This will be my last reply in this thread.
Observances which have your skew on how you think things should be, not as they are presented. You have yet to put forth any unbiased proof. Burden of that is on you.
Oh really? even if they have a technology that bypasses that altogether, maybe such as a unique way of space-folding? Again, another assumption on your part. And shame on you for blaming bad writing, although for once, we get to something that is your opinion that is presented as such with that comment. A first for you in this thread. Congrats.
I meant technology used in warfare, not in general, and I don't have to prove anything, because it is a THEORY, as in a possibilty. I, unlike you, do not feel as though I need to present a possibility or my own opinion as 100% fact. It was to show that possibilities outside of what you considered are out there. You have a unique way of pidgeon-holing things into your argument, rather than meet them on objective terms. Kinda like trying to put a square peg into a round hole.
The surprise was for the scout troops. Once they got here, we have no time to prepare, and they land en masse - the trap is sprung, and the surprise and confusion sowed worked. It's like you are asking why a military force that sprung a surprise trap didn't keep it more of a surprise... you have to spring the trap sooner or later.
Likely water at a certain density would have an effect. The thing is, we would need:
a) for the aliens to be real
b) an alien corpse or tissue sample
c) to apply scientific method for real this time, to see why that is.
Heck, why is some mold harmful to us, and some have antibiotical properties? It's all mold. My point with that is that until testing, it was all mold, but after, it was discovered there are different kinds of mold, and pennecillin has the antibiotical properties, while some others do not. Therefore, we do not know why water at a certain density affects the aliens in a bad way, but if we were able to, we could via scientific method. Just because we haven't witnessed a behaviour before does not mean it can't happen.
Right, because we would nuke ourselves to kill the aliens, and us too, right? In the military, will a marine go though a heavily guarded front door, when a less secure, less guarded back door will suffice? Therefore, if they have observed us prior to landing, why go though the trouble of going through a door, when a window is just easier? They are smart enough to not make more work for themselves, I would think...
They weren't hanging around. And consider this - if water harms them, then it is possible that they do not have it on their home planet - therefore, it is possible they do not have water in sufficient quantities to test, and therefore develop a countermeasure to. Perhaps that is why we were so valuable in the movie - you said we are mostly water. We can be taken and studied to find a way around their water issue.
I just did, and thank you for proving with that statement that you are making assumptions based on your own opinions.
I knew you wouldn't actually read my post, since you missed the part where I addressed that. You know, the part where I said:
How convenient for you. Let me reiterate - the journey to us could have sapped up a ton of resources. Therefore, crop circles was done because it was low tech, and allowed for them to conserve energy for the trip home. There - a plausible explanation.
Oh really? Sorry, but I missed the part where using an astronomer to debate matters of alien physiology, physics, and quantum mechanicsis is logical. Shall I grab a restaurant critic to tell you how to be a chef? Or an airline stewardess or steward to tell you how to be a pilot? Point made, though I am certain it will be lost on you.
No, they were always there, just scattered throughout my posts. All this tells me is that you were too lazy to read through my previous posts, and wouldn't actually address anything I said until I consolidated it into one post and spelled it out for you. If anything, that reflects badly on you, not me.
Good note to end on - with the childish "No I'm not, you are! Nyah!" argument.
Your lack of maturity astounds me Fox. You may try to come off as some intellectual hot shot, but I see right through it.
So make whatever comment you need to after my post to feel better about yourself, as I am 100% certain you will do, because I am done with this silly thread. All I needed to do to prove my point was provide that there were possibilities in which the movie made sense, which I did.
The irony is, if you just said "I didn't like the movie." and left it as your opinion, rather than trying to present it as if you were stating absolute fact, I would have much more respect for you. Now, I just kinda pity you.
Fear is here, where's the beer?
[This message has been edited by -Fear- (edited March 04, 2004).]
Fear is here, where's the beer?