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ForumsDiscussion Forum → So, I got a speeding ticket.
So, I got a speeding ticket.
2005-01-20, 3:33 PM #41
Shooting someone in the face in self defense isn't illegal.
2005-01-20, 3:33 PM #42
Originally posted by Freelancer
YOU SPED. There's nothing more to it than that. Pay the ****ing ticket! Use the law this and blah blah crappity crap that, don't be so wishy washy. EITHER YOU SPED OR YOU DIDN'T; if so, pay up. If not, then by all means defend yourself in a court of law. The fact that you admit to speeding and then LIE ABOUT IT IN COURT *IS* a moral injustice.

And you're not using the law at all, your /exploiting/ it. It's people like you who make America the judicial laughing stock that it is today. :mad:

Wait until you get some bull**** ticket and you'll be singing a different tune.
Pissed Off?
2005-01-20, 3:38 PM #43
Originally posted by Ubuu

But this 300 dollar ticket I have for parking in handicap...need to fix that one.

now calling someone a jerk after doing that... unless the space wasn't even remotely marked clearly
eat right, exercise, die anyway
2005-01-20, 3:38 PM #44
But its not Sh*t at all.

He broke the law. He signed a legally binding contract upon the recieval of his drivers license that stated he fully understood and would abide to those laws. You break the laws, you break the contract, and are legally bound to pay the fine attached.
"If you watch television news, you will know less about the world than if you just drink gin straight out of the bottle."
--Garrison Keillor
2005-01-20, 3:40 PM #45
It's a lot easier to just pay attention to the road, conditions, and environment/obstacles. If you keep watching your speed and worry about that, you're more criminal than someone who is speeding, but prepared.
(Unless you're doing something ridiculous like 60mph in a residential area where kids could jump out or something. 120 in a 100 zone on the highway -> not a crime)
2005-01-20, 3:40 PM #46
You are legally bound to pay it if it can be proven that you were speeding. That's why they have the court process. The ticket is an accusation of breaking the law.
Pissed Off?
2005-01-20, 3:43 PM #47
Originally posted by BobTheMasher
Speed limits do not change according to environmental conditions...other cars on the road, pedestrians, weather, etc. They're an imperfect solution.

That doesn't mean you shouldn't own up if you get caught, but it also doesn't mean that you shouldn't try your damndest to get out of it. Not trying your damndest to get out of it is kinda like not trying your damndest to get out of a meat grinder because you got yourself into it "and you deserve it".

They're not a solution at all. It's meant to be the maximum speed limit under PERFECT CONDITIONS.

Cops can and will pull you over if you are going 60 on a 60MPH highway with a blizzard.
2005-01-20, 3:43 PM #48
sure he's bound to pay, but Brian has a brain and knows that the cop most likely won't showup, so he uses it to his advantage, like every ****ing one else
Holy soap opera Batman. - FGR
Free Jin!
2005-01-20, 3:45 PM #49
If you can prove that you were not speeding and the cops were being bastards, then by all means protest it. You are being falsely accused.

What Freelancer, et al. (including me) are miffed about is people who KNOWINGLY sped, get caught, and yet are going to fight it anyway to weasel their way out of paying the ticket. I hate that. To me, it shows that you cannot own up to your own actions.
Code to the left of him, code to the right of him, code in front of him compil'd and thundered. Programm'd at with shot and $SHELL. Boldly he typed and well. Into the jaws of C. Into the mouth of PERL. Debug'd the 0x258.
2005-01-20, 3:47 PM #50
plus there are some cops who will pull you over and give you a ticket for going 1mph over... it's very rare but has happened before
eat right, exercise, die anyway
2005-01-20, 3:51 PM #51
Originally posted by BobTheMasher
Shooting someone in the face in self defense isn't illegal.

Depends on what your defending yourself from... If someone punches you in the face, you can't shoot them in the face...
Got a permanent feather in my cap;
Got a stretch to my stride;
a stroll to my step;
2005-01-20, 3:52 PM #52
I won't even go into morals.

I'll just say if you are going more than 20 over the speed limit I hope you crash and break every bone in your body and live to suffer through it. I just hope you do so to yourself before you hurt anyone else through your stupidity.
.................................................. ........
.................................................. ....rock!
2005-01-20, 3:55 PM #53
Originally posted by Sol
Depends on what your defending yourself from... If someone punches you in the face, you can't shoot them in the face...

Depends. If you're life is in danger, then it would be fine.
Pissed Off?
2005-01-20, 3:55 PM #54
Who says Brian couldn't own up to his action? He didn't lie in court. The cop didn't want to follow through and take responsibility for the ticket by supporting it in the court of law.

Also, there is never a moral duty to follow the law. It's a contractual duty at best. It's almost like some of you worship the government, the most corrupt mutli-national corporation on the planet. Millions of people get away with speeding every day---but when someone uses the law against itself it all of a sudden becomes wrong. If anything, Brian has displayed the most lawful way to get out of a ticket, as opposed to slowing down during known speed traps.

