Some of us are still hanging on to the hope he'll stay on for this game. A lot of his coworkers are unofficially saying that they don't think he's acheived his masterpiece yet, and that he'll eventually come to his senses and announce that he'll finish the sereise once and for all. If you really think about it, although 3 wrapped up a lot, there's still some floating questions, mainly about solidus. I believe that a 4th game would fill that gap; would kojima leave the final chapter to his masterpiece in the hands of his team? He's been labeled as a perfectionist to an unhealthy level before. I'm willing, more likelly hoping, he'll need to have his hands on this project.
Oh, and the PS3? Consoles have simply become PCs now. And I have 3 PS2 games that I actually enjoy. MGS, Kingdom Hearts, FF8, and GTA. You won't see me pay another 300 dollars just to play these games' sequels. I'll wait till they release a mini slim revamp for 100 bucks. At that point, I'll rent the games I want to play via some summer long rerent deal; then buy the ones that are worth replaying. The same goes for the other consoles. I've just lost all faith in consoles when their specs are comparable to a PCs. I would void my warrenty if I upgraded my PS2 to a PS3. Instead I pay another 300 dollars for some of the SAME hardware. AND IT'S BACKWARDS COMPATABLE! If PC makers did this, everyone would have a hernia. And making games for only a single PC brand? That wouldn't fly too well either. Heck, even having a windows only videogame has become damnable. No, I'm sorry consoles, but you're NOT worth my 300 dollars. I'll get a new processor instead.
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