The internet seems to bring out the meaner side in people. And this is a prime example. I'm looking at you Cazor. What is your problem? It's like the pot calling the kettle black.
Exceptions to this rule are people who don't post with rampant hostility, or are rather nice actually like Freelancer was here. Kudos to you, even when completely anonymous, your inner jerk is held in.
Just because you can ream someone, doesn't mean you should. If you have a problem to do it with you know, tact.
Oh yeah, addendum: Never, ever make a public dispute about anything mod-related. This is a benevolent dictatorship, not a democracy. Plus they pay the bills, so, yeah. It never can end well, and it brings the nasty people out of the woodwork.
I should get flamed for taking part in the "net nanny" side. But jeeze, this forum is greater than others because it doesn't have this crap. Usually hostility, or at least heavy insult free. Just actually bothers me for some reason to see this place, I dunno, so similar to the other idiotic places
------------------ -No porn. We promise*
[This message has been edited by Lord Kuat (edited February 22, 2004).]
Exceptions to this rule are people who don't post with rampant hostility, or are rather nice actually like Freelancer was here. Kudos to you, even when completely anonymous, your inner jerk is held in.
Just because you can ream someone, doesn't mean you should. If you have a problem to do it with you know, tact.
Oh yeah, addendum: Never, ever make a public dispute about anything mod-related. This is a benevolent dictatorship, not a democracy. Plus they pay the bills, so, yeah. It never can end well, and it brings the nasty people out of the woodwork.
I should get flamed for taking part in the "net nanny" side. But jeeze, this forum is greater than others because it doesn't have this crap. Usually hostility, or at least heavy insult free. Just actually bothers me for some reason to see this place, I dunno, so similar to the other idiotic places
------------------ -No porn. We promise*
[This message has been edited by Lord Kuat (edited February 22, 2004).]