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ForumsDiscussion Forum → I did it.
I did it.
2004-10-19, 8:53 AM #41
good job, hope things come out for the best
tofu sucks
2004-10-19, 9:40 AM #42
Commendable things you did:
You had balls

Mistakes you made:
You had a crush in the first place*
You told your crush your feelings without knowledge of her feelings or ignored what you already knew about her feelings towards you
Your crush is your friend
Your crush is dating your other friend

* I dislike the notions of crushes in the first place. They are only good for wasting time and providing emotional pain. There are far more direct and time efficient ways of reaching the same result, whither it be rejection or a relationship. Fear is what spawns crushes.

Don't worry though. Most guys do such things at some point in their life. However, the difference between the "Don Juans" of the world and the wusses is that the former can not only take rejection and aren't afraid of failure, but can adapt if need be.

Anyway, *begins playing "I Did It" by Dave Matthew's Band*
Democracy: rule by the stupid
2004-10-19, 1:06 PM #43
Thanks, Rico.
In Tribute to Adam Sliger. Rest in Peace

10/7/85 - 12/9/03
2004-10-19, 1:17 PM #44
<3 Page's comments.

Jedi has ball, ie. cahones.
But be wary women DO spread stuff around.
If anyone asks you if u fancy her (ie, she has blabbed her tongue about it) then deny it and be convincing/act bemused.
Page is right, if she was dead it would be better.
But not all of us opt for cold blooded murder when dealing with women, Katana or not.

My advice now. Get a crush on someone new.
if(getThingFlags(source) & 0x8){
  do her}
elseif(getThingFlags(source) & 0x4){
  do other babe}
  do a dude}
2004-10-19, 1:25 PM #45
Originally posted by Jon`C (a number of years ago)
I think the best thing you can possibly do, as a guy, is to express your deepest heartfelt emotions for her. Let her know how much you love her and how in touch you, a man, are with your feminine side. . . . . *snicker* . . . .

I remember that!!

And Jedi- It was creative, for sure. Good luck! Let us know how it works out.

*gets together a small cheerleading squadron*
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2004-10-19, 1:32 PM #46
Originally posted by Flexor
Just because you're so cold that no one in their right mind would tell you a secret, let alone attempt to establish any kind of intimate relation to begin with, doesn't mean anyone is.

you assume far too much.
2004-10-19, 1:33 PM #47
Points to you for being original and brave. Just hope she's the understanding type, or your very, very screwed. :)
Life is beautiful.
2004-10-19, 1:48 PM #48
that was really slick and smooth. goodluck

and he plunged deeper and deeper
Sneaky sneaks. I'm actually a werewolf. Woof.
2004-10-19, 2:59 PM #49
Actually, that is pretty ****ing awesome. If it was raining and there was music and you commited suicide right after calling her like that guy in the movie Dead Poet's Society, this would be totally hardcore. But, yeah, given that she was prodding you for an hour and it was fresh on her mind and **** it she didn't need time to respond. Also, chances are she likes you that way given that she is going out with your best friend to get you to notice her and/or become jealous and want her. Yes, it is pretty obvious. They wouldn't ask if they didn't see you as a sexual being that they could get with. **** it.

If only I could, but then it's not exactly laid out for me. I'm an idiot.
"When it's time for this planet to die, you'll understand that you know absolutely nothing." — Bugenhagen
2004-10-19, 3:12 PM #50

I hate these threads. They're great reading, but the person who starts it never replies and it just dies.

*chants for Jedi Legend*
Magrucko Daines and the Crypt of Crola (2007)
Magrucko Daines and the Dark Youth (2010)
Magrucko Daines and the Vertical City (2016)
2004-10-19, 3:36 PM #51
Updates! Updates! We demand updates!

*joins in chant*
"I'm interested in the fact that the less secure a person is, the more likely it is for that person to have extreme prejudices." -Clint Eastwood
2004-10-19, 3:44 PM #52
Yeah, I'm not normally one for relationship threads, but I just gotta now how this works out.
We're all rooting for ya man :D
You can't judge a book by it's file size
2004-10-19, 3:46 PM #53
Also, chances are she likes you that way given that she is going out with your best friend to get you to notice her and/or become jealous and want her. Yes, it is pretty obvious. They wouldn't ask if they didn't see you as a sexual being that they could get with.
O_o Either you have some insanely conniving female friends or you watch too many soaps.

Updates! Updates! We demand updates!
Let's put down bets on what happens next. I would love to bet on her breaking up with her current bf and going to him, but I'm going to put my chips on her either giving him the "friends" line or cold shouldering him. *puts chips down* Double or nothing on her "accidently" telling the bf/his friend and he tries to whoop JL's ***. :)
Democracy: rule by the stupid
2004-10-19, 3:50 PM #54
All hypothesis until we find out what happens next. What a waste of bytes!
2004-10-19, 3:56 PM #55
I say she dumps her bf, goes out with JL, said ex-bf find out and[edit] tries to[/edit] kick JL's patootie.:) :)
"I'm interested in the fact that the less secure a person is, the more likely it is for that person to have extreme prejudices." -Clint Eastwood
2004-10-19, 4:26 PM #56
My prediction: If JL posts again in this thread, that is a bad sign.

