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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Do you smoke?
Do you smoke?
2005-01-26, 5:13 AM #41
I've had several of each, didn't see any reason to bother making it a habit though. Got enough second-hand from my Dad's cigars as it is. Also, the permeating stench that gets in your hair and clothes after a night out is plain disgusting. Don't mind other people smoking, as long as I'm upwind if they're going to do so for an extended amount.

Admittedly, I will say that the smell of dry tobacco leaves isn't bad.
If it breaks, you get to keep both pieces.
2005-01-26, 5:27 AM #42
Cigarettes should be illegal, most certainly from pubs and bars and that.
"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt. " - Bertrand Russell
The Triumph of Stupidity in Mortals and Others 1931-1935
2005-01-26, 7:09 AM #43
I've smoked two cigars. I'm a rebel.
the idiot is the person who follows the idiot and your not following me your insulting me your following the path of a idiot so that makes you the idiot - LC Tusken
2005-01-26, 7:17 AM #44
Originally posted by A_Big_Fat_CoW
lung cancer is bad for your health

thats what they want you to believe
2005-01-26, 8:38 AM #45
I'll have one cigarette, or one cigar, or one blunt about every 2 months. Smoking just doesnt do it for me, but if I'm not paying for it I might as well try it. Cigarettes still give me a rush. Cigars relax me, and pot... never been high so I guess it just makes me smell bad.

I HATE CHAIN SMOKERS or anyone who cant go to the gas station and not buy a pack.
"Those ****ing amateurs... You left your dog, you idiots!"
2005-01-26, 8:52 AM #46
If people want to f*** up their lungs, its their business. Just don't do it around me and pollute my air.

i don't smoke anything.
2005-01-26, 8:58 AM #47
I smoke on special occasions. Mostly Black and Milds, because they're better for you than cigarettes. I say this assuming that you DON'T inhale the smoke from cigars. But when I graduated, when I had my 18th birthday, when we went to the beach for a week, I smoked the cigars. I don't smoke pot, mainly because it's illegal, but also because I think that I should be able to stimulate my own mind than rely on something to do it for me.
Who made you God to say "I'll take your life from you"?
2005-01-26, 8:59 AM #48
Yeah, there are mainly two different kinds of potheads.
You have those "loser" teenagers who smoke bud just for the feeling of the high, or in a more relevant term, "Let's get f***ed up man!". And the majority of their personal lives consist of when the next time they're going to get "f***ed up". You probobly all known them or seen them, but it really puts a bad picture on the rest of us.

On the other hand, you have the more intellectual, introspective, pot smokers, who use the plant for it's mind expanding capabilities.

That's exactly the thing, most people that I know started smoking pot when they were teens because they wanted to get "f***ed up" or because it was so friggin cool and risky. Once the damage is done it can't be reversed. Most teens don't think about mind expanding capabilities. It's kind of like with drinking. At my school all the kids do it to get totally smashed, none of them know what 'moderation' is, they aren't mature enough to handle things.
Think while it's still legal.
2005-01-26, 9:01 AM #49
I smoke cigars because the buzz is relaxing. I like to relax. I also laugh alot during those times. That comes in handy when you've got a rather stressful life and a very bad disposition toward the rest of the world.
>>untie shoes
2005-01-26, 9:25 AM #50
Cigar only on celebration, ie. New Years. Pot once in a while, giving it up though. Would never touch a cigarette - they're rediculously dangerous IMHO.
2005-01-26, 10:08 AM #51
you can only smoke cigs OR pot?
2005-01-26, 10:27 AM #52
Fact: Smoking is bad for your health.
Fact: Smoking frequently has a decent chance of giving you lung cancer.
Fact: Lung cancer is bad for your health.

People who smoke are purposefully engaging in an unhealthy activity that has atleast a decent chance of causing some pretty big complications later in life.

Now, granted, smoking only a small handful of cigarettes every couple of weeks probably won't cause you any problems. But cigarette smoke does accumulate in your lungs, which means the more you do it, the higher a chance of health complications.