The court system has rules such as the one Brian "exploited" for a reason: to protect the innocent. If we're not using the court system to it's fullest, we're failing as the ultimate check and balance to Big Sibling. (Political correctness? Yes. Bite me.)
2005-01-20, 3:58 PM #55
Originally posted by LonelyDagger
I won't even go into morals.

I'll just say if you are going more than 20 over the speed limit I hope you crash and break every bone in your body and live to suffer through it. I just hope you do so to yourself before you hurt anyone else through your stupidity.

Going 20 over the speed limit isn't inherently dangerous, so as long as you carefully keep your distance and such. Honestly, if I was going 20 over and staying in the same lane, it'd be safer than someone going 5 over and weaving in and out of traffic on the highway. There is fast driving and there is wreckless driving, learn to draw the line.

Also, be careful what you wish for. I'm sure you have friends that have gone 20 over because I know you in real life. (No, I'm not one of those friends.)
2005-01-20, 3:59 PM #56
Originally posted by Cool Matty
They're not a solution at all. It's meant to be the maximum speed limit under PERFECT CONDITIONS.

Cops can and will pull you over if you are going 60 on a 60MPH highway with a blizzard.

Not what I meant. There's a 4 lane road in my town where the speed limit is 35 the whole way. There is absolutely NOTHING on either side of it...not even a ditch, jsut a slight slope and a large empty area. It's perfectly straight. It's brand new. It's not even hilly enough to block the view of its own end. Why is this road 35 mph?
2005-01-20, 4:01 PM #57
Originally posted by Avenger
Depends. If you're life is in danger, then it would be fine.

It's highly unlikely you would get off on self defense if you shot an unarmed person in the head.
2005-01-20, 4:03 PM #58
It's going to depend on the situation.
Pissed Off?
2005-01-20, 4:59 PM #59
For the record, I wasn't speeding. The guy said I was going 80 in a 60, but he also wrote down that I was going 75 and then he wrote down that I was going 70. The ticket read 70MPH in a 60. I was going 60. He obviously knew he wasn't going to be able to convict me which is why he didn't show up. You guys need to realize that most cops around here are complete liars and are basically just tax collectors for the state.

When they give a speeding ticket, they are ACCUSING me of committing a crime. An accusation is not a determination that any crime was actually committed. I have a right for him to show up in court and swear before a judge that what he wrote down was in fact the truth. Obviously he didn't feel comfortable doing that, so don't give me any more crap about how I deserve it. If I deserved it, he would have dropped in for 5 minutes to convict me.
2005-01-20, 5:18 PM #60
Originally posted by Jedi Legend
Freelancer---I expect you to turn yourself in every time you speed, otherwise you're not holding yourself to your own moral standards.

Wrong. Thanks for trying, though. The only possible thing I said that could be construed as a moral standard is not committing perjury. And I haven't. Besides, I don't speed. If people are being *******s and going faster than the posted speed limit all around me, I will do what is in the interest of safety for others, and keep up with the flow of traffic, however.

Originally posted by Avenger
Wait until you get some bull**** ticket and you'll be singing a different tune.

I'm not sure if you saw this or not:

Originally posted by Freelancer
EITHER YOU SPED OR YOU DIDN'T; if so, pay up. If not, then by all means defend yourself in a court of law.

There isn't any other possible tune for me to sing, seeing as I have my bases covered.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2005-01-20, 5:42 PM #61
Free, the minute you go 10 miles over the speed limit, it is breaking that law. If you have never done that, I commend you. BUt know you, you have pictured yourself as some moral, Mother Theresa, so you probably won't admit to it. I think you have some nerve to come on this thread, and accuse all of us of being injust or immoral. Do you carry around "You are all going to hell signs"? It seems like in every thread, you have to antagonize everything and everyone. Frankly, I am ****ing tired of it.

And before ya'lll go off on me about the handicap, I got nothing to hide, and dont care after this. First, there are no handicap users in my apartment building, I know that for a fact. It happened to be 2 in the morning after I came back from the club, I parked in the handicap with my hazard light on because the spot is right in front of my place, and I was running in to get some stuff to head to an after party. I the time I came out...I had a ticket on my car. Cop didnt look for me, though I didnt expect him too. Stupid, mistake, but I didn't "park" in an intent to stop someone who really needed it from using it. But flame me as you will, I don't really care. I actually like SAJN using these rare moments to attack me, especially when I have tried my damn hardest to not even say anything about him.
In Tribute to Adam Sliger. Rest in Peace

10/7/85 - 12/9/03
2005-01-20, 5:45 PM #62
Yeah, because we all know his remarks are far less subtle than you outright calling me an ***. :rolleyes:

Here's another subtle masterpiece: "Man I realllyyyy dislike you."

Gee, I wonder if he likes me.... no, really, will someone tell me, 'cause it's so subtle I can't tell.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2005-01-20, 5:52 PM #63
Maybe I am not a subtle person? Get it? And saying I dislike someone is hardly an insult. And I was merely pointing out that in this paticular situation you made a very rude comment. If you take that as an, I am sorry for you, cause you can't be responsble for how you display your actions.

