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ForumsDiscussion Forum → I've lost all respect I had for our President
I've lost all respect I had for our President
2005-05-06, 8:56 PM #41
who the hell cares about other people enjoying life the hell with everyone it's a waste of time careing about others it get's you nowhere
Master! Master!
2005-05-06, 8:57 PM #42
no what im saying is completely true why try to get far in life when in the end you die seems pretty pointless working so hard to make a life

Why are you trying so hard to convince us to think your way when in the end it doesn't matter, because we are all going to die anyway?
Think while it's still legal.
2005-05-06, 8:57 PM #43
Originally posted by Do_As_Infinity
who the hell cares geeze we all die anyway why give a damn wtf happends to this sorry assed country/B]

That statement is kind of pointless because you could respond to anything with that. Also, if you really believed it there would be no point in posting it because everyone who hears it will die anyways.
Aquapark - Untitled JK Arena Level - Prism CTF
2005-05-06, 8:57 PM #44
Grow up, sir 'do_as_infinity'.

Anyways, let's re-rail this thread.
2005-05-06, 8:58 PM #45
I beat you, Zojombize. ;)
Think while it's still legal.
2005-05-06, 8:59 PM #46
Im just stateing my opnion but mainly cuz my life alrdy sucks so have a nice day
Master! Master!
2005-05-06, 9:00 PM #47
Originally posted by Do_As_Infinity
Crawling in my skin...these wounds, they will not heal...
the idiot is the person who follows the idiot and your not following me your insulting me your following the path of a idiot so that makes you the idiot - LC Tusken
2005-05-06, 9:00 PM #48
Anyways, let's re-rail this thread.
Attachment: 4900/save.jpg (14,301 bytes)
Think while it's still legal.
2005-05-06, 9:01 PM #49
Originally posted by SAJN_Master

There's quite a bit of irony in that sign...made...of wood... But I still like it.

2005-05-06, 9:02 PM #50
I would guess that they painted it on a fence that was already there.
Aquapark - Untitled JK Arena Level - Prism CTF
2005-05-06, 9:03 PM #51
Originally posted by Zojombize
I would guess that they painted it on a fence that was already there.

Probably...still. :p
2005-05-06, 9:07 PM #52
Walk with me until the end
And make the forest turn to sand
No televisions in the air
No circumcisions on the chair


This thread makes me think of this...
Attachment: 4901/forest.jpg (99,219 bytes)
Think while it's still legal.
2005-05-06, 9:08 PM #53
2005-05-06, 9:58 PM #54
You say this, yet you'll probably change your mind the next time I post in some ****ty thread about Iraq. You're like the posterboy for impressionability
A desperate disease requires a dangerous remedy.

A major source of objection to a free economy is precisely that it gives people what they want instead of what a particular group thinks they ought to want. Underlying most arguments against the free market is a lack of belief in freedom itself.

2005-05-06, 10:09 PM #55
Meh, I made this awful photoshop. It was originally used for the "drilling in Alaska" thread, but the whole "PROTECT TEH ANIMALS" still applies here. Ah, the randomness. Just lightening up the mood here

"His Will Was Set, And Only Death Would Break It"

"None knows what the new day shall bring him"
2005-05-06, 11:03 PM #56
Haha, burgerboys.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2005-05-06, 11:34 PM #57
Originally posted by Sine Nomen
You say this, yet you'll probably change your mind the next time I post in some ****ty thread about Iraq. You're like the posterboy for impressionability

No, I agree with the war in Iraq, now that I see more to it than I did when I was younger, and stupider. I just hate how he went about it. And I don't respect him for this.

God forbid that for once when you debate someone actually listen. I mean, it's not like we do it to try and change anyone's minds, right?

And I fail to see how anyone impressed that this was a bad thing upon me when I started the thread.

Nice try, though.
2005-05-07, 12:23 AM #58
This planet sucks anyway who cares...
"Nulla tenaci invia est via"
2005-05-07, 1:46 AM #59
Man, I wish I had be able to get to this thread after the first post. You people are ignorant on this whole subject. Really, you are. For your education, here are some things to think about that you probably don't know. And just so everyone knows, this is what I have spent the last four years studying in college. It is what I will be doing for a career. This information comes from classes, talking with my professors, talking with forest researchers at the Cal's research forest, the Regional Forester (from the USFS) for California, and the Forestry Chief (the head of the USFS).

1.) Logging =/ clear cutting

2.) National Forrests are horribly overgrown to the point of being unheathly. Disease and insect outbreaks are up as is the potential for stand replacing fires.

3.) Access roads will allow for much needed thinning is areas to improve the general health of the forest and allow said forests to return to a pre-fire supression state. This will also reduce the potential impact of insect and disease outbreaks.

