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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Mature boil over.
Mature boil over.
2005-01-10, 2:22 PM #41
Sure I can.
Detty. Professional Expert.
Flickr Twitter
2005-01-10, 2:23 PM #42
I must have missed something these past few days, I have no idea whats going on . Anything good? - As Featured in Guitar Hero II!
2005-01-10, 2:24 PM #43
Not really. Just a lot of people overreacting.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2005-01-10, 3:00 PM #44
I have no problems with you mech :)

Have a cookie

*hands mech year old cookie thats been in his computer chair*
2005-01-10, 3:00 PM #45
I respect MechWarior for this thread. It's far more mature than that of the previous closed thread, and far less victimizing. MechWarior is only stating how he hopes to make his stay at massassi better by holding back on his flames, and hopes others can do the same.

But unfortunately, you and the rest of the 'flamed' people are misconceiving a very important logic: No one treats you any differently. I think this goes off on what Wolvy was saying. While you in this group tend to play victim, you're just unable to adjust to the fact that little to no one is going to agree with you on line. And if they don't agree with you, they're going to combine their disagreement with something witty and satirical. Initially, that isn't a flame. It's when you constantly play the victim role in these situations, and assume that you're moral grounds are being dredged on, and that you're being oppressed by the fascism of massassi, you begin to set yourself up for a very hard time at massassi.

Take me for instance. I very rarely make a rude post that is meant to be taken seriously. And when it is meant to be taken seriously, I make exact mention of that, and tend to use a serious tone. I personally don't pay attention to whom I'm disagreeing with and just post whichever comment I had. Not until someone claims that they're being berated and attacked does my comment become hurtful. Specifically, with Laura's thread that I was warned away from. I made a comment on my moral opinions of the thread. I in-fact never singled out a one person in the thread, and was talking about the thread as a whole. This was, instead, read as some personal flame-bait against Laura in my never ending quest to piss people off.

If you take people's comments too personally, you're not seeing the internet for what it is. None of these people care about you enough to flame you. There is little to no flaming done at massassi unless it's between Dj Yoshi and SAJN_Master, and they coexist. The rest is just people trying to be funny. People that couldn't really care less how you feel, or if they're hurting your feelings, or not hurting your feelings. You're the one that turns harmless internet posts into self-defeating hurt.

You can't have internet bullies. Not until people start hacking you and threatening you for personal gain. People online are just trying to get interaction with other people done, and this requires a reaction. You supply it, and feed their need. It's a simple concept. Stop playing the victim, and you won't be victimized.

ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2005-01-10, 3:02 PM #46
Mech, I know you mean me (and to a smaller degree another forum member), and I'll give you one good reason I have flamed you in the past, and will probably continue to do so on a lesser level--your exit message on IRC right before your "leaving" thread. Anyone who was there (GoY, Jin, stat I think, zully maybe) can testify as to what it said. So yeah, don't care what the hell you say to me from here on out, it's not gonna help.
2005-01-10, 3:04 PM #47
what was the message?
"Jayne, this is something the Captain has to do for himself"

"N-No it's not!"

2005-01-10, 3:07 PM #48
When people criticise you, you shouldn't get angry and stressed about it, but you certainly shouldn't 'ignore' it either.

How about actually taking it on board?

If lots of people are cussing you up.. well, perhaps there's a reason for that. You can't expect a community to mould around you, there has to be some give from both sides.
"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt. " - Bertrand Russell
The Triumph of Stupidity in Mortals and Others 1931-1935
2005-01-10, 3:08 PM #49
Originally posted by jEDIkIRBY
I respect MechWarior for this thread. It's far more mature than that of the previous closed thread, and far less victimizing. MechWarior is only stating how he hopes to make his stay at massassi better by holding back on his flames, and hopes others can do the same.

But unfortunately, you and the rest of the 'flamed' people are misconceiving a very important logic: No one treats you any differently. I think this goes off on what Wolvy was saying. While you in this group tend to play victim, you're just unable to adjust to the fact that little to no one is going to agree with you on line. And if they don't agree with you, they're going to combine their disagreement with something witty and satirical. Initially, that isn't a flame. It's when you constantly play the victim role in these situations, and assume that you're moral grounds are being dredged on, and that you're being oppressed by the fascism of massassi, you begin to set yourself up for a very hard time at massassi.