Fact: It takes 10 years for your body to clean up most of your lungs from smoking, and another 10 for it to clean up enough to eliminate the risk of lung cancer. That's 20 years, for those of you who lack arithmatic skills, for your body to fully recover from smoking.

You can talk all you want about how "anything is unhealthy in moderation", but the fact is, smoking is unhealthy by nature, moderated or not.

I don't care who smokes. Go ahead and do it if you want, and as long as it's not around me, I won't care. But you can't tell me I'm "not allowed" to look down on it without trying it myself. Smoking can kill you. So why should I try it?
2005-01-26, 2:07 PM #53
I don't smoke anything..

..but there's no pipe option. :p
2005-01-26, 2:23 PM #54
if(getThingFlags(source) & 0x8){
  do her}
elseif(getThingFlags(source) & 0x4){
  do other babe}
  do a dude}
2005-01-26, 3:04 PM #55
Originally posted by A_Big_Fat_CoW
Fact: Smoking is bad for your health.
Fact: Smoking frequently has a decent chance of giving you lung cancer.
Fact: Lung cancer is bad for your health.

People who smoke are purposefully engaging in an unhealthy activity that has atleast a decent chance of causing some pretty big complications later in life.

Now, granted, smoking only a small handful of cigarettes every couple of weeks probably won't cause you any problems. But cigarette smoke does accumulate in your lungs, which means the more you do it, the higher a chance of health complications.

Fact: It takes 10 years for your body to clean up most of your lungs from smoking, and another 10 for it to clean up enough to eliminate the risk of lung cancer. That's 20 years, for those of you who lack arithmatic skills, for your body to fully recover from smoking.

You can talk all you want about how "anything is unhealthy in moderation", but the fact is, smoking is unhealthy by nature, moderated or not.

I don't care who smokes. Go ahead and do it if you want, and as long as it's not around me, I won't care. But you can't tell me I'm "not allowed" to look down on it without trying it myself. Smoking can kill you. So why should I try it?

Smoking cigarettes is a lot, lot worse than pot for one reason: the addictive nature. In reality, every joint of weed harms your body MORE...but it's not physically addictive. It's a rather harmless drug in decent practice...smoking once every month, or every few weeks isn't bad...hell even smoking pot once a day isn't as bad as cigarettes, which are a constant thing.

SAJN--you seriously have NO idea what you're talking about. Experience with handful of people != informed opinion. Most stoners I know whose lives got ruined were already headed along that road--smoking pot was just a minor detour, so to speak. It CAN ruin your life if you do it too much, but too much is a LOT, and you only do it too much if you don't know what moderation means.

And before any of you say "well you only have experience with a small group of people", I'm going to stop you right there and say I've been a frequent visitor of two very popular drug related forums, because I was interested in it. All I can say is one of them deals with mushrooms, and the other deals with pot. And plenty of people on there are successful, and do what they do only in moderation.
2005-01-26, 3:07 PM #56
SAJN--you seriously have NO idea what you're talking about. Experience with handful of people != informed opinion. Most stoners I know whose lives got ruined were already headed along that road--smoking pot was just a minor detour, so to speak. It CAN ruin your life if you do it too much, but too much is a LOT, and you only do it too much if you don't know what moderation means.

You just did what you told me was wrong and then you went on to prove my point...Thank you I guess.
Think while it's still legal.
2005-01-26, 3:07 PM #57
Originally posted by SAJN_Master
That's exactly the thing, most people that I know started smoking pot when they were teens because they wanted to get "f***ed up" or because it was so friggin cool and risky. Once the damage is done it can't be reversed. Most teens don't think about mind expanding capabilities. It's kind of like with drinking. At my school all the kids do it to get totally smashed, none of them know what 'moderation' is, they aren't mature enough to handle things.

That's fine, I agree with you completely. But don't generalize because there are alot more than you're probably willing to accept that know what moderation is. The people you know make up a very small demographic.

You're entitled to your opinion, but when you come off preachy it rubs many people (even those who don't smoke) the wrong way. I know it's possible to state ones opinion without making it sound like you're trying to jam it down others throats. Trust me, I'm sure everyone who smokes anything knows the risk they are taking mentally, physically, and emotionally. You're not our mother.
<Anovis> mmmm I wanna lick your wet, Mentis.
2005-01-26, 3:15 PM #58
First of all, I don't smoke.

