Being a spelling nazi doesn't do anything except instigate people, so really, don't do it, especially when you typed "from" wrong right after that. You benefited because you twisted my post into saying that I thought all liberals are bimbos and teachers, and I really have no idea where the hell you got that. I explained what I meant in my last post. Also, I never, ever said their vote didn't count. I only said that you shouldn't take their word as if they were channeling god.
Ok, I’m sorry, I guess saying 'valid vote' was a misnomer. what I was saying was that one should be informed before having an opinion, and despite your obvious distaste for me, I think you would agree. seeing a commercial with an actor saying "vote for Kerry for no other reason then that I said so!" and then taking their word as gold is not being an informed voter. It’s the same if someone saw a 'Vote for bush' commercial of the same genre and decided Bush was the savior of western civilization from that alone. they are not informed voters.
Voting is a show of opinion, and opinions can be bad, if they are uninformed. you could have the opinion that Kerry has an IQ of 36, but that would be a bad one because he's obviously a very intelligent man. See where I’m going with this? It’s the same as the thread earlier about Thrawn flipping a coin to decide. yes, his vote is perfectly valid, a government agent didn't jump out of a bush, confiscate the coin, and remove his voting rights, but that doesn't mean that deciding that way was a good thing to do.
Don't take well to getting attacked? I think you should check who did the first attacking, sir. Saying I called all liberals Bimbos and teachers and that their votes don't count was, at the least, a tad offensive, especially when I didn't mean that at all, and had you seriously read that, you would have gotten my real point.
Ok, I could have let the nazi bit go because you were angry, but you just had to bring up post count, didn't you? What the hell does that have to do with anything except to make you seem immature? If you must know, I have 2261 posts, this is a new name of mine (no, I’m not freelancer!) but that doesn't mean ****, I’m no better then you because I post more. sheesh.
The above post may contain traces of sarcasm, cynicism, outright insults, and sadistic tendencies. You have been warned.