Take me for instance. I very rarely make a rude post that is meant to be taken seriously. And when it is meant to be taken seriously, I make exact mention of that, and tend to use a serious tone. I personally don't pay attention to whom I'm disagreeing with and just post whichever comment I had. Not until someone claims that they're being berated and attacked does my comment become hurtful. Specifically, with Laura's thread that I was warned away from. I made a comment on my moral opinions of the thread. I in-fact never singled out a one person in the thread, and was talking about the thread as a whole. This was, instead, read as some personal flame-bait against Laura in my never ending quest to piss people off.

If you take people's comments too personally, you're not seeing the internet for what it is. None of these people care about you enough to flame you. There is little to no flaming done at massassi unless it's between Dj Yoshi and SAJN_Master, and they coexist. The rest is just people trying to be funny. People that couldn't really care less how you feel, or if they're hurting your feelings, or not hurting your feelings. You're the one that turns harmless internet posts into self-defeating hurt.

You can't have internet bullies. Not until people start hacking you and threatening you for personal gain. People online are just trying to get interaction with other people done, and this requires a reaction. You supply it, and feed their need. It's a simple concept. Stop playing the victim, and you won't be victimized.


"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2005-01-10, 3:09 PM #50
I think I missed this entire thing. What exactly did who do to who to make the who hate them?
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2005-01-10, 3:11 PM #51
Posts which rely on wit or sarcasm can appear far more hostile if the joke isn't got or if it's been done so many times it's stupid.

I'll probably just ban the next person who tries to make a witty remark about anyone's leaving threads, probably be less effort in the long run.

You can't just come up after all the damage is done and say "hey guys I was being sarcastic". In a text-only medium you have to be very careful about what you say, and if there's a reasonable chance that someone will take objection to something that's just a joke you need to make it very clear that it's just that.

If you say something that a person sees as an insult and then everyone quotes it with <3!!!!!!!!!, it amplifies the feeling that loads of people are against them.

You could just stick *joke* after the end of your post for all I care.

Oh yeah, I wasn't being entirely serious about the second paragraph, I might change my mind though :p
Detty. Professional Expert.
Flickr Twitter
2005-01-10, 3:13 PM #52
Originally posted by Emon
I think I missed this entire thing. What exactly did who do to who to make the who hate them?

That's the thing. I've been asking this the whole time; at least twice specifically, and damned if anyone can tell me. It's just a bunch of people playing victim who can't even quote the points at which they were victimized.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2005-01-10, 3:15 PM #53
I don't fully understand why people take my comments seriously... sure, my comments are rude, and at times uncalled for, but I can't see how you would possibly think that anyone could be serious saying some of these things.

Maybe I should finally break down a get a custom title that says

"is joking"
>>untie shoes
2005-01-10, 3:15 PM #54
I can understand that Detty, I can. But as a whole, VERY few people in massassi think this way. And even fewer really care for that matter. It's the 5 people a year that we have pissing and moaning about being oppressed and bullied that just don't have any sense of humor at all. These are the people we must disclaim our posts in favor of? I vote they disclaim their posts to void their inability to understand simple concepts such as "I disagree with your opinion. Witty phrase."

ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2005-01-10, 3:18 PM #55
The problem is that everyone tends to try to figure out what someone else is doing wrong, when they should look at themselves first. You have far more control over yourself than you do over someone on the Internet. Even if you think you've really done nothing wrong, you're mistaken.

Here's an example: you're playing an online multiplayer game, such as Counter-Strike. You get fragged and someone goes "WTF noob u suk!" This is where you should not try to change this person, but determine the best way to react, and there can only be one best way. If you choose another way, you haven't not done anything wrong.
Looks like we're not going down after all, so nevermind.
2005-01-10, 3:29 PM #56
Look, I and other admins have seen too much hosility towards:

Such hostility exists, i'm not going to quote specific things because I really can't be bothered to dig up past threads and chatlogs.

