The DragonMaster is the guy who showed up at the Star Wars movie premiere and tried to look clever to that talking dog.
The bitterness is a result from talking over at forums, where guys constantly try to prove the choices above... (except for flat earth, elvis, potato chips).
There's a whole movement of these guys, who try to bring mankind back 1500 years. This is more or less their front man,
Kent Hovind. Seriously, read that site. Everytime I feel like it's a vortex sucking all knowledge out of the room. Same goes for the followers.
There ARE guys who think earth is 6000 years old (real quote - "don't you think it looks young?"). There ARE guys who refuse to believe pangea theory. There ARE guys who claim Elvis lives. There ARE guys who deny darwinism. Apparently, man DID walk along dinosaurs ('the bible says it')
There are LOTS of those guys.
This really really bothers me, because those people are gaining both members and momentum. Also, they pose a real threat to society, because even though their ideas are dangerous, they're also covert and nobody seems to really believe they're dangerous.
But before you know it, creationism will be taught to 8-year olds, and I don't know if I can deal with that...
Allright guys, thanks for listening to my weekly BS... I think massassi is some kind of outlet for pseudo-intellectuality for me, since I think members here are actually somewhat above average IQ. I think I'll start up a seperate thread on that...