When I got home and saw the screenshots of the PS3, I crapped my pants. The system has 2 things that PSM guessed it would have. Wireless controllers and Slot-load CD (which are two things I really wanted it to have). I'm totally sold on it. The machine looks great, and with the backwards-compatibility, it'll be great. My only worry is that new Dual-Shock. It's.... interesting to say the least.
And about Square.... I'm shocked they are now working on things for the Xbox 360. Now, as long as they're new games, I could careless. Same goes for them working on Nintendo. But, I want, no
demand that Final Fantasy games stay PlayStation exclusive games. Yea, I know, FFXI is going to Xbox (though I could careless, as it should have been named Final Fantasy Online) and know Gamecube had a FF. But still, I can pretend that my demanding will mean something right? =P
Oh! And Unreal 3 engine on PS3...
It blew my mind. 
Only 2 months of work and it looks like THAT?! I can't believe it. 2 months and already looking that good... god I want a PS3 now.
I read this somewhere, don't remember where though. =\ Anywho, Bluetooth comes with the ability to handle up to 7 devices. If they limited it to 4 it'd just be a waste of time as it could technically still use 7. So they just left it at 7, though, IMO, that's an odd number. They should have tried to get it to 8. But hey, on the plus side, no more multi-tap needed for sports games anymore!
5 words: Final Fantasy VII Tech Demo.