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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Do you smoke?
Do you smoke?
2005-01-26, 7:42 PM #81
I'd like to mention right here that none of us are getting angry about this, and we're only defending our arguments. I think everyone here can agree that there have been no below the belt punches, and anyone who posts the inevitable "This thread sucks" is incorrect. Everyone agree?

What I'm saying, is I think we're all still following the rules. And that's a good thing.

Yes, as a matter of a fact I was just talking to Kirb on AIM. Just a debate nothing more, just incase any admins think we are trying to murder each other :p

Anyway back to the debate.

I was just noticing how I quoted a few arguments, maybe one or two posts worth, I broke them down into sections to answer them. Responses would be nice :p Becuase right now we are going in circles.

Then again the entire LSD/Shrooms/Whatever else discussion came up, so...Yeah I already stated my opinion on that, I'll go to sleep and check this thread in the morning...I love debates.

The rest of you guys can have at it for now ;)
Think while it's still legal.
2005-01-26, 8:16 PM #82
Drugs have been with humanity since the dawn of time. It's only been recently that they've been actively prohibited.

Personally, I'm all for abolishing cars. They're too dangerous. And knives. Get rid of knives. And to prevent further harm, knife analogs as well. The world will be a better place when we no longer have to worry about pathetic deadbeats with their toothpicks.
2005-01-26, 8:49 PM #83
I smoke pot. I smoke cigarettes *not as much as I used to, maybe going to quit it......not good anymore*. Cigars are a rarity, but still there.
"Staring into the wall does NOT count as benchmarking."

2005-01-26, 11:04 PM #84
Acid and Shrooms. They won't kill you. I can guarantee if you do these drugs, you won't die (unless you jump out a window or something). The lethal dosage for Acid is thousands of hits. I'm not even sure if there is a lethal dosage for Shrooms but if there is it extremely high. I've done Acid once (only one hit) and it was awesome. This **** can give you a new outlook on life and often times it's for the better. I have seen people completely quit all drugs for good after a strong LSD/mushrooms trip. My best friend used to smoke weed multiple times a day and do other drugs too. He did shrooms one day and he hasnt smoked weed or touched any drugs (besides alcohol) since (this was 8 monthes ago). I would definitly say it changed his life. Some people really can't handle smoking weed. It does really and truly **** up their life. And so, weed is not for everyone, just like everything else in life. I can handle it. I have a job, and do well at school (B's) and I smoke weed every ****in day. To me the only problem weed causes me is obviously to my lungs, for obvious reasons.

As for ecstasy not being harmful, thats just a plain lie. Sure it probably won't kill you, but I can tell it does damage to my brain. I probably wont feel it now but I will later in my life I bet. As it stands I have popped probably about 35 caps of E in my lifetime. I'm actually glad to have controlled it this much, because once you try it once, there is no going back. The feeling is just that damn good. Its absolutly amazing. And there is definitly a price for that.

Oh and one other thing. In grade 9 I hadn't smoked weed at all yet, but my grades were awful. Why? I was ****in addicted to RuneScape and I never did my homework. All I did was play that ****ing game. Such a waste of ****ing time. I regret that so much.

One last thing: How can a country built on liberty and freedom restrict such a basic freedom as smoking a plant? It's bull****...The government should have no say in such personal matters.
2005-01-26, 11:08 PM #85
Ecstacy releases all the serotonin in your brain, so depression tends to follow, especially in people who use it a lot.
Pissed Off?
2005-01-26, 11:12 PM #86
As far as mushrooms being poisonous, it depends ENTIRELY upon what kind you consume. There are at least 30 species in the psilocybe family alone, each having different chemicals in them besides psilocybin & psilocybe (the stuff that makes you trip). Besides that, there are a ton of non-psilocybe mushrooms that still contain those chemicals but have other stuff in them as well. I can very well guarantee you that a majority of these can kill you if you eat too much.

As far as LSD, I'm aware pure LSD won't kill you no matter how much you take. My point was that you aren't always getting pure LSD or even LSD at all. That's what will kill you.

E will definetly kill you over time, it is not a healthy thing. There aren't any good studies to show this as conclusive evidence yet, but there haven't been alot of GOOD studies being done until lately with the renewed interest in MDMA as a psycho-therapy assisting drug. Honestly, Raoul, I think 35 is way more than enough for anyone to have taken it. As you said yourself, you'll definetly start noticing what it does to you.

all of this has nothing to do with smoking....:cool:
<Anovis> mmmm I wanna lick your wet, Mentis.
2005-01-26, 11:21 PM #87
Originally posted by Compos Mentis
As far as mushrooms being poisonous, it depends ENTIRELY upon what kind you consume. There are at least 30 species in the psilocybe family alone, each having different chemicals in them besides psilocybin & psilocybe (the stuff that makes you trip). Besides that, there are a ton of non-psilocybe mushrooms that still contain those chemicals but have other stuff in them as well. I can very well guarantee you that a majority of these can kill you if you eat too much.

As far as LSD, I'm aware pure LSD won't kill you no matter how much you take. My point was that you aren't always getting pure LSD or even LSD at all. That's what will kill you.

