Core | The Matrix: Unplugged

Farewell, MaDaVentor. In our hearts, you'll always live on.
2004-02-23, 10:35 AM #78
Ok, now let *me* perpetuate a stereotype:

I listen to goth metal and sacrifice goats to my dark lord in weird and perverse rituals on cemeteries in the moonlight, Heil Satan!

Of war, we don't speak anymore
2004-02-23, 10:39 AM #79
If 50 Cent made a speech would they be allowed to show it on any channel other then HBO?

I’m not going to die, I’m going to see if I was ever alive. - Spike

It's not your right to decide whether they live or die. They deserve a chance! - Vash
Think while it's still legal.
2004-02-23, 10:41 AM #80
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Em Playa:

MBeggar - I never said no one would do good. I said that no one here would do better than 50 Cent. I know I have a slight chance of being wrong but if you can PROVE me wrong, I'll eat my words. And if he's not good, then why is he so famous?

Yes you did, and you just said it again. You dont have to become a household name to be succesful. Im not going to name names, but I know many people that are only teenagers and they have succesful acting careers. Your on massassi, a website with people that are incredibly good with computers and the such, and you are saying none of them will do better than 50 cent.
I'm not saying hes not doing well, but seriously if you ask most people wher is he from, they would probably say the Bronx.
Partly the reason he is doing so well is because of something called capitalism and all that other fun stuff tat gets all the little rich kids thinking they are thugs.

Lat rocks my box with sox
[01:52] <~Nikumubeki> Because it's MBEGGAR BEGS LIKE A BEGONI.

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