Now, I can certainly understand and respect people's right to smoke, or do, whatever they want, regardless of consequence. That's perfectly fine, I'm all for freedom and stuff. What I don't understand is how (most) smokers...especially marijuana smokers, try to justify what they're doing, arguing that their are no ill-effects to smoking, and even benefits to it. If you don't understand the hazards of smoking, you probably shouldn't be doing it, and you definetly shouldn't be talking about it on a forum full of kids.

...Hm. That's enough opinion out of me for awhile.
2005-01-26, 3:15 PM #59
Compo, I'm sure people know what the drugs can do to them, it's just some of them don't THINK about it.

The people you know make up a very small demographic.

It doesn't matter how small, it's still a group of people that have ruined their lives and can possibly ruin other peoples lives.
Think while it's still legal.
2005-01-26, 3:20 PM #60
Originally posted by Tyler
First of all, I don't smoke.

Now, I can certainly understand and respect people's right to smoke, or do, whatever they want, regardless of consequence. That's perfectly fine, I'm all for freedom and stuff. What I don't understand is how (most) smokers...especially marijuana smokers, try to justify what they're doing, arguing that their are no ill-effects to smoking, and even benefits to it. If you don't understand the hazards of smoking, you probably shouldn't be doing it, and you definetly shouldn't be talking about it on a forum full of kids.

...Hm. That's enough opinion out of me for awhile.

It goes both ways, though. How can someone who has never smoked it deny that there may be good aspects as well? That doesn't negate the negative aspects of it, definetly, but that doesn't rule out the possibility that maybe there are good aspects as well. The boost to creativity alone is why I kept smoking for so long. As an artist and musician, I valued the extra focus it gave me so very much. BUT I am aware of the health risks, and have quit since because I was not in control of a potentially harmful habit. Am I a majority? No. I'm just trying to get rid of this generalization that's happening. Stereotypes of any kind are bad. I'm just saying try to keep an open mind and take things case by case, as they should be handled.
<Anovis> mmmm I wanna lick your wet, Mentis.
2005-01-26, 3:49 PM #61
You know, video games provide the exact same "escape from reality" that drugs provide. There are countless geeks who isolate themselves from the outside world, locked in a dark room playing hours after hours of video games, chugging mountain dew, sleeping all day, staying up all night. Never socializing. In fact, I bet there are tons of people on this site who fit this exact picture. These are the same people so quick to denounce drugs as being for "losers".
2005-01-26, 6:08 PM #62
Nothing. It smells bad.
"I got kicked off the high school debate team for saying 'Yeah? Well, **** you!'
... I thought I had won."
2005-01-26, 6:27 PM #63
The reason we anounce the posative aspects of weed is because THEY'RE THERE.

I mean, you're basing everything you know on an uncontrolled expiriment. These people are probably in a situation where weed isn't going to hinder them at all, BECAUSE THEY'RE ALREADY BAD PEOPLE.

And holy freaking CRAP. Being high doesn't impare judgement. At all. I promise. The ONLY way weed could be dangerous to someone else is in a driver. It impares reaction time. That I will agree with. But otherwise? I'm not going to think shooting someone is suddenly cool, like one does when drinking. Which, mind you, is legal.

Not to mention, weed isn't chemical. It's natural. That means it lacks all those bad harmful substances in cigarettes. Weed has been proven to NOT destroy brain cells; that was a lie. Weed isn't a halucinagenic. It's a stimulant. Stimulants don't cause brain tumors. They cause heart failure and lung problems. This can be avoided with MODERATION. This word is the key.

Now I can't condone cigarettes but as many people stated, as long as the people aren't smoking it near me, that's FINE with me.

You really need to try weed before you say it ruins people's lives, and other people's lives. Until then, you're hearing the opinions of doctors who've never smoked weed, and seeing people who are smoking weed because their lives are ruined, not because weed ruined it for them.