If he makes a new thread, that is a good sign.
2004-10-19, 5:10 PM #57
I don't care what he does, I just want updates. I want closure, darnit.
"I'm interested in the fact that the less secure a person is, the more likely it is for that person to have extreme prejudices." -Clint Eastwood
2004-10-19, 6:24 PM #58
Well, I think things went well. Considering she's dating, the fact that things weren't awkward and generally seemed as normal is actually a positive sign.

She did ask if she could talk to me after school. I couldn't because I had to go judge crappy novice debate rounds (ugh... the new question for this thread is why did I sign up for THAT?). She said she'd call me around 8. At 8, she tells me from her friend's AIM screen name (and no, I wasn't planning on talking to her online---my cellphone is within reach) that she is busy tonight so I told her to talk to me tommorrow. I'd prefer to talk in person, anyway.

I, like Kieran, find the concept of "crush" silly. But there's no mistake I am attracted to her and I think that would constitute a crush. I really didn't like that question of hers AT ALL (which is why I struggled so much to finally handle it the way I did). I DON"T think that it's as risky of a move as I originally thought. More thinking suggests:

Scenario 1:

She's thrilled about the news. As I've suspected, she is also attracted to me and while nothing happens immediately there is a better chance of something in the future.

Scenario 2:

She is concerned about friendships and such, and I will of course reassure her that being attracted does not in fact mean that I'm desperately in love or anything like that.

Eh, thanks for the comments. I'm figuring out that the only way I'm going to learn to be "good with girls" is to try. We'll see what this experience gets me in the future.

Edit: seems she didn't tell anyone. But if she did, I'd explain the circumstances (I tried dodging her question because I wanted to avoid complications, but I think she made it clear that if I didn't answer her now it'd hurt any future chances I'd have. It was keep the opportunity alive now or never.)
2004-10-19, 6:29 PM #59
Yes! Updates! Scenario 1 all the way, baby. w00t w00t!
"I'm interested in the fact that the less secure a person is, the more likely it is for that person to have extreme prejudices." -Clint Eastwood
2004-10-19, 6:48 PM #60
but I think she made it clear that if I didn't answer her now it'd hurt any future chances
The more you build it up, the harder the fall is going to be. You think the only reason she could have asked you who you like is because she is interested in you? Women enjoy wondering and predicting about social intricacies and why people act the way they do. Most likely than not, she wanted to know so she could add one more bit of information to her social dossier and since you are her friend, she could ask you openly. When you kept refusing to answer, that only heightened her curiosity.

For the sake of argument, what if scenario 1 happens? What are you going to do then? Are you going to forsake your friendship with the guy just for her? Would you steal your friend's girl, or sit there and pine after her until they break up and then pounce?

There is no reasonably positive outcome for this scenario(unless your friend become an unreasonable *** all of a sudden for any number of reasons, in which positive outcomes open up for you). Because of all the variables involved, when you told her you liked her you set yourself down a road where you will lose something no matter what the outcome is. Best case: Things become awkward for awhile, but eventually you both get over it and you can get over her and you two just laugh it off like a joke(possible, but I'm not putting my chips on it). Worst case: She cheats on her bf with you or leaves him for you, in which case you lose a friend, or she only likes you as a friend, her bf finds out and not only do you still not have a chance with her but you lost a friend as well.

I know it sounds like I'm trying to beat you down with pessimism, but I don't want you to hype yourself up so much that you become a shell of a person when the hopes you've invested so much time and emotion into come crashing down around you. And it's likely they will in one way or another.
Democracy: rule by the stupid
2004-10-19, 6:55 PM #61
Easy now, the freind issue might not be as big as we assume.
What exactly did you mean by 'kinda' dating?
You can't judge a book by it's file size
2004-10-19, 6:57 PM #62
2004-10-19, 6:59 PM #63
"easy now"? I'm not pissed.
Democracy: rule by the stupid
2004-10-19, 7:00 PM #64
2004-10-19, 7:04 PM #65
heh, I didn't mean to imply you were
You can't judge a book by it's file size
2004-10-19, 7:18 PM #66
Um, I disagree. Bush has always had weak domestic policy.

"Those ****ing amateurs... You left your dog, you idiots!"
2004-10-19, 8:11 PM #67
Originally posted by Mikus
Damn it, if you are going to do it, do it right.