4.) Areas that are logged are not going to be clear cut, but thinned. Stems will be removed to open up space. In order to pay for this (so we as tax payers don't have to), commerible trees, some stems > than 20 inches will be cut down and sold for lumber.

5.) Clear cuts in small patches are not bad. They can simulate stand clearing events that occur in nature like fires, disease and insects out breaks. This open space that is opened up allows for natural forest regeneration to occur.

6.) Furthermore, the each state has some power as to whether the roadless areas will be opened up. California, for example, isn't going to build any new roads (I think it's amistake).

7.) New roads will allow the public access to some back country areas they would not otherwise have.

8.) New roads will allow wildland fire figthers access to areas that wouldn't otherwise have shoudl there be an ignition.

9.) Logging companies do a better job than you might think when it comes to managing private forest lands. It is certainly not in their best interest to destroy their source of income. In fact, logging companies have extensive management plans that include long term tree production, environmental impact, wildlife impact, impact on water ways, etc.

The truth is, George W. Bush has done more to promote forest health in the National Forests than Bill Clinton ever did. Clinton thought that signing "no use" policies were protecting these forests when in reality, they did nothing but further harm already hurting ecosystems. It's quite a myth that Democrats are the protectors of the environment when it comes to the forests because they prepeuate an asinine, 90 year old policy that has allowed our forests to become completely overgrown. Bush is the first president in years to designated money for the Forest Service to actively manage National Forest land so that they can promote multiple use (that is logging, recreation, gazing, long-term health, etc). It's hardly enough to fix the 90+ million acres of National Forest Land, but it's something.

Originally posted by SAJN_Master
Well this and the whole digging for oil in the wildlife refuge a few months ago.

That's another subject too many people don't have a clue about.
Pissed Off?
2005-05-07, 6:35 AM #60
Originally posted by Pagewizard_YKS
Not where I was. Ever been up in the Sierra Nevada mountains? I was up near a place called Lake Tamarack. 8000 feet above sea level, not far from the Nevada state border. This is RAW LAND. If you have to take a piss, find a tree. If you have to take a s***, dig a hole. There is a line on the map that is supposed to be a road, but thats it, and it's hard to follow in the dark since the actual road is a dirt path that is easy to wander off of that leads to the lake itself. Around the lake, there is nothing that even resembles a real road, just those things that look like trails but really aren't and just lead nowhere. Up there, you have to pack heat (at least a 12-gauge shotgun) at all times b/c that is cougar and bear country, and you do NOT want to be out there without any weapons.)

If you can't find your way through a dense forest at night, don't go into the forest at nighttime. It's not your right as an urban dweller, it's a privilege for those that can handle themselves. That's why there are trail guides. That's why hunters go out alone. They know what they're doing. They're not some shmuck that thinks they have every right to walk into dangerous territory and exit unscathed.
2005-05-07, 6:39 AM #61
Two words: knee and jerk.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2005-05-07, 6:55 AM #62
Maybe I misjudged it a bit, but still... I just don't like the idea. Though I do like that states have the power to control this to a degree, I didn't know that. Still, I guess I'll just have to see how this really works out.

The main thing that irks me is the mining bit.
2005-05-07, 7:04 AM #63
Nice one Wolfy.
2005-05-07, 7:11 AM #64
I sure know one Bush I'd like to burn down..
2005-05-07, 7:17 AM #65
Originally posted by Avenger
9.) Logging companies do a better job than you might think when it comes to managing private forest lands. It is certainly not in their best interest to destroy their source of income. In fact, logging companies have extensive management plans that include long term tree production, environmental impact, wildlife impact, impact on water ways, etc.

Where did you find this information? It seems to me that extensive environmental surveys would be quite costly for the logging companies.
Aquapark - Untitled JK Arena Level - Prism CTF
2005-05-07, 7:31 AM #66
I like DJ Yoshi. Why don't you come on down and have a beer?
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2005-05-07, 7:46 AM #67
well done America.

Its bad enough we voted Blair back into power, you voted back in Bush and he wont be happy until the world is either 100% desert or concrete
if(getThingFlags(source) & 0x8){
  do her}
elseif(getThingFlags(source) & 0x4){
  do other babe}
  do a dude}
2005-05-07, 7:51 AM #68
Originally posted by Ruthven
well done America.

Its bad enough we voted Blair back into power, you voted back in Bush and he wont be happy until the world is either 100% desert or concrete

You would make a good environmental activist. :rolleyes:
2005-05-07, 7:53 AM #69
I'd say concrete - whenever he sees a desert, he bombs it and tries to steal its oil. *ducks flames*
2005-05-07, 8:08 AM #70
Originally posted by Wookie06
I like DJ Yoshi. Why don't you come on down and have a beer?