The reason I quit: I didn't want to be associated with some of those 'failures.' My friends were also looking down on me about it. Not to mention, it cost way too much, especially for a bowl a month. If people were more educated, weed was legal, and was mass produced, I'd DEVINETLY go back to smoking weed. As long as it's in moderations, it can only help. Concentration, Creativity, Strive, and most importantly, calmness.

ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2005-01-26, 6:43 PM #64
You really need to try weed before you say it ruins people's lives, and other people's lives. Until then, you're hearing the opinions of doctors who've never smoked weed, and seeing people who are smoking weed because their lives are ruined, not because weed ruined it for them.

That's the point I've seen weed ruin friends lives! There have been people who had good lives. Not great, average. My friend used to be a B student, he got into pot with some friends and he used to get baked every week. Since then the kid as dropped out of school and now he does even worse stuff. The kid could have had a normal life, instead he decided to smoke weed and waste away in his moms basement. Yeah, okay...I'm just listening to doctors with invalid opinions though. And OBVIOUSLY EVERY SINGLE kid that is a moron that has done weed was already a failure before he did weed.

It's funny all the people that smoke pot are saying you can't just judge a small group of us because [A bunch of bullcrap] and they make us look BAD.

You know, it's funny how with friends that got messed up on pot, laws banning the stuff here in the US, hundreds of doctors and thousands of people all over the world say weed is bad and it can seriously mess people up. But OBVIOUSLY a bunch of teens on an online forum know a hell of a lot more than in-depth research does.
Think while it's still legal.
2005-01-26, 6:49 PM #65
... one of your friends thought weed was more important than school. That doesn't mean he was addicted to weed, and weed didn't effect him to not go to school. He made a lifestyle change, not just started smoking pot.

Not to mention, your "Researchers" know only what they infer from studies. I doubt they've braught a teen in and gotten him high, than given him a lecture and a test in the same week. I promise they haven't. We, on the other hand, HAVE done things like this; and we can safelly say it's helped, not hindered.

Oh, and those thousands of people? JUST LIKE YOU. They only know what they're told. I have always lived my life as a "Try it before I don't buy it." Until I've tried something, I won't assume it's false or crappy. I may have inferences, but I state that they're only ideas, and not opinions yet. You only have ideas about pot: No opinions. I'm not saying you should go smoke pot, but if you want to think it does all these things; go find out. Otherwise, stop judging people.

ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2005-01-26, 6:50 PM #66
But was weed the sole cause of the problem? People like that (I don't know this guy personally, just speaking generally) are headed down the "wrong" road to begin with. Of course, it's possible that weed screwed him over, but there are other things that could have been very big factors like addiction. People who let pot ruin their lives are usually addicts to begin with (they have the genetic predisposition) and if it wasn't pot, it would have been something else. There could have been trauma during childhood. Ou jsut don't have enough information to say that pot is the reason he got all screwed up.
Pissed Off?
2005-01-26, 6:58 PM #67
... one of your friends thought weed was more important than school. That doesn't mean he was addicted to weed, and weed didn't effect him to not go to school. He made a lifestyle change, not just started smoking pot.

No! He was so burnt out he couldn't think anymore. He always seemed confused. Him smoking so much pit just made him....dumb. After things got to difficult for him to handle, he just dropped out. He didn't understand much anymore. It was the pot. It wasn't a lifestyle change. Stop trying to make pot seem like this magically GOOD drug, because it isn't. IT RUINS PEOPLE. Even if you refuse to believe it, it's VERY VERY true.

Not to mention, your "Researchers" know only what they infer from studies. I doubt they've braught a teen in and gotten him high, than given him a lecture and a test in the same week. I promise they haven't. We, on the other hand, HAVE done things like this; and we can safelly say it's helped, not hindered.

You can garuntee they haven't brought a teen in and gotten him high and then performed tests on him? I can garuntee they HAVE. Pot is legal in many other countries, so conducting a test like that would be 100% legal. Plus a while back some government program gave a guy LSD and made him do various things as the hours went on. They kept giving him more as time went on and things kept getting weirder and weirder. I'm sure tests like that have been done except with marijuana. You assume that just because YOU did pot and just because it helped YOU and maybe a select few that it can help everyone. Doctors and Scientists that have millions of dollars at their disposal say OTHERWISE.

