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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Mature boil over.
Mature boil over.
2005-01-10, 4:12 PM #81
Yes. Me likes as well.
Pissed Off?
2005-01-10, 4:14 PM #82
Opposite people can coexist fine. Take Mort-hog and myself for instance. He's a communist(nothing wrong with that) and I'm a libertarian(closest to anyway) yet I think we get along great. In fact, he is one of the only people's insight I value in political threads.
Democracy: rule by the stupid
2005-01-10, 4:16 PM #83
Even though in theory, everything Mort says seems to work, it continually seems to be proven wrong throughout history.

Though he does know a damn good bit about physics.
2005-01-10, 4:17 PM #84
I see your point jEDIkIRBY. But if someone were to just ask for people to ease off them, would it be unreasonable of them to have asked this? I think it's a perfectly fair request, different people take things in different ways, i've had to ask some of my friends to cut it out when their jokes towards someone started going a bit too far and they did it and everyone was happy again.

I do think MechWarrior (and others) approach to dealing with this isn't the best way to go, but I also think they are justified in what they want.

But that ISN'T how they reacted. They retorted with insults, flames, or elitism of stating that they would ignore those posts, simply to publically draw attention to themselves and the oppression that they claim to. These are all subject for flames. The CORRECT way to show that you aren't receiving people's posts very well is to state it in plain english:

"I'm sorry I may have offended you, but I really don't think your comments are warented. I really don't appreciate your omments. If you can't handle that, Please refrain from posting on my threads, and I will do the same for you."

If this fails, contacting an admin is the next step. The above HAS been practiced in the past on accounts that I can barelly remember; because they worked. There was no trouble after these sorts of posts. But the 3 people you mentioned posted NOTHING of the sort. Not until they realize they're losing in the battle of wit do they resort to a post like the above. And then it's too late; they are no better than their oppressors. I made this exact same comment on the Sine thread. If you retort against the people who attack you, you make any sense of defense you have moot.

This is how the 3 people you mentioned handled their situations:

"I will ignore you and be the better person. Don't bother me, because I'm not doing anything wrong. Everyone else in my thread agreed with me and posted what I asked. You, instead, disagreed with me and derailed my topic. I don't know what your problem with me is, but it needs to end." This followed by countless friends chiming in and retorting on the account of their friend.

"I'm leaving, this is dumb. You people are mean and I never deserved it. I don't care if you all burn in hell, I'm leaving." When returning after his comment, no one will take you seriously. No one.

"You're disagreeing with me, and that's not fair. I have a freedom of speech, and you're being elitist by coming up with more evidence against my case than I have for it. Stop flaming me! You're infringing on my rights!" This after no one personally insulted the person at all.

I added italics and bolds to show the key points of flaw in those 3 statements. If I need to point out any more, than you obviously can't see the flaw in playing the victim.

Oh, also, I'd just like to note: No one is better than anyone else here. Just because the person acted immature in response to not being accepted in the community, doesn't mean the community needs to CONTINUE to flame them. No one is in the right, but no one is at all a victim of anything but circumstances.

ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2005-01-10, 4:18 PM #85
To be honest, Obi really does bring it on himself. He always brings up his religious opinion at the most random times, and states them in the most offensive ways.

I don't have problems with many people, but... he really should listen to what his name says.
"I got kicked off the high school debate team for saying 'Yeah? Well, **** you!'
... I thought I had won."
2005-01-10, 4:18 PM #86
It's not about whither his form of government works or not. It's about getting the philosophical input on any given issue from someone with that political ideology.
Democracy: rule by the stupid
2005-01-10, 4:21 PM #87
Originally posted by Chaz Ghostle
To be honest, Obi really does bring it on himself. He always brings up his religious opinion at the most random times, and states them in the most offensive ways.

I don't have problems with many people, but... he really should listen to what his name says.

You should find Jesus then go kill a furry animal :) :( :o :D ;) :p :cool: :rolleyes: :mad: :eek:
2005-01-10, 4:23 PM #88
Originally posted by Zuljin
kirby's a stupid midget

*tear* And that's the good ole times a-shinin`.
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2005-01-10, 4:57 PM #89
Originally posted by MechWarrior
I'd also like to at this time say sorry for my past hostility and assure you my time fighting is over so any insults or flames will simply be ignored from me as they should be.

That's all I have to say for now... let's try to be nicer to each other... atleast that's what I want. Try to make this place happy again instead of logging on to see how I have to defend myself next.

