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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Halo 2: Might be over-hyped.
Halo 2: Might be over-hyped.
2004-10-23, 11:24 AM #41
Originally posted by jEDIkIRBY
What I'm saying, is that I already own the original, and love it. Halo 2 doesn't look like it's going to offer me any more than what I already own. Hence, I'm not going to dish out 50 bucks just to own a slightly more advanced version of a game I already own.


No you're not just saying that, you're bashing the game. And play the friggin game before you talk--it will offer you a lot more than you already own. Take it from someone who's played both for chrissakes.
2004-10-23, 11:34 AM #42
Originally posted by Zell
You are wrong, when you say that Halo 2 is 'slightly' morea dvanced than Halo 1. It's WAY more advanced. Better graphics by far, expanded SP campaign, more MP fun, new weapons, vehicles, vehicle damage, etc. It's at least 20 times better than Halo 1.

I am even saving up for an X-box as I speak so I can get Halo 2 upon release. $10 more 'till I can afford it... :D

The only thing more advanced there is the graphics, ie the engine.

It's Halo + weapons + graphics. What I'm getting from Kirbs is it's just going to be a graphical improvement on the monotonous crap that is Halo.
2004-10-23, 11:39 AM #43
WTF?! Wow, ignorance incarnate=Mikus.

Vehicle damage--big deal
Jacking vehicles--big deal
Different weapons--big deal
Changes to current weapons--big deal
Not getting hurt whilst falling from any distance--big deal
Bigger maps--Big deal
More life--a deal
Faster Gameplay--big deal

It's insanely different. Everything about it that they feels like a different game, it doesn't feel like halo.

But then again, Mikus and Kirby like to be ignorant, because it's cool. :rolleyes:
2004-10-23, 11:50 AM #44
Wow, you really need a dictionary Yoshi, you say ignorant in pretty much every post and yet you have no idea what it means. I've read every review on the game, and unlike some scallywags, haven't had a chance to play it, and guess what, I STILL DON'T CARE. Kirby liked the first one, so don't associate him with me at all on this subject, I didn't like it, I found it boring and monotonous, and adding a few weapons and better graphics isn't going to change that.

Vehicle damage, I don't care
Jacking vehicles, I don't care
Bigger maps, I don't care
More life, I don't care
Faster gameplay, I don't care.

You can wrap a hundred dollar bill around a turd, it's still a turd, so STFU and get yourself a new word.
2004-10-23, 12:05 PM #45
Except it's not a turd. Play the friggin game, smart one, before you make any judgements. I'm calling you ignorant for a reason. Think about it for a second--that one neuron might just fire off long enough for you to get it.
2004-10-23, 12:10 PM #46
I played it and beat it.

Lacking education or knowledge.
Showing or arising from a lack of education or knowledge
Unaware or uninformed.

I'm not uneducated on the subject as I've read all about it, I'm not unaway or uninformed, I mean, I have played it, and I didn't like it at all, and I don't think the changes and additions in the second one will make for a much better game, in fact, you might even say I was... stating my opinion! I guess my opinion was wrong. Good job detective.

(Not all of us can play illegal copies and then play fanboy, I'll let you take that spot, and I'll take that "I didn't like the first one and I won't like the second one" spot)
2004-10-23, 12:14 PM #47
I'm talking about playing Halo 2. And I'm not saying you have to play an illegal copy--just reserve judgement until you play one. Illegal or Legal. And how can you have an opinion on something you've never seen, played, or even associated with unless you were ignorant.
2004-10-23, 12:33 PM #48
It's funny how our opinions are suddenly WRONG.

I'm judging the game on what I've seen. What I've seen doesn't impress me. Like Mikus said, those things may impress you, but neither of us think it's all that much more of an improvement.

ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2004-10-23, 12:37 PM #49
Hmm... let's analyze
I hated terminator 1, I thought it sucked.
I hated terminator 2, I thought it sucked.
I don't think I will like terminator 3.
2004-10-23, 12:43 PM #50
Yeah it is ignorant. You can make judgements, but make judgements, don't say "Yeah, this game will suck". Especially when there's only one precursor.

Kirby--your opinions aren't wrong, just invalid seeing as you go on rumor and nonsense, instead of actually playing the GODDAMN GAME.
2004-10-23, 12:45 PM #51
I've gone on, no not rumors, but the official information. The official info makes sense to me, as not being what I'd consider worth 50 bucks. How is my opinion invalid?
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2004-10-23, 12:49 PM #52
Because you disagree, duh.
2004-10-23, 12:51 PM #53
Because you haven't played the game. And, being the ignorant person you are, assume that reading==experience.

You know, the makings of a game like Animal Crossings sounds boring. You walk around, collect bugs, sell them, talk to animals, do things...and that's a lot of the game.

But it's not, it's fun. At least to me. Descriptions of games can hardly do that game justice. Meaning play it before you say "It sucks, it's just a mod, there's nothing new, omg wtf i r igoramus"
2004-10-23, 12:54 PM #54
Originally posted by Mikus
Hmm... let's analyze
I hated terminator 1, I thought it sucked.
I hated terminator 2, I thought it sucked.
I don't think I will like terminator 3.