Oh, and those thousands of people? JUST LIKE YOU. They only know what they're told. I have always lived my life as a "Try it before I don't buy it." Until I've tried something, I won't assume it's false or crappy. I may have inferences, but I state that they're only ideas, and not opinions yet. You only have ideas about pot: No opinions. I'm not saying you should go smoke pot, but if you want to think it does all these things; go find out. Otherwise, stop judging people.

Yes, try it before you buy it. How many murderers do you think shot themselves in the face before they shot someone else in the face? They still know that a bullet to the head will kill someone, they don't need to try it themselves. I have an opinion and it's a damn good one because I've seen pot do bad things to good people. Those thousands of people, all of them may be listening to the doctors and scientists and government tests, but I trust them a hell of a lot more then I trust a teenager trying to defend an illegal DRUG.

But was weed the sole cause of the problem? People like that (I don't know this guy personally, just speaking generally) are headed down the "wrong" road to begin with. Of course, it's possible that weed screwed him over, but there are other things that could have been very big factors like addiction. People who let pot ruin their lives are usually addicts to begin with (they have the genetic predisposition) and if it wasn't pot, it would have been something else. There could have been trauma during childhood. Ou jsut don't have enough information to say that pot is the reason he got all screwed up.

That could be true, but I don't think the entire staff at the bar I used to work at were all beaten as children or they were all already going down the wrong path. And like I said above, one of my (ex)friends was a good kid, and pot just ka-boomed him.
Think while it's still legal.
2005-01-26, 7:00 PM #68
Well other than the fact that it's only banned because weed's uncontrollable (being a WEED), and besides the fact that I've smoked weed and...oh hell, look, I'm still an A-B student, and so has kirby, and last I checked he wasn't exactly the worst student ever, and so has my friend, who by the way is an AP Honors student, has a 3.6 GPA, and is looking at going to the best school in the state (with ease), and...oh your few friends obviously represent everyone who's ever done it right? Their failure is the representation everyone in the U.S. who tries weed gets?

I tried it because I wanted to see what all the hype was about. I think it's a very recreational, social drug, and very fun to do if you're not going anywhere in the next couple hours. Fun to watch movies on, definitely. I'd say I'd do it if someone offered me a bowl or a blunt, but I'm not going to actively seek it. I stopped after the 6 month experimental period in which I did use it. I decided it just wasn't something worth actively seeking and paying for (though I've never paid for it). The only three drugs I'd pay for now are: shrooms, acid, and ecstacy, only because 1) they're not harmful, and 2) they're a new experience.

But god forbid someone want to try something new, you know. God forbid a man be curious.

Oh and by the way, I know a kid who actively smokes TONS of pot. B student. Takes the odd AP or honors course here or there. Far from what I'd call a ruined life.



Just for our us some of these tests you speak of. I want to see what I'm debunking.
2005-01-26, 7:05 PM #69
Well other than the fact that it's only banned because weed's uncontrollable (being a WEED), and besides the fact that I've smoked weed and...oh hell, look, I'm still an A-B student, and so has kirby, and last I checked he wasn't exactly the worst student ever, and so has my friend, who by the way is an AP Honors student, has a 3.6 GPA, and is looking at going to the best school in the state (with ease), and...oh your few friends obviously represent everyone who's ever done it right? Their failure is the representation everyone in the U.S. who tries weed gets?

You just said that I can't judge all people who did pot based on a few just did exactly that.

I tried it because I wanted to see what all the hype was about. I think it's a very recreational, social drug, and very fun to do if you're not going anywhere in the next couple hours. Fun to watch movies on, definitely. I'd say I'd do it if someone offered me a bowl or a blunt, but I'm not going to actively seek it. I stopped after the 6 month experimental period in which I did use it. I decided it just wasn't something worth actively seeking and paying for (though I've never paid for it). The only three drugs I'd pay for now are: shrooms, acid, and ecstacy, only because 1) they're not harmful, and 2) they're a new experience.

