Sorry Rob. I was just saying this in retrospect of what SAJN was saying, and was pointing out the fact that: If he thinks that drilling in Alaska is a bad thing, he shouldn't use the President of the United States of America as the lightning rod of all of his personal opinions. He should say, it will cost more to dill that oil, than it will to buy it from the Middle East, or something to that effect.
It's been proven that the area being prepared for drilling is mostly tundra, which according to Meriam-Webster is 'a level or rolling treeless plain that is characteristic of arctic and subarctic regions, consists of black mucky soil with a permanently frozen subsoil, and has a dominant vegetation of mosses, lichens, herbs, and dwarf shrubs; also : a similar region confined to mountainous areas above timberline.' This kind of climate will turn most cold loving creatures from
in about 1 min.
My opinion, is if it costs less to drill in Alaska then it does to buy oil from the Middle East, then we should save it in case of an emergency, but we should also be working on a more effecient fule vehicle.
I'm an animal lover, but I've got to side with Penn & Teller on this one, animals arn't humans. And to quote P& just P, because T doesn't talk:
If you for one second think that animals are better than humans, then all I have to ask you is this: How many cats have painted a "Mona Lisa"? How many seals have ever created fire without the assistance of man, or using something that was man made? How many dogs take a **** on the sidewalks of America? How many monkies, apes, primates, and crimps can legibly speak any language known to man? The answer is none.
A common mistake people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools.
-Douglas N. Adams