Take off your pants and start the Revolution!
Democracy: rule by the stupid
2004-10-19, 9:46 PM #68
Originally posted by Kieran Horn
There is no reasonably positive outcome for this scenario(unless your friend become an unreasonable *** all of a sudden for any number of reasons, in which positive outcomes open up for you).

Scenario 3: bf becomes unreasonable ***, JL saves girl from relationship, girl falls hopelessly in love. JL obtains superpowers
while ex-bf (unreasonable ***) sulks off to return in the future as JL's archnemesis.

Scenario 3 all the way, baby. w00t w00t!
"I'm interested in the fact that the less secure a person is, the more likely it is for that person to have extreme prejudices." -Clint Eastwood
2004-10-19, 11:03 PM #69
Originally posted by Brian


*Puts trenchcoat back on*
The tired anthem of a loser and a hypocrite.
2004-10-19, 11:21 PM #70
Originally posted by Sok Munkey
Scenario 3: bf becomes unreasonable ***, JL saves girl from relationship, girl falls hopelessly in love. JL obtains superpowers
while ex-bf (unreasonable ***) sulks off to return in the future as JL's archnemesis.

Scenario 3 all the way, baby. w00t w00t!

is that before or after JL kills ex-bf's dad, who just happens to be a greensuited badguy who throws bombs and sees things in mirrors?
"Those ****ing amateurs... You left your dog, you idiots!"
2004-10-20, 1:54 PM #71
Just cause I'm cuirious on the situation, GIVE US SOME 411!

And I like your method for informing her of your crush. That was beautiful. I'll try it if i get the chance.
Hazard a company one process.
2004-10-20, 2:26 PM #72
The update is that nothing is new. Didn't see her after school and when I did see her during school we didn't have time to talk about it.

Maybe tommorrow.
2004-10-20, 2:29 PM #73
Hurry up, damnit! :mad:
2004-10-20, 2:56 PM #74
Originally posted by Mikus
You mean we're not already? :confused:
Originally posted by PageWizard_YKS
you assume far too much.

Catloaf, meet mouseloaf.
My music
2004-10-20, 5:05 PM #75
Kieran/Pagewizard win. Scenario 2.

Positives: I have new confidence and she did mention something about "If circumstances were different..." this confirms my suspicion. Early in the summer, I thought she was sending me odd vibes---as though she was attracted to me. Then I went away to Salt Lake City and other random places. When I got back, she was dating.
2004-10-20, 5:24 PM #76
Isn't rejection a curious thing? I got rejected last June and whilst I spent a fair part of summer feeling sorry for myself, now somehow i'm finding it easier and easier to approach ladies and i'm pretty sure i've noticed far more attention from them.

How rejection can ultimately result in a heightened level of confidence is something everyone should experience :p
Detty. Professional Expert.
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2004-10-20, 5:33 PM #77
Originally posted by Jedi Legend
The reason I did it was exactly becasue my gut instinct was not to. I've lived my whole life fearing what I haven't experienced. Tonight, I conquered that fear. I took control of my fate. I still can't believe I did it.

Something tells me that I would have regretted leaving her hanging with no answer more than I will regret the negative consequences of the action.

But enough explaining. I'll let the discussion run it's course. Thanks for the optimism some of you have given me.

Jedi Legend, the main point to this is that you learned and experianced a new thing. You conquered your fear, and made decisions based on your "gut instinct". Now, just let it be. Paitence. See what happens. Learn from what you did.

Then you will be Jedi.

EDIT: Also, you should think of this as a good thing. It's good that you told her how you felt towards her. Although I am unaware of how long this girl and your friend have been going out, if they are serious, understand it won't work out. Accept that. And it's not a good idea to keep seceretes, especially in your situation. My advice is be wise, and take this slow.

Then you will be Legend.
2004-10-20, 5:37 PM #78
Originally posted by Pagewizard_YKS
no, i'm merely coldly calculating. Everything I do is for a reason.

Oooh, what was the reason you didn't capitalize the first sentence? :p
2004-10-20, 5:39 PM #79
I got over fearing rejection a long time ago, and it was really easy.

All i did was give my friend $60 and tell him nopt to give it back to me until I got 5 phone numbers. (I got my money back) The first few times I got burned, but as I kept going it got easier and easier. Around the 5th and 6th number (I went for a little extra) , it was second nature to me.

I could have talked to anyone at that point w/o hesitation. That experience gave me a huge surge of confidence that day, and after 4 years, it still hasn't left me.

The whole point of this exercise is to realize that you have everythign to gain and nothing to lose by taking the plunge. Are you afraid you'll mess it up and look like an idiot? If that's the case, who the f*** cares what other people think? Stick it to them by trying and possibly succeeding.
2004-10-20, 5:40 PM #80
Originally posted by Jereiaki
It's good that you told her how you felt towards her.

I have found that that is very seldom if ever a good thing.

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