This is why I'm having a hard time dealing with you anymore.
How do you like living in your fantasy world?
This is why I'm having a hard time dealing with you anymore.
I have to say, that was a little harsh. Wookie may be a political idiot, but I'm sure he has many redeeming qualities... like a stupid moustache... or something. Steve, a little help?

You mis-speak a little there. First, pro-abortion? Most reasonable people should be anti-abortion. You obviously mean pro-choice.
Obviously, I'm not a fan of abortion (and wouldn't encourage someone to have one). I chose the term since I'm no fan of people trying to demonise the other side by picking happy, innocent names for themselves, such as "pro-life" or "pro-choice". Those terms are the sort of thing tree-hugging PC pinko liberals would come up with! You're either for the right to abortions, or against it! Real men say what they mean!
Next, pro-gay rights. Homosexual marriage is not a gay rights issues. It is an issue of expanding the definition of marriage. I believe the president supports civil unions.
Sure, but it doesn't affect anyone else. And a party that's about "Leave me alone, I can look after myself" would have no problem with it.
You mean freedom of speech which the president has done nothing (except sign stupid campaign finance reform) to stifle.
I'm not saying Bush or the administration is doing it, but there seem to be an awful lot of people saying, "he's the president! He's infallible! Don't criticise him!" I think those people secretly wish they lived in a monarchy. Ol' George should be considered no more special than you or I (because everyone is equal). His opinion is, of itself, no more important than yours or mine. Of course, America requires a guy to be president and Bush is currently that dude. He makes decisions, but it should never be assumed that they are above reproach.
You mean pro- right to burn the flag. I support ones right to do so because I can foresee a time when I would burn our flag if we follow the wrong path.
Yeah, I got sick of writing "pro-the right to..." and just went with the thing that should be legalised.
There was some wacky amendment to illegalise burning the flag. One of those political stunts that pops up every now and then to garner votes.