Hey man, that molehill was awfully small to start with. It was a great accomplishment to build it.
I dunno, it went from "lol, look another celeberity is running" to "rofl, look, a rapper is running". Then some people said "hey, what you have against rappers. While he may have essentially been a criminal, sings in a rather disturbing genre, and god knows what else he could have done, he can be good! Look Bush had a DUI!!" Then other replied "hey rappers suck".
I dunno, it seems like a predicted evolution. People here, some of them, hate rap. Others love it, god knows why. But it's one of those polar things, like creationism vs evolution, liberal vs conservative ect ect.
And yeah Em 50 cent is sooo much better than everyone here. His contribution to society is damn great isn't it? I'm sure that we just wouldn't be the same without him! Em, you seem rate people on money and noterity. That isn't really what everyone calls success.
Why in the name of god do people like that genre anyway? They are for the most part really unpleasant, and they, for the most part, glorify really stupid things. Even if it was about freaking transendental philosophy, it's a guy
talking with music in the background.
Allright, you wanted a tangent, that was a tangent.
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