It's so noticable for me that i've even pondered if there's little childish conversations that go on in the PM system. It seems odd that two of the people above and the two prime candidates for causing this abuse have the highest number of PMs on the forums, of course this is just an aside since it's a little too much like a conspiracy theory.

You can't just say "oh, they don't have a sense of humour", that's utter rubbish. I have a sense of humour and i'd get fed up if jokes were made at my expense all the time, i'd probably laugh the first few times, but then the joke would get old and my perception of it would change.

Maybe MechWarrior is going about this the wrong way and should just send a short PM to those who he feels flame him so much and politely ask them to stop. But at the end of the day he has just as much right to not get insulted after every other post as anybody else does.
Detty. Professional Expert.
Flickr Twitter
2005-01-10, 3:34 PM #57
You also must realize that it seems to be in human nature to insult people at what almost seems to be random times. I talked to a few of my friends from back in high school and I was amazed at how often they called each other gay or a ****** or some other slur. It's just how people are, and I think that alot of these comments are not serious (Yoshi excluded for obvious reasons) and they shouldn't be taken too seriously. Maybe that's just me, though.
>>untie shoes
2005-01-10, 3:36 PM #58
I agree with much of that. But when someone who really does have a vendetta says something insulting and then everyone quotes it with <3!!!!! it basically makes the quoters look just as insulting.
Detty. Professional Expert.
Flickr Twitter
2005-01-10, 3:42 PM #59
To tell the truth though I think alot of people go around looking for comments in threads to quote and then type <3!!!!!! or even worse <3!!!!!

It's not clever or funny. Plus it takes about two minutes to complete that operation, unless you have it saved somewhere. I file that in the same category as QFT and FIXED. It's almost up there with "No.", but not quite.

Alot of it is just people that are looking for every opportunity to do something witty.
>>untie shoes
2005-01-10, 3:42 PM #60
Detty, if I may I'd like to present an example (Sorry to bring this to you Bill)

Mech and Bill were arguing and who started what isn't important.

Bill said: "Shouldn't you be off flirting with a camwhore"
It was quoted with <3.
Is this insulting to Mech? Possibly.
Is this insult to Boricaisdasdsoafhasf? Possibly.
However, forum members such as those who quoted Bill have obviously noticed the truth of this statement (multiple threads prove this).

What would you say about this situation?
2005-01-10, 3:46 PM #61
Oh yeah that too.

I thought this was pretty obvious...

I'm not sure what we were arguing about, but he made a comment like

"Maybe I should just kill bill and be done with it."

I then told him maybe he should be off flirting with camwhores...

And? I thought what he said was rather funny, and I thought my reply was rather funny. I was just pissing with him, and I'm pretty sure the same applies from his standpoint.
>>untie shoes
2005-01-10, 3:47 PM #62
If it were about me I would have taken offense. The comment is basically saying "I don't value what you're saying, [attempt at wit here]".

Edit: Now it's put in more context, Bill's remark was fair, subsequent quoting was expected but a little harsh.
Detty. Professional Expert.
Flickr Twitter
2005-01-10, 3:49 PM #63
Conversely, now that I think of it, the thread which my camwhore flirting statement was derived from, contains a serious comment of mine that was directed at Mech... after he had been flirting and I replied with a large green *PUKE*... which I also found quite funny, and was quoted several times... So where is the line drawn between laughing at someone well I guess it's still laughing at someone... but I think you get the idea.
>>untie shoes
2005-01-10, 3:52 PM #64
I think there's just a point where a joke stops being funny and starts being insulting. Obviously it's hard to quantify, but I don't think it's hard to see MechWarrior's perspective.
Detty. Professional Expert.
Flickr Twitter
2005-01-10, 3:52 PM #65
I can guarantee none of my PMs include anything offending about Mech, Obi, or Boricua. They're just to exchange thanks, contact information, or knowledge that isn't appropriate for the boards.