You know what, you listen very carefully to what Kirby said. Apply it while you're here. If you can do that, in all honesty I'll be nice to you, and I'll be happy to.
2005-01-10, 5:15 PM #90
all I'm gonna say is that, I have no idea who you are, what the heck your talking about, but you SHOULD NOT generalize, cause its ticking me off that I'm in that generalization, just live with it, like I live with a stinky dog, you'll get your chance mech. ;)
Nothing to see here, move along.
2005-01-10, 5:22 PM #91
concentrate on the positive! I've alaways liked you, mech...I've seen no reason to change my opinion. and I had never heard anything about anybody hasstling (sp? hasseling?) you or anyone else until the "chances of getting caught" thread. I can't say I have anything against anyone here, and looking at some of these replies, there are lot like me
Fincham: Where are you going?
Me: I have no idea
Fincham: I meant where are you sitting. This wasn't an existential question.
2005-01-10, 5:27 PM #92
Sajn seems to be kind of elitist now, though. Maybe I'm just misunderstanding him... but I guess from what alot of you say, he used to be a real pest, and now that he's stopped all of that it seems to me like he's got sort of a hotty totty attitude about him... But like I said, I could be misinterpreting all of this.

No...I'm just better then you.


P.S. That's Mr. SAJN to you. *holds up pinky*
Think while it's still legal.
2005-01-10, 5:36 PM #93
Det, for the record, I have a large PM count, but every single one of them is for legitimate business and I've never received nor sent one to Mech, Boricua, or Obi. And only one was complaining about me being offensive or somesuch. :p
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2005-01-10, 5:40 PM #94
This seems as good of thread as any to ask this VERY important question:

Has anybody seen or heard from Tracer lately?
2005-01-10, 5:47 PM #95
The most I've ever done, was to drop several sarcastic remarks about the numerous flames and insults that are constantly being launched in my direction. And don't tell me I started it because I didn't. However, in light of these events I will stop doing even this in an effort to cooperate as much as possible.

See Chaz, what you're doing is saying that you should be allowed to post you opinion, and that I should be denied the right to post mine. This is neither objective, open-minded or anything else that liberals claim to be. I can only post what I believe. Doing otherwise would be both deceitful to myself and others. If you don’t like it, make some argument against it! As for offensive, you really don't know offensive. You just find my oppenions them selves offencive. If you want to see offenceive, listen to this idiot. Not only has that idiot not read his bible in the last twenty years, he's is being as offensive as possible about his "beliefs". I like this guy less than any liberal, because he claims to be on my side, but makes a mockery of it. Fortunately he's 90+ and will be in hell soon, as he has no idea how salvation works. :mad: Sorry to get OT.
2005-01-10, 5:54 PM #96
Originally posted by SAJN_Master
No...I'm just better then you.


P.S. That's Mr. SAJN to you. *holds up pinky*

Oh ok. I understand now.
>>untie shoes
2005-01-10, 5:54 PM #97
This is not the place Obi.
Detty. Professional Expert.
Flickr Twitter
2005-01-10, 5:58 PM #98
Obi, in a thread about love (which seems to have dissapeared), where everyone was being positive, you made the first negative remark, stating that atheists can't feel love. This, of course, was followed by other negative remarks, asking you to, basically, shut up.

This seems to happen everytime you have an opinion.

Edit- Sorry, Det. you posted that while I was typing. I'll say no more.
"I got kicked off the high school debate team for saying 'Yeah? Well, **** you!'
... I thought I had won."
2005-01-10, 6:09 PM #99
In Tribute to Adam Sliger. Rest in Peace

10/7/85 - 12/9/03
2005-01-10, 6:16 PM #100
Yeah I agree exactly Mechwarrior, some of these tag teamers have a little too much time on their hands.\

[EDITED: Didn't wanna get banned]
2005-01-10, 8:37 PM #101
Dang, I just realized what Detric meant whan he said this is not the place. *Goes to PM*

(For the record, I didn't say that atheists couldn't expirence love.)
2005-01-10, 9:05 PM #102
well since we're personallizing this thread, and basing it on how an admin feels about what sbeen said. ill do so too

boroucawhatever makes me feel highly uncomfortable. and yes ive stuck up for her out of common curtesy beacuse i know when you people are being jack***es and when you arent, and thus, i being citizen joe, stand up for the rights of the abused when neccessary (im not perfect mind you)

but i feel really uncomfortable. i come to this forum to just relax, yes there is discussion about private lives n social lives but i get an extremely high sexual vibe from her, and from the way she tells people they are attractive. BELIEVE ME when i say raising fellow massassians self esteem on the post your pic threads is really nice, infact i do it myself. but there is a certain level of appropriateness she manages to cross, and maybe you detters, arent that reserved, and i myself arent, when ima round the -ians that ive known forever, you being one of them. but i find that really ridiculously disturbing sometimes the stuff i read on here.

