I'm not on the list
Half a decade of devoted work and a whoopin' 6 level long epic should at least deserve me a spot there.
Name: Paul van Eekelen, known as 'vedder' or 'ZOOIkes' in the editing scene
Birth Date: 2 december '85
Country of Origin: the Netherlands
Massassian since: mid 1999
Words of Wisdom: "Therefore the Lord God sent him forth from the garden of Eden. He drove out the man; and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubim, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life."
My work:
A Pirate's Tale Epic:
A Pirate's Tale lvl 1
A Pirate's Tale lvl 2
A Pirate's Tale lvl 3 & 4
A Pirate's Tale lvl 5 & 6
The Darkest Thing (together with Cavey):
The Darkest Thing
I don't have a FTP at the moment (I recently changed ISP so I lost my old ftp), therefore I no longer have images at hand, but the above links inlcude all the obligatory 2 images required for posting levels at massassi.