Anyways, I dont want to get banned, so I will leave it at that.
In Tribute to Adam Sliger. Rest in Peace

10/7/85 - 12/9/03
2005-01-20, 5:56 PM #64
It just seems a little hypocritical to outright flame somebody and then ask for immunity when it gets a little hot. Get it?
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2005-01-20, 5:57 PM #65
I asked for immunity? Where? I am stupid, point it out. I won't leave it my last comment.
In Tribute to Adam Sliger. Rest in Peace

10/7/85 - 12/9/03
2005-01-20, 6:00 PM #66
Uh... hello? YOU JUST EDITED IT OUT. My post was intended to go from where you left off. Had you not edited your entire post, my post would have made sense. Good job.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2005-01-20, 6:02 PM #67
Back on topic...

Whatever happened to the zero-tolerance policy? This is ridiculous.
2005-01-20, 6:02 PM #68
Oh, great. At first you claimed the handicap thing was a joke, and now you edit your post and admit it. I can't trust anything you post, man. Sorry. Editing your post to make yourself look better and screwing over other peoples's posts is in very poor taste.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2005-01-20, 6:06 PM #69
While $300 is excessive (especially if you had your flashers on), I don't think the ticket was wholly unwarranted.

As for people who drive the speed limit or below in the left lane...

Get the Hell out of the left lane. It is the passing lane. It is used for passing. Unless you are passing the traffic in the right lane, you should not be in the passing lane. One good thing Missouri's done - if you are causing a line of cars behind you in the passing lane, a cop can pull you over and issue you a ticket for impeding the flow of traffic.

Missouri +1
the idiot is the person who follows the idiot and your not following me your insulting me your following the path of a idiot so that makes you the idiot - LC Tusken
2005-01-20, 6:07 PM #70
I actually like SAJN using these rare moments to attack me, especially when I have tried my damn hardest to not even say anything about him.

How did I attack you? You had the cojones to call Freelancer a jerk after you said you really didn't like him and you called him an ***, then you said you got a ticket for parking in a handicap space. Oh right, but because it's me I'm not allowed to respond. It is an automatic attack when I point out something you did wrong.

Get over yourself please. You treat people like crap then you play the innocent card.
Think while it's still legal.
2005-01-20, 6:08 PM #71
How does admitting to it make me better? Yaaaayyy right. Lying would help me out wouldn't it? Geez, man, I think you're idea of covering up is twisted.

But anyways, thats awesome how you got the ticket taken care of Brian. My cop showed up, but I went to driving school to take it out. Was kinda fun.
In Tribute to Adam Sliger. Rest in Peace

10/7/85 - 12/9/03
2005-01-20, 6:10 PM #72
Originally posted by Wolfy
While $300 is excessive (especially if you had your flashers on), I don't think the ticket was wholly unwarranted.

Oh I definently agree. But I think $300 is a base ticket amount, or something.
In Tribute to Adam Sliger. Rest in Peace

10/7/85 - 12/9/03
2005-01-20, 6:11 PM #73
Originally posted by SAJN_Master
Freelancer, it's obvious that Ubuu is just an overall smarter, and better person then us. :rolleyes:

I think that is a sarcastic attack at my intelligence, is it not?
In Tribute to Adam Sliger. Rest in Peace

10/7/85 - 12/9/03
2005-01-20, 6:12 PM #74
Originally posted by Ubuu
How does admitting to it make me better? Yaaaayyy right. Lying would help me out wouldn't it?

Yeah, that's pretty much my point. This time QUOTED so you can't edit it out later to make yourself look better. I think you did a fine job of saying what I wanted to say.

And SAJN - before he edited his post, he asked you not to attack him, because he's been trying not to attack you. That's where my post came from.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2005-01-20, 6:27 PM #75
ladies please... could we calm down a little?

i'd hate to have to see the admins put the
on the
eat right, exercise, die anyway
2005-01-20, 6:29 PM #76
Yeah, well, I don't sit idly by when I get viciously attacked for unfounded reasons. Whether that makes me a "lady" or not, I don't care. I'm not going to take crap from some punk for no reason whatsoever. Ubuu has an extremely long history of arbitrarily heckling people, then running to his admin friends for refuge. I'm not letting him pull that crap on me.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2005-01-20, 6:32 PM #77
but do you have to crap all over brian's thread because of it?
eat right, exercise, die anyway
2005-01-20, 6:45 PM #78
Take it to the PM's...
Got a permanent feather in my cap;
Got a stretch to my stride;
a stroll to my step;
2005-01-20, 7:00 PM #79
Originally posted by Ubuu
Oh I definently agree. But I think $300 is a base ticket amount, or something.

Or the cop just transferred from LA and knew you were black.
the idiot is the person who follows the idiot and your not following me your insulting me your following the path of a idiot so that makes you the idiot - LC Tusken
2005-01-20, 7:03 PM #80
Originally posted by Freelancer
Ubuu has an extremely long history of arbitrarily heckling people, then running to his admin friends for refuge. I'm not letting him pull that crap on me.

In Tribute to Adam Sliger. Rest in Peace

10/7/85 - 12/9/03

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