Originally posted by jEDIkIRBY
I would value an ID system other than a drivers liscense... considering I can't drive.
I would value an ID system other than a drivers liscense... considering I can't drive.
You know that states issue IDs that are similar to drivers liscenses for people who are unable to drive, right?
The problem with this Real ID thing is it's one step closer to "go ahead, prove you're innocent" rather than "you're innocent until proven guilty." Everything about you will be linked to this ID, and if states don't comply with that, the federal government stops funding them. Does that not strike anyone as odd? That the federal government will have to force states to comply by threatening to take away money in order for this thing to work. Do you know why? Because every attempt at this before was shot down. Why do none of you think it's odd that the only time this thing passed was when it was attached to a military funding bill? Does that not seem sly to you? And this will stop identity theft? Because we all know the best way to protect your identity is by keeping your entire record in your pocket...
omnia mea mecum porto