I only say this because I know I have one of the highest PM counts on the boards.
2005-01-10, 3:54 PM #66
Yeah for another one of these threads. :rolleyes:

People need to stop taking posts on an internet forum so freaking seriously. Step back for two seconds and calm down. It's not that hard.
Pissed Off?
2005-01-10, 3:55 PM #67
Originally posted by DeTRiTiC-iQ
If it were about me I would have taken offense. The comment is basically saying "I don't value what you're saying, [attempt at wit here]".

Det, I don't value what you are saying... but then again, I don't value the British.

Uh... why is everyone staring at me? :eek:

2005-01-10, 3:55 PM #68
You're missing my point, Detty. What I'm saying, is that those 3 people play the victim. They attempt to defend themselves against posts that weren't directed at them, but at their post. People accepted Kwiet for who he was for a long while. Not till he started claiming that people were flaming him because of his standpoint on a few select topics did anyone actually take the time out to personally insult him. I mean, if I pulled out the stops and told zully he was being mean every time he poked fun at me, I'd probably be sitting in the exact same position as those 3. For a long time, with Sine, I was. I'm not speaking only from one of the accused positions, I'm speaking from that same 'victimized' position I once attempted to pass off as a pitty party.

ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2005-01-10, 3:57 PM #69
Originally posted by Dj Yoshi
I can guarantee none of my PMs include anything offending about Mech, Obi, or Boricua. They're just to exchange thanks, contact information, or knowledge that isn't appropriate for the boards.

I only say this because I know I have one of the highest PM counts on the boards.

I'm sure mine is up there too.
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2005-01-10, 4:01 PM #70
I think we can all agree this is nowhere near as bad as what happened to SAJN. Poor fella couldn't even make a thread for the longest time, and the admins were MUCH slower to react than this.
2005-01-10, 4:01 PM #71
Most of the BS that goes on could be avoided by people asking themselves whether or not the thread actually needs their post. If all you're going to do is post something that will stir something up, then rewrite it or click the back button.

Frankly I think a lot of the crap that gets posted is just another shining example of free speech triumphing over the responsibility not to make a knob of yourself. Just because you have an opinion, doesn't mean that you should share it. If you're not going to make a valid, useful and polite contribution to the thread, then just don't post.
2005-01-10, 4:02 PM #72
I have no idea how many pm's I have in retrospect to the rest of the board, because I don't know how many pm's anyone else has... But I've only got like 7... so I doubt I'm too high up there.
>>untie shoes
2005-01-10, 4:02 PM #73
That would be unbelievably boring.
2005-01-10, 4:03 PM #74
I see your point jEDIkIRBY. But if someone were to just ask for people to ease off them, would it be unreasonable of them to have asked this? I think it's a perfectly fair request, different people take things in different ways, i've had to ask some of my friends to cut it out when their jokes towards someone started going a bit too far and they did it and everyone was happy again.

I do think MechWarrior (and others) approach to dealing with this isn't the best way to go, but I also think they are justified in what they want.
Detty. Professional Expert.
Flickr Twitter
2005-01-10, 4:06 PM #75
I'd have to agree there. As much as I may or may not dislike SAJN, I was apalled at the stalling and crap the admins (some of them at least) put up with the SAJN issue.
2005-01-10, 4:07 PM #76
Originally posted by Mikus
I think we can all agree this is nowhere near as bad as what happened to SAJN. Poor fella couldn't even make a thread for the longest time, and the admins were MUCH slower to react than this.

I don't know if it's any different, but there was a period of about a month where he was the most annoying person here. However, he toned it down. When that happened the "crap" that was following him pretty much stopped.
Pissed Off?
2005-01-10, 4:10 PM #77
kirby's a stupid midget
2005-01-10, 4:10 PM #78
obligatory dancing lobster
tofu sucks
2005-01-10, 4:11 PM #79
Sajn seems to be kind of elitist now, though. Maybe I'm just misunderstanding him... but I guess from what alot of you say, he used to be a real pest, and now that he's stopped all of that it seems to me like he's got sort of a hotty totty attitude about him... But like I said, I could be misinterpreting all of this.
>>untie shoes
2005-01-10, 4:12 PM #80
And Brian said, "Let there be STFU." and there was STFU and it was good.

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