Clean-Shaven and Baby-Smooth
Posts: 2,483
Obviously they're gonna start running out of clones after a while, considering the original templates' dead (though there are arguments about the preservation of DNA that can be made), and besides, there's all those bright young men out there who so desperately want to serve their Empire, or at least do when the Imperial indocrination systems kicks in ("Children of the Jedi" featured an extremely surreal look inside what happens to stormtrooper recruits, and is corroberated in one of the Jedi Academy books, I don't reember which one, where Kyp Durron uses the Sun Crusher to destroy Carida because his brother doesn't know who he is anymore (Personally, I despise Barbara Hambly and all her Star Wars books, I never even finished "Planet of Twilight" despite that fact that Dzynn was a pretty cool bad guy, but the brainwashing scene in CotJ was just such a good point I had to dig into those tainted areas of my mind)), and these fine upstanding soldiers could potentially become templates for whole squads of clones (and, in "Heir to the Empire" (and the rest of the Thrawn Trilogy, which are the best Star Wars books ever), which features a completely different view of the Clone Wars, which is perfectly acceptable if you simply assume that the Kaminoans weren't the only people with cloning technology, which is stated by Dexter in AotC ("Cloners, some of the best" or something vague like that), this actually happens), well, who can say no to an offer like that?
I need to maybe plan out what I'm going to say before I say it, as this stream of thought parenthetic nightmare's tough even for me to read.
I used "Which is" at least three times.
There. I just walked my dog, so I now have a second Geek Wind.
Furthermore, there's a difference between the lowly stormtroopers and the officers, just like in America, though I'm not entirely familliar with the details, there's, like, Comissioned and Noncomissioned or something along those wacky lines or another, like a line of demarcation, "Across this line of Rank you shall find Generals, and thou shalt not pass, REPENT REPENT!" or something. There's military geeks here who know this stuf.
IIINNN addition, there's the fact that most of the high ranking officials we see are members of the Imperial NAVY. The Stormtroopers were orignally formed as the Grand ARMY. Of the Republic. So, maybe the Army became the Navy when the Republic became the Empire. Dunno.
I was going to say something, about the difference between American Villages and English Villages. I wrote it down, but I left the paper at home.
I never finished that movie either.
Now, in reference to the problem of the post-Endor government...
The Empire does not have a central government leader persey after the Battle of Endor, much like Germany towards the end of WWII. Bad example. Too bad, only one I can think of. However, the rest of the government, IE the Moffs, the Disciples of the Dark Side, and that crazy group that coescled together in Crimson Empire 2 (I believe they were the Imperial Ruling Council?) were all still alive and well and resting in the safety of Imperial Center (Coruscant). Minus Jerjerrod (spelling?). So, the majority of the Political strength came from the Moffs, the IRC (until the Yuuzhan Vong screwed THAT up TOO), and the Grand Admirals of the Imperial Navy (described as the link between politics and war in HttE), as shown in... well, the books starting after the "X-Wing" series and ending before the whole Admiral Dalaa thing, at which point Bastion was probably established, and the Galactic Empire became the Imperial Remnant.
I came up with a complicated political coup for a Star Wars mod I was considering, where Moff Rovad (I made him up, so don't bother cross-referencing the rest of this paragraph, it's just a digression), in addition to claiming the majority of the political machine that ran the Remnant was under the control of the Peace Brigade (probably not true, Rovad was starting to lose it by that point), he stated
I thought I could finish a post without plugging a fic or anything of mine. I suck. Shoot me.
Where was I before the whole geek out? Oh yeah, the end.
-The end.