Well it WAS supposed to be somewhere between June 1st and July 15th.
...Honestly, I'd welcome an alien race, provided they were peaceful. His prophecy was good up till the "eternal kingdom on earth"...which of course could just mean a slap in the face so we stop blowing each other to big-****-bits. Or it could be more like a slave thing, which would really ****ing suck. However any alien race that has been observing us for this long (lets assume the theory of close inspection of the race, studying, gradually increasing UFO contact, etc is true) would know about our destructive nature. There's of course the possibility that they have fancy Asgard weapons ala Stargate SG-1, but statistically it's not too likely, especially since they probably wouldn't be interested much in us if they were so advanced and us so primitive (unless of course we are the first race they have met, and the galaxy is on the empty side)
....Anyways, the point I'm trying to make is, that any race studying us would know our destructive nature, and trying to enslave us would be suicide unless they were so advanced that all our weapons and tactics, combined, could not put up a fight. While this is possible, it's probably more likely they are peacful. If they wanted to enslave us, they would have done it already. The theory of slowly increasing UFO sightings, contact, etc, is to make first contact LESS of a suprise so we don't irrationally blow them out of the sky out of fear.
That said, the eternal kingdom bit I, hopefully, interpret as putting an end to war. Which wouldn't be hard to do...once you realize you're not alone, wars become so insignificant. Sounding an awful lot like Star Trek? Yeah, well it's probably true.
I've always been skeptic of UFOs and alien stuff, but it does intrigue me, and I do hope it's real. I hope that within my lifetime we make contact with intelligent extraterrestrial life...perhaps next month it'll be true. Perhaps not. Perhaps just another nutjob. But honestly, if you're refusing the idea of an intelligent, peaceful alien race that could help expose us to the universe, meet other life and civilizations (if there is any), share a whole nother world of culture and technology...if you can refuse that...uh, in the words of Lewis Black...kill yourself.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.