as for obi kwiet. i sometimes am as sensitive as he is, and after reading a lot of his posts i feel like im going to go burn in hell. so tit for tat why not. this is how i feel... i feel like my rights of coming to a laid back community are wrecked when im scrolling to find pictures of peoples gstrings in the picture, and dont tell me 'dont look at it' because you cant help but scroll, and you cant help but see it. same with obi_kwiet's stuff.

so if you wanna know why i dont feel a whole lot of pity for the kind of reactionst hey get, this is why. its a lot easier to get people mad and annoyed wiht you when you drive them up the wall on teh uncomfortableness scale. honestly i try to defend people where neccessary but the fact that this is still going on is like outrageous. this is not a jealousy issue, there are many females on this board whome i love, and who post many pictures of them selves when they feel like it. but for hte love of god theres innuendo everywhere. i mean that picture iwht maevie in the a box, i dont care if you saw her underwear, it just didnt have the feeling of 'on purposely showing my underwear' off of it. it was just a funny picture. so ban me if you must for making this personal, but i think the fact that we're stilll arguing this is pathetic.t hey make us uncomfortable, some of us fight back, and osme of us are jack***es who go too far. i think personally, theybalances out the jack***es, and then those of us left in between who crack jokes and sometimes a minor insult here n there (Well deserved mind you) also get labelled as the bad guy.
[teletubbie voice] BIG HUG!!!! [/teletubbie voice]
2005-01-10, 9:32 PM #103
*applauds Wolvie. Not because of what she said, but because of how it was said.*
Democracy: rule by the stupid
2005-01-10, 9:36 PM #104
If I made anyone on here uncomfortable in the past then I'm sorry. I'll make the change, I'll be one to admit my past actions might not be seen so PC. I dont think I did it 24-7 but yes I have done that.

With that being said, I'm willing to watch my actions more closely so as to not make anyone on here uncomfortable. It's a fair enough request

2005-01-10, 10:59 PM #105
Originally posted by Obi_Kwiet
. Fortunately he's 90+ and will be in hell soon.

I'm just a little confused when a Christian says something like that. Christ starts with a C, so does Compassion.... coincidence?

and for the record, so does Karate Chop Concussion.
"Those ****ing amateurs... You left your dog, you idiots!"
2005-01-10, 11:31 PM #106
Just know Schming, that I love you.
2005-01-11, 9:37 AM #107
why don't we just ban saying <3, <3!!!! and the third one?

I know it's the totalitarian in me speaking right now, but nothing good has ever come of those three expressions.

Besides it's about time they died anyway, it was about 6-9 months ago that ubuu asked a certain group of forum members to stop flogging the dead horse that is <3.
2005-01-11, 10:49 AM #108
just... the... internet...

/me looks out the window
2005-01-11, 11:16 AM #109
tofu sucks
2005-01-11, 3:03 PM #110
Originally posted by 7




2005-01-11, 3:11 PM #111
Originally posted by 7

If you post that bloody thing one more time...
2005-01-11, 3:54 PM #112
Originally posted by Mr. Stafford
just... the... internet...

/me looks out the window

I've heard people say things like this before, and while on some level I understand what you mean by it, it's always seemed a rather ignorant thing to say, to me.

Wether you're talking to someone face to face, on the phone, through the internet, through writing letters, or any other medium, you're still dealing with a real person, and that real person still has feelings and emotions. You can just as easily offend someone through any other medium, as you can in real life, and that's the issue we're dealing with in this thread. Granted, there is some wisdom in your advice even when taken for other mediums; surely ignoring rude comments targetted at yourself would cause them not to hurt as much, but the problem is that some people simply aren't able to do this (I, myself, being one of them)

So yeah, people should calm down and not make such a big deal out of it. But the problem is that other people are being rude and insulting in the first place.
2005-01-11, 4:43 PM #113
Originally posted by Schming
I've never told anyone to leave. But if you want me to I can...

I've never had a problem with you, or anyone on these boards... well, there's one, but he's being kwiet right now.

What about me? I don't get on your nerves? :confused:
.................................................. ........
.................................................. ....rock!
2005-01-11, 4:59 PM #114
Originally posted by Morfildor
If you post that bloody thing one more time...
tofu sucks
2005-01-11, 5:46 PM #115
2005-01-11, 5:51 PM #116
2005-01-11, 6:02 PM #117
2005-01-11, 6:04 PM #118
2005-01-11, 6:29 PM #119
Originally posted by Shintock


and as not to break the pattern...

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