Maybe if you refrain from ad hominems, I will.
Give me a break, dude. The only answer I have for why Hell is fair and compassionate is because we were created for something, screwed that up, and had to pay the consequences. Now, traditional definitions of justice would call that "fair." Is it really compassionate? Okay, well maybe I lied about that part. But what is compassionate is that, while we were still screwed and no one was obligated to provide us a way to get out, a way was provided anyway. Okay. Yeah, it sucks that in order for that to work, we have to believe that we aren't the captains of our own souls, but wouldn't it be worth doing if there was someway you could find out it was as good as it said it was?
The question still stands: why should you give rat's *** about a Christian saying you're going to Hell, if you don't believe in that version of it? If you've got your own version and they've got their own, why should you care what they think of you? If they'd rather know you as kindling and not as a person, then that's their loss, isn't it?
I think the whole "kill the infidel" thing in Islam's pretty bad, but it's BS to me. I'm not an infidel. I believe my fidelity belongs to the one true Father, Son, and Holy Ghost and the only person who will take my life for a good reason will be Him. (Don't you love trinitarian grammar?) All I'm saying is that if you don't like the idea that you're going to Hell, you can either try to find a way to save yourself from it or just chalk it up to BS. Either way, "sticks and stones..."