I guess the only way to really go at it is to sum up all my posts, and retype the original long post I had intended for Fox before the internet ate it. It still won't matter, I know, but at least no one will be able to say anymore that I didn't try (even though I felt I aquitted myself well in my original posts in this thread):
Too bad you are using neither - you have jumped right past the hypothesis and testing, and moved directly to the conclusion. The idea of the scientific method is to observe, hypothesize, and then test to see how it goes. Seeing as we are talking about something
completely fictional here, I fail to see how you could so adequately and convincingly say you are using scientific method to test anything. Again, here I just find you being smug, and implying that you were using common sense and scientific method when it is impossible to use scientific method
on a fictional being and common sense is relative to the species.
In fact, here is one for you - ever consider that common sense would indicate they conserve the energy they have on their ships as best they can for the trip home, which is why they used crop circles, a very low tech but resource conserving way of navigation?
I am not saying anything I give is "right", but neither is it "wrong". It's all
THEORY, which with regards to fictional characters is all we CAN do. Therefore, it is more appropriate to talk about what is possible, and what is not possible, and to also not limit the aliens to what is possible to us, nor overcredit them by assuming they
should be able to do things we can't, when they have not given any evidence as such.
Herein lies my charge of you passing off your opinions as facts. You have based everything off of what you expect the aliens "should" be, in your mind. A true scientist, using the scientific method, would observe, notice the reaction to water, and then focus on testing to try to find out what it actually
is, and would not find it "silly" if the test results conflicted with the initial hypothesis. As another fictional character said, "When you rule out the impossible, whatever is left, no matter how improbable, must be true." So then, if common sense is relative to the species and their culture, and the scientific method cannot be adequately executed because the subject matter is fictional, then where does your forceful yet empty argument come from?
All I can see is ego.
You are assuming. They exhibited no such technology, and you are assuming what they would and would not have. How very unscientific of you. Observation is the first step of the scientific method you brought up. If you find fault in what you observe, then how can you claim to even be using the scientific method?
MY THEORY: One possibility is that they have a culture that relies on their own, built in mechanisms (like the mist), and to use technology in a fight is "dishonorable". Another thought is that they did not want humanity to panic until their main force had landed, because they wanted to not give the humans time to prepare. Remember, they came to abduct us, not start a war with us.
For the first part, read above. With regards to the atmosphere, it might have a moisture component, but the thing you keep passing off is that from solid to liquid to gas, elements have different properties. You fail to consider that while water in gas form may not be as toxic, water in its concentrated liquid form, with slightly different properties, could be very damaging to them. And using what portion of scientific method I can, I based that on the first rule:
For what? If we are somehow valuable to them, then why kill us and damage the potential goods? The sneak and grab makes more sense.
You fail to consider bone density here. If they have a lighter bone structure, say similar to birds, but proportionate, then it would very much be possible for them to move quick, jump high, and yet not be able to break down very solid objects because of their bone fragility. The aliens struck me as more agile than out and out strong, so that at least lends to that theory. Not to mention they entered houses through glass windows, which is considerably less solid than a wooden door or a wall.
If there is something very valuable in human physiology that they need, the rist might be worth it. Why would one army go against a bigger army, if it meant bad odds, but the reward was killing the leader? It's because the reward is worth the risk. Simple logic.
This is my biggest point in that you are passing off your own opinions as facts and logic. Never once in the movie did it say we were food for the aliens. It suggested it, among other possibilities, but nothing conclusive was ever found as to
WHY the aliens abducted us. Hence, this my main proof that you are making large leaps of faith and grand assumptions in order to prove your point.
I fail to see what you are trying to get at here. Why would they need super technology to coordinate landing parties? Are you assuming (there is that word again!) that the aliens just jumped from their world to ours using the crop circles for navigation? Then you must have not thought of the idea that to get to us was a journey for them, and that the crop circles were done by a scout team while the landing party was only days away, and that the crop circles were only meant as navigation for the
landing party, not for interstellar travel to Earth.
MY THEORY: It was a long trip to earth, and they had an advance party come to earth to scout weather conditions. The crop circles were going to be the areas with no precipitation (notice some of the aliens landed in urban Brazil and the middle east), that the landing party days away could head to and avoid toxic liquid water. The low tech approach was used so energy could be conserved for the trip home.
Oh, and Phil Plait is an astro-physicist? I thought he was an astronomer?
You wanted solid counter-arguments, you got them. Although, if I have you pegged correctly, you will only make a snide comment about each one without actually addressing it, and then yet again claim victory for yourself.
Go ahead, prove me wrong on that. If you do, it will be the most reasonable and logical thing you have done since this silly debate started...
Fear is here, where's the beer?