Wow, do you have any idea how many kids have dropped dead after doing ecstacy? A LOT. Shrooms and acid, the same thing. You just listed the three possibly most dangerous drugs and said they weren't harmful!

But god forbid someone want to try something new, you know. God forbid a man be curious.



Next time I set up a mouse trap I'll be sure to put my tounge in it first...You know, experience it before the mouse does.
Think while it's still legal.
2005-01-26, 7:12 PM #70
Originally posted by SAJN_Master
You just said that I can't judge all people who did pot based on a few just did exactly that.

Wow, do you have any idea how many kids have dropped dead after doing ecstacy? A LOT. Shrooms and acid, the same thing. You just listed the three possibly most dangerous drugs and said they weren't harmful!

Next time I set up a mouse trap I'll be sure to put my tounge in it first...You know, experience it before the mouse does.

1) I've known people in communities in the millions which are related to drugs, and one in particular related to weed.

2) Ecstacy is if you aren't hydrated enough, you can eventually die. That's a few, very few, mostly at raves, and far between thing. But there is no way in hell you can drop dead from shrooms or acid. You're retarded if you think that. It's a well known fact there is not one documented death for neither shrooms nor acid--at least not for the drugs themselves. The effects they have may have caused some person to do something extremely stupid...but that's why you do it with friends who aren't tripping in a controlled environment.

3) See, with the mouse, you can see what happens, you know exactly what happens. With the weed experiences you're witnessing, you only know that the kid smokes weed. You don't know if there were any internal or external conflicts which cause something else to happen to hinder said kid's performance in everyday just don't know all the variables that are involved in the given situation.

That post you made about shrooms and acid, to anyone who knows a DAMN thing about them, just seriously debunked over half the knowledge you may/may not have possessed.
2005-01-26, 7:13 PM #71
MDMA & Meth can both cause a fatal reaction the first time you do it, even on a very small dose. Both of these are found in ecstacy.

LSD (Lysergic Acid-Diethlymide) and Mushrooms (Psylocybe being the most commonly eaten "magic" genus) can also cause death in small doses.

It all depends on your body chemistry. Sadly, most people will never bother to learn this. Even sadder is about .05% of people who don't learn this before experimentin will have an adverse and possibly fatal reaction to the drug. This isn't alot, but when you take into account the amount of people experimenting with drugs around the world...well yeah it adds up.

Please note that Ecstacy is much more commonly associated with teen deaths for a good reason. There is noone patroling what goes into the pills, and it's sometimes much cheaper to use another chemical as a "filler", such as DXM (Dextromethorpham) which will depress your body to the point of self-suffocation and heart-failure. Also, it's very common for ecstacy to be done at raves and parties where it's easy to become dehydrated very quickly.

Any use of drugs should a be well-informed one.
<Anovis> mmmm I wanna lick your wet, Mentis.
2005-01-26, 7:14 PM #72
So, racing. People crash and die a lot. SAJN master thinks all racers are a waste of life because they might as well be dead. They claim it's a great sport, gets the heart pumping, and is as good of a workout as they've ever gotten. SAJN does tests showing how almost all crashes result in a death. Drivers still race. SAJN tells them they're all going to die. They all still race, and a couple die. SAJN tries NASCAR racing and wins the nextel cup, millions of dollars, and doesn't die. SAJN master suddenly finds the possibility of crashing and dying outweighed by the fact that he enjoyed it, despite the risk.

See? I can make random metephores too! It still doesn't prove my point at all, because you haven't tried weed.

ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2005-01-26, 7:20 PM #73
Originally posted by Compos Mentis
MDMA & Meth can both cause a fatal reaction the first time you do it, even on a very small dose. Both of these are found in ecstacy.

LSD (Lysergic Acid-Diethlymide) and Mushrooms (Psylocybe being the most commonly eaten "magic" genus) can also cause death in small doses.

It all depends on your body chemistry. Sadly, most people will never bother to learn this. Even sadder is about .05% of people who don't learn this before experimentin will have an adverse and possibly fatal reaction to the drug. This isn't alot, but when you take into account the amount of people experimenting with drugs around the world...well yeah it adds up.

