I think the reason that the Episode 1 trailer got so much reaction to it, was because it was the first release of a Star Wars movie in over 20 years... Who wouldnt have been excited?
I actually didn't mind Episode 1, albiet for Jar Jar, it wasn't bad IMO. The trailer related great what was to be expected in the movie, but thats because my expectations weren't totally high for the film in the first place, unlike so many others.
Episode 2's trailer conveyed the feel and message of Episode 2 very well IMO. I loved Episode 2, there were parts where it dragged yes, but all in all, I thought it was a good film.
The Episode 3 trailer looks to be the best out of the three. From what the trailer shows, it seems to convey the "dark" imagery that's supposed to be portrayed in the film very nicely. ANakin looks like a zombie... Which to me is a good thing.
spoiler:Just look at the look in his eyes in the trailer where him and Obi-Wan are fighting, and he's trying to use obi-wan's lightsaber to kill him. That shot alone is great. Another is at the very beginning where it shows Anakin with the yellow/reddish eyes in his hood looking back, very evil.
I think the Episode 3 trailer sums up what the film will be pretty nicely. Episode 1 was a victim of it's own hype, Episode 2 was a step up, only a lot of people were still upset about Episode 1 and therefore wouldn't judge Episode 2 fairly, because a lot of the reviews related it to EPisode 1. People still do, people still relate how Episode 3 will be all the way back to Episode 1.
Episode 3 is gonna rock everyone's *** in theaters.