I don't think you really read what I wrote... I don't blame you though, the quote you lifted from what I said really jumps out. Cats ignore the non-shiney things too when there's one shiney thing in the heap... Man I love cats. They're all furry and shiney-oriented and stuff...
So, I'm gonna write what I already wrote again. If this modus operandi (****, Latin - my horse just got a little bit higher) offends you, please PM either me or one of the admins, and it'll be deleted ASAP. Better yet, flame me and make comments about my balls, and it just might be deleted EVEN FASTER!!!
Yes, George Bush is objectively unqualified to be president. Judging by your reaction, saying this obviously pisses you off madly, because you think it implies you need to review your ideas of concepts like 'absolute democracy', and the Right of the Majority. Still, George Bush is objectively unqualified to be president.
If you're still conscious and at peace with the universe, read the following sentence: George Bush is OBJECTIVELY unqualified to be president.
I listed a few characteristics that the president of the arguably most powerful country in the world should have. You say I am opiniated, subjective etc... but dude, there are standardized tests to determine stuff like intelligence. I agree that a deviation in results is possible, and the grading system in actual scores is ridiculous, but do you or do you not agree that it's possible to roughly determine if someone is superintelligent, highly intelligent, smart, mediocre, etc...
I'll just assume you want to keep your credibility and assume you said 'yes, I agree'.
Now, Would you dare to look if his IQ test score was computed? Would you plug your fingers in your ears, close your eyes and start singing a song to block out the verdict of the team of neutral PhDs? You know what the verdict would be?
-Below average-
You could reply this score would be based on assumptions, but you know this just as well as I do: Big B is not a bright man. AT ALL.
The question you should ask yourself now, as I actually already wrote I think: out of an immense population of American men, a population that contains highly smart, educated, charismatic, motivated, hard working, sociable, friendly, warm men (women? Can women become president?), do we really want to select Bush of all people to become our leader
? The leader of the Free World® for Christ's sake..
I'm not just attacking Bush on his intelligence here. His history doesn't really show any political achievements or qualities that make him stand out. His present is lacking. His political connections are top, though.
P.S.: I am TEN times smarter than all of you ... COMBINED!!
P.P.S.: George Bush is OBJECTIVELY unqualified to be president.