No that's not ignorance, it's bad taste.

And Half Life 2 will pwn Halo 2 anyway.... Come on Yosh... I baited you... Lol. I'm just kidding. Halo 2 is going to kick *** on so many levels.
>>untie shoes
2004-10-23, 12:55 PM #55
Is going to? It already does ;) (I'm glad they finally pretty much killed the tank. Goddamn that thing was way too powerful before)
2004-10-23, 12:59 PM #56
I laughed at the tanks before... I loved my sniper rifle.... But other people seemed to hate my sniper rifle... I have NO idea why!
>>untie shoes
2004-10-23, 1:08 PM #57
Whatever happened to Pong. man that game was sweet. i played it with Al Capone all the time.
2004-10-23, 1:16 PM #58
Let me make this clear for you Yoshi:


I am not ignorant, I am making an informed decision based on my own personal preferences. I have played the original, I have read about the changes and improvements in the sequel, and I still thinks it's going to be crap, as was the first. Why? Because they didn't address the issues that caused me to dislike it, e.g. it's a console shooter, which I find terrible. Did they change that? No they did not. They spiffed it up, and I'm not saying it's not an improvement on the first, what I have put forth is that I think it is over-hyped and will be just as bad as the first, and I think it will suck complete monkey butt.

Yoshi wants to say "You're wrong and I'm right, you're stupid." but he thinks he's clever so instead he says "You're wrong and I'm right, you're ignorant." because he doesn't know what the word means. There is nothing that I am ignorant of, except actual experience of the game, and I don't need to eat **** to know it's not candy.

Why don't you learn to accept that people, smart people, people with valid opinions, are not going to like what you like, and that's ok, it doesn't mean you're wrong, your penis isn't getting any smaller, people just have different tastes.
2004-10-23, 1:56 PM #59
But you are ignorant. You haven't played it. You don't know how it plays. And yet you have an opinion on it.

I'm done with this thread, because I was just trying to get you guys to see this, and maybe kirby has, but Mikus obviously doesn't know the definition of ignorant, regardless of him posting it here. Strange.
2004-10-23, 1:57 PM #60
At this point, yoshi, you're being ignorat, and he's just an idiot.
2004-10-23, 1:58 PM #61
2004-10-23, 2:05 PM #62
Vehicle damage--big deal

Yeah, because we've never seen that before?
Jacking vehicles--big deal
I think jacking vehicles is lame, but my that's my opinion and it's wrong right?
Different weapons--big deal

I haven't seen anything in the way of new weapons except for the sword. And that's original.
Changes to current weapons--big deal

Tweaking weapons isn't a big deal. It's a patch.
Not getting hurt whilst falling from any distance--big deal

Big deal? This could probably be achieved by changing a setting in notepad...
Bigger maps--Big deal

Yes, bigger maps is pretty sweet.
More life--a deal

I thought the gameplay was faster? And this is another notepad mod.
Faster Gameplay--big deal

Oh, maybe it will be up to speed with other action games now?
2004-10-23, 2:25 PM #63
"I've been proven wrong so I'm going to say ignorant a few more times and not come back and post an irrelevant picture".

Ignorant Ignorant you're wrong, ignorant ignorant stfu
2004-10-23, 2:26 PM #64
My sentiments EXACTLY. There's no actual additions to the game. So, like I originally said; it's a mod.

ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2004-10-23, 2:26 PM #65
Real ****ing mature there ladies.
2004-10-23, 3:04 PM #66
Originally posted by Connection Problem
Yeah, because we've never seen that before?
I think jacking vehicles is lame, but my that's my opinion and it's wrong right?

True, you've seen it before. But in Halo's multiplayer at least, this is a big change. For instance. In the PC version of Multiplayer now, far too many people use the banshee as a ground vehical. You can kill them, but it doesn't stop them since anyone can hop right back in. In Halo 2, which will feature Banshees in Multiplayer, if anyone does that, one missle is all it takes. They die, the Banshee is out of the game. That adds a nice level to the gameplay of Halo as far as I'm concerned.

I haven't seen anything in the way of new weapons except for the sword. And that's original.

Not all of the new weapons stand out. New additions right now include the SMGs, the Brute Shot (which I'm lead to believe is a grenade launcher), the Plasma Sword, the Covenant Combine, and the Battle Rifle. The Assault Rifle from Halo 1 is gone. If they haven't really stood out to you, I think that might be a good thing. It keeps you familiar with the game, and the elements you have to play with.

Tweaking weapons isn't a big deal. It's a patch.

They didn't so much tweak, as completely re-balance everything. They added guns, they removed guns. In doing so, they of course upset the balance of weapons. Their balance wasn't perfect before (pistol anyone?) but I'm hopeful it'll be alot better this time around.

This could probably be achieved by changing a setting in notepad...

Considering this is on Xbox, I doubt it. Then again, I'm no expert on how one would go about editing an Xbox game.

