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ForumsDiscussion Forum → That Heathen Sponge!!!
That Heathen Sponge!!!
2005-01-23, 2:56 PM #81
Originally posted by Raoul Duke
Since when should humans be on the same level as animals?

Humans ARE animals. Only worse, because they've killed off most of their natural predators.
2005-01-23, 3:23 PM #82
Since when should humans be on the same level as animals?

Since when shouldn't they?

Not really, since that's not psychological.

So what your saying is that if something is genetic, it's acceptable. Based on your logic, it's ok to be criminally insane and murder people. Genetics. Your logic doesn't quite hold up.

I'm not quite sure what you mean by it being 'psychological'. If homosexuality is genetically determined, then it would be exactly the same as race, or height. The point being that it's not a choice.

It depends on what you mean 'acceptable'. There's a reason why the criminally insane that commit murder are treated differently from other murderers. They are not 'punished', because being insane is punishment enough. But they are kept away from the rest of society. Not as 'punishment' to them, but rather to keep the rest of us safe. They are dangerous, probably moreso than the 'normal' murderer, but it isn't their 'fault'. They cannot be blamed for being insane. They can only try and be helped, to whatever degree they can be helped.

The point is that if something is genetic then it isn't a choice.

This is the reason why I threw in the facts about the various other animals. They are driven by instinct, which is determined by genetics. A beetle doesn't 'choose' to be heterosexual or homosexual, it doesn't have the capacity.

Determining whether something is 'natural' or 'nurtured' is a huge debate, and is especially difficult to answer in humans. But studying other animals, especially those genetically similar to us, gives us a good idea of where to start. If so many other animals display homosexuality, then it's somewhat odd to postulate that homosexuality in humans is simply a product of human 'lifestyle'.

Regardless of whether it is genetically disposed or not, what reason do you have to condemn it as 'unacceptable'? It has positive effects everywhere else in the animal kingdom, species have survived because of it. Why is it suddenly 'unacceptable' for humans to display it?
"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt. " - Bertrand Russell
The Triumph of Stupidity in Mortals and Others 1931-1935

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