E will definetly kill you over time, it is not a healthy thing. There aren't any good studies to show this as conclusive evidence yet, but there haven't been alot of GOOD studies being done until lately with the renewed interest in MDMA as a psycho-therapy assisting drug. Honestly, Raoul, I think 35 is way more than enough for anyone to have taken it. As you said yourself, you'll definetly start noticing what it does to you.

all of this has nothing to do with smoking....:cool:

I obviously know 35 is too many. Any is too many. Like I said once you try it, it's just so amazing that you want to do it again...and again. I am just glad I have not done it several hundreds of times like many people I know.
2005-01-27, 3:37 AM #88
I may start. Call center work is not very fun.
MithShrike: First Mateneer
Pimpin' Yerba Mate Drinker
2005-01-27, 11:35 AM #89
E is definitely something that does affect the brain, but I can't see myself getting any more than a handful of times in my life, so I see no reason not to try it. I'm not actively in that scene, so hey, why not try it? Especially if it's insanely unlikely you'll die on that first tab.

Acid, as has been said, isn't going to kill. have to eat probably somewhere in the 10s of kilos before you die, I'd assume. Dried of course. 5-7 grams is enough for your average trip, and it's thousands of times the amount (of course depending on the type. For instance, liberty caps will have a rather mild amount of psylocibin, whereas some other varieties (I'm thinking of a's, can't exactly think of the name) will offer a much more intense trip at 5-7 grams dried) to OD, I believe. And even then, that's only a theoretical limit.

The only danger in Shrooms and Acid are in impurities, and if you're careful and control it (growing your own shrooms, etc) you'll never have that problem.
2005-01-27, 11:41 AM #90
I've smoked pot socially before, it was nothing serrious it's not like I have to do it to feel good or some crap like that... and I'm not stupid as far as my knowlege serves me.
2005-01-27, 12:20 PM #91
Don't knock it til you've tried it. Marijuana doesn't mess up people's lives, people mess up their own lives. Alcohol is far more dangerous than pot. It's just that whole thing, everything in moderation. Personally, I've smoked cigs and pot, neither regularly but I usually don't pass up the opportunity to.
2005-01-27, 12:31 PM #92
I'm not really going to debate the whole Marijuana vs. LSD vs. shrooms issue, but I did want to offer some information regarding research, mentioned by SAJN on the other page. My psychology professor used to work as a drug researcher/medical psychologist. Her job was to study people's reactions while on drugs. The company she worked for would pay drug addicts to shoot up, and then observe their reaction times and question answering abilities. She talked to us today about how they would have to quarantine herion addicts at first to make sure they were actually addicts (the company paid fairly well, so some people might have been influenced to test themselves even if they weren't addicts), watching them for withdrawal symptoms to make sure they indeed were addicts. Later, they would monitor different vitals while these test subjects shot themselves up with herion and then tried to answer multiple choice questions on a computer. All these people would have to sign a 6-page consent form with all side effects, including death, listed.

My professor had ethical qualms about the whole deal, so she left the field, obtained her doctorate, and participated in behavioral research at the university. So just so you know, tests on drug effects have been done extensively and have been published. I'm sure that if you search psychological journals, you will find descriptions of the tests and the results they obtained.
Marsz, marsz, Dąbrowski,
Z ziemi włoskiej do Polski,
Za twoim przewodem
Złączym się z narodem.
2005-01-27, 12:39 PM #93
Voted weed. Usually every other weekend.
"She turned me into a newt!"
"Well I got better..."
2005-01-27, 1:00 PM #94
all of it except for the last choice.
Hazard a company one process.
2005-01-27, 3:27 PM #95
Originally posted by Avenger
Ecstacy releases all the serotonin in your brain, so depression tends to follow, especially in people who use it a lot.

manic depression and a curved spine are two of the wonderful side effects

cant complain
2005-01-27, 3:45 PM #96
I just don't like it, all 4 of my grandparents do, and that just turned me away from it. one of my bestestbest friend's parents do and she started smoking and started getting into some major crap because of some of it. I just don't agree with the ideal of it's good for you, yet everytime i visit my grandparents when i get home i have to wash the smoke out
Holy soap opera Batman. - FGR
Free Jin!
2005-01-27, 4:42 PM #97
No, I do not. There are so many things in this world I'd rather smell than some rolled, dry crap that people will actually pay fat, old sacks to burn.
"When it's time for this planet to die, you'll understand that you know absolutely nothing." — Bugenhagen
2005-01-27, 5:21 PM #98
I find it quite interesting that only about a third of the people polled said that they used one of the drugs (medical, not street, term) but about 80% of this thread seems to be about defending the drugs. It seems those people are very vocal about how not bad this stuff is.
"Flowers and a landscape were the only attractions here. And so, as there was no good reason for coming, nobody came."
2005-01-27, 5:25 PM #99
Originally posted by Bobbert006
I find it quite interesting that only about a third of the people polled said that they used one of the drugs (medical, not street, term) but about 80% of this thread seems to be about defending the drugs. It seems those people are very vocal about how not bad this stuff is.

I, personally, am just tired of being generalized. It's made me very paranoid...:eek: ;)
<Anovis> mmmm I wanna lick your wet, Mentis.

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