Yes, bigger maps is pretty sweet.

Bigger is almost an understatement. I recall reading that most are about the size of Assault on the Control Room (the big snow level with the tank). Some are twice that size.

This is a new game. Mods generally change small pieces of a game. They generally don't change every aspect. The graphics system was torn down and rebuilt. Their physics system got an overhaul. They added the aspects of destructable envrionments and vehicals. That adds a level to gameplay. Enemy in a gun turret? Blow his platform up. Turret destroyed. If your Worthog gets tagged with a grenade now, it isn't just 'bail out wait, wait for the detonation, flip it over, get back in', it could completely obliterate your car. Boarding vehicals? In multiplayer this will be awesome. Think just for a minute. This isn't just about kicking the driver out. On the worthog, you can kick the passenger out. Then you can kill the driver. You can hop into the gunner seat. While your enemy is busy trying to run your team over, you can kill all of his infantry. It forces him to take the worthog away from his base. It gives your team a bigger opportunity to take possession of it. The enemy AI in Single Player was completely rebuilt.

This is a new game. They're going to force the player to re-think every strategy they currently have for both single player and multiplayer. If you see that as a mod, fine. But I'm pretty sure you'd be among a minority world-wide in that respect.
"In the beginning, the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move." - Douglas Adams
Are you finding Ling-Ling's head?
Last Stand
2004-10-23, 3:11 PM #67
My only complaint about bigger maps is load times. Load times are so unbearable, and increasing the graphics and map size at the same time... ouch.
2004-10-23, 3:41 PM #68
Load times aren't affected at all, really.
2004-10-23, 3:48 PM #69
So there's twice as much to load at twice as much detail but it does it at the same speed? Amazing.
2004-10-23, 3:56 PM #70
I think this thread currently makes you both out to be the stupidest members on these forums. Feel free to define that if you like.
2004-10-23, 4:01 PM #71
Originally posted by JASRCC_Uber0010
I think this thread currently makes you both out to be the stupidest members on these forums. Feel free to define that if you like.

Define what?
2004-10-23, 4:05 PM #72
Although I think Mikus and Yoshi are being immature fan-boys and non-fanboys, both of their opinions are valid. I'm just agreeing with Mikus more.

But I will say, that I like some of those features PhoPho was talking about. Doesn't make it worth 50 bucks, though.

I just really hope they make SP worth playing this time. Maybe they can take fewer lessons from Spiral and try some sensical SP missions this time.

ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2004-10-23, 4:08 PM #73
I prefer "counter-fanboy" or "anti-fanboy" Kirbs
2004-10-23, 4:27 PM #74
Originally posted by jEDIkIRBY
Although I think Mikus and Yoshi are being immature fan-boys and non-fanboys, both of their opinions are valid. I'm just agreeing with Mikus more.

But I will say, that I like some of those features PhoPho was talking about. Doesn't make it worth 50 bucks, though.

I just really hope they make SP worth playing this time. Maybe they can take fewer lessons from Spiral and try some sensical SP missions this time.



Mikus--you gotta realize they have a brand new engine. I don't know the intracacies, all I know is I never saw major load times. *shrug*
2004-10-23, 4:33 PM #75
I was making the judgement that it isn't worth 15 dollars. Everyone disagreeing with me made it non-fanboyism. People won't always agree that a game is omg amazing, wether they play it or not. Deal with it.

ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2004-10-23, 4:38 PM #76
Doom 3 looks like rubber.
omnia mea mecum porto
2004-10-23, 4:43 PM #77
I'm not taking sides here since I don't have an xbox, but Yoshi it has to be said many of your replies regarding Halo 2 could just as easily apply to many of your comments on Half Life 2.
2004-10-23, 4:45 PM #78
But every comment of HL2 I have, is that I doubt it'll be good, and that I'm not looking forward to it. I didn't say it sucked, I didn't say it'll be horrible, hell I'm kind of afraid I'll like it. But Kirby made an assumption that Halo 2 will suck, and stated it as fact. There's a difference.
2004-10-23, 4:53 PM #79
Half-life 2 can suck it, because from what I can tell the guns fire and act just like they do/did in HL1, and that's what made me LOATHE HL1. Not to mention all the lame 'thrills'.

But here you're judging the gameplay without having experienced it yourself. I just don't see the difference to many of Mikus/Kirby's comments and your comment here on 'lame thrills'.

How about we ALL cut both games a break till they're out? :)
2004-10-23, 4:57 PM #80
Okay--well that was a mistake. The majority of my posts are more like "If they make the guns in HL2 act like they did in HL1, then I'm going to hate it. It doesn't look that great, and I'm not looking forward to it". Everyone slips.

But it's my right to not look forward to a game, but it's just stupid for me to say that it'll suck outright (kirby). Do I think HL2 won't be that great? Yes. Do I persecute anyone else for thinking otherwise? No. Because a lot of people thought HL was awesome, and are looking forward to the second one. I personally will be getting it for Source engine mods.

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