I doubt I'd be coming 'down'. :p I'm in AL.
2005-05-07, 8:08 AM #71
Originally posted by Echoman
You would make a good environmental activist. :rolleyes:

No I would make a good ecological terrorist. Its one thing I'd like to be when I'm older if my life goes to sh**, at least I'd be doing something good for the earth. :D
if(getThingFlags(source) & 0x8){
  do her}
elseif(getThingFlags(source) & 0x4){
  do other babe}
  do a dude}
2005-05-07, 8:16 AM #72
Like ELF (Earth Liberation Front)?

"Oh look! A SUV! Let's burn it down."
2005-05-07, 8:17 AM #73
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2005-05-07, 8:26 AM #74
Originally posted by Wookie06
Two words: knee and jerk.


Oh and read Avenger's post...twice. And no, I do not believe he's a "right-wing nutjob" so what he wrote is genuine. He did his homework.
Code to the left of him, code to the right of him, code in front of him compil'd and thundered. Programm'd at with shot and $SHELL. Boldly he typed and well. Into the jaws of C. Into the mouth of PERL. Debug'd the 0x258.
2005-05-07, 8:29 AM #75
Originally posted by Ruthven
No I would make a good ecological terrorist. Its one thing I'd like to be when I'm older if my life goes to sh**, at least I'd be doing something good for the earth. :D

terrorist certainly, but if you try and be an environmental activist when you quite clearly don't have a clue what you're talking about you're going to cause more harm than good.
Detty. Professional Expert.
Flickr Twitter
2005-05-07, 9:02 AM #76
Originally posted by Pagewizard_YKS
Ever get lost in the forest? I did, and I was damn glad that I found a road to follow until I found someone.

All that forest atmosphere can get to be a pain in the a** when you're out there alone in the dark, lost, with only a few rounds left.

Okay, so you got lost. This doesnt justify putting down roads in forests. I understand that you didnt have any marked paths, I've camped in areas in New Mexico that were hit by massive forest fires. Our trail was gone for maybe 500 feet because a massive dirt road was cut through the forest for the fire tucks.

Was it useful for me as a backpacker? No. In fact, it was really annoying. Could it help someone who is lost? Doubtful. The trails were more direct to the ranger stations than the roads were.

Also, what were you doing so deep in the woods that you got lost? You really shouldnt wander off alone into the woods, day or night.
[01:52] <~Nikumubeki> Because it's MBEGGAR BEGS LIKE A BEGONI.
2005-05-07, 9:41 AM #77
Avenger is most definitely correct. My dad spent 35 years in the US Forest Service and so I hear all about that kind of stuff, and Avenger pretty much hit it on the head. Thinning wouldn't be necessary if we weren't so darn good at suppressing fire. Since we suppress them, they tend to burn much hotter because there's more fuel. Fire is nature's forest management tool. Thus if we fight fire, thinning is essential for a healthy forest, and thinning is obviously much harder to do without roads.

However, does anyone know if this will effect wilderness areas?
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2005-05-07, 9:44 AM #78
My point is that i would like for the forest to still be around for my children. I want them to be able to enjoy the peace and the nature of it. i really enjoy backpacking into parts of the mountains nobody has been and just relaxing in a small lake or on a rock. whatever:(

If there are no raods then nobody will start fires by throwing a cigerette out the window or anything. The fires will come naturally and we should let them burn naturally.
I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.
2005-05-07, 9:48 AM #79
That would be fine, but the problem is, many fires on national forest land put hundreds or even thousands of homes and other structures at risk. Are you just going to let them burn? Plus, our forests aren't currently in any kind of condition to let them burn without doing anything. Because there is so much fuel built up, the fire burns incredibly hot. This causes hydrophobicity in the soil. The soil will not be able to absorb water in the burned areas that were very hot and so the water just runs off, causing problems with erosion and flooding.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2005-05-07, 9:51 AM #80
Hm. It mentioned Utah. I hope that means he's opening up that wilderness preserve down south that Clinton made right before he was re-elected. If it is, all I have to say is THANK GOD! That wilderness preserve has the world's largest sulfur-free coal deposit in it(along with a bit of oil). Now it can be developed, beat out the sulfuric coal from the east and the state can get some much needed revenue to pump into education. And I don't think it will ruin the wilderness preserve because they'd only be mining one part of it. If they decide to strip mine for the coal, which is the most destructive kind of mining I believe, it still wouldn't be very bad due to current regulation that say once you are done with an area, you HAVE to rebuild it when you move on.
Democracy: rule by the stupid

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