Please note that Ecstacy is much more commonly associated with teen deaths for a good reason. There is noone patroling what goes into the pills, and it's sometimes much cheaper to use another chemical as a "filler", such as DXM (Dextromethorpham) which will depress your body to the point of self-suffocation and heart-failure. Also, it's very common for ecstacy to be done at raves and parties where it's easy to become dehydrated very quickly.

Any use of drugs should a be well-informed one.

There's no way, if you have a good batch of shrooms, w/out contam, and if you know who made the acid (very likely since it's a long, complicated, arduous process to make, and blotter paper is usually from a certain group), you will die from imbibing them. At least that's what studies have shown up until now. And by studies, I mean documented deaths in the US involving shrooms or acid.

The only one that's iffy is MDMA, because you don't really know who made it, or what's in it. Still, fairly worth the risk to some, maybe even to me.
2005-01-26, 7:25 PM #74
The point is you can never be 100% sure of what you're getting in the drug market. In a controlled sales environment, your point is valid. But until the FDA starts policing drug dealers, it's just an unfortunate truth that drugs are dangerous without control (like everything else).
<Anovis> mmmm I wanna lick your wet, Mentis.
2005-01-26, 7:27 PM #75
Originally posted by Compos Mentis

LSD (Lysergic Acid-Diethlymide) can also cause death in small doses.

Where'd you get that information? As far as I know, the only deaths to occur from acid was with labrats. LSD is water soluble, it is impossible to OD on it. Sure, people can take too much and have adverse mental health effects, but im pretty sure thats it. Come on! some people even took whole sheets of it and put it on their body like a blanket :P, no OD.
2005-01-26, 7:29 PM #76
Originally posted by SAJN_Master
You just said that I can't judge all people who did pot based on a few just did exactly that.

He didn't judge. Merely pointed out cases that don't hold ture to what you stated.
Pissed Off?
2005-01-26, 7:31 PM #77
LSD which has been improperly made or treated. Technically it's no longer LSD at that point (like Yoshi pointed out via aim), but you don't know that when you're doing it. My point was that there is always a chance of death, albiet a small one.

Don't get me wrong, I "experiment" plenty myself, I'm just trying to disprove that
A) All drug users are stupid, uninformed individuals
B) All drugs are safe if done properly.

Like I said here "The point is you can never be 100% sure of what you're getting in the drug market. In a controlled sales environment, your point is valid. But until the FDA starts policing drug dealers, it's just an unfortunate truth that drugs are dangerous without control (like everything else)."

[edit I'm aware my previous post which you brought into question isn't clear on what I meant, but hopefully people will read the whole thread before calling me out on something I clarify later...]
<Anovis> mmmm I wanna lick your wet, Mentis.
2005-01-26, 7:32 PM #78
I'd like to mention right here that none of us are getting angry about this, and we're only defending our arguments. I think everyone here can agree that there have been no below the belt punches, and anyone who posts the inevitable "This thread sucks" is incorrect. Everyone agree?

What I'm saying, is I think we're all still following the rules. And that's a good thing.

ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2005-01-26, 7:33 PM #79
Originally posted by jEDIkIRBY
I'd like to mention right here that none of us are getting angry about this, and we're only defending our arguments. I think everyone here can agree that there have been no below the belt punches, and anyone who posts the inevitable "This thread sucks" is incorrect. Everyone agree?

What I'm saying, is I think we're all still following the rules. And that's a good thing.


Precisely! Intelligent discussion is happening.
<Anovis> mmmm I wanna lick your wet, Mentis.
2005-01-26, 7:33 PM #80
Originally posted by jEDIkIRBY
I'd like to mention right here that none of us are getting angry about this, and we're only defending our arguments. I think everyone here can agree that there have been no below the belt punches, and anyone who posts the inevitable "This thread sucks" is incorrect. Everyone agree?

What I'm saying, is I think we're all still following the rules. And that's a good thing.


Sadly, anymore, that kinda post is needed. Thanks kirbs.

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