Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know so many druggies were in severe pysical pain

How incredibly insensetive to me.
People take drugs to "change their lives". My, that's a good one. You mean they are unable to do it without a drug? PATHETIC. Then again, there are lots of weak people in this world who need an easy crutch.
Besides, why does one take a drug in the first place? I still don't see its positive use; sorry, I just don't. Artistic ability? Yeah, I'm sure Mozart and DaVinci were hitting up those blunts daily. It just seems that every time I hear a reason why people use drugs of any non-theraputic sort (legal and non legal mind you), it comes off as a very, very lame excuse.
God damn it, you guys just make me sound like a giant ***! It's all your fault!
Simply put MDMA causes a great release of neurotransmitter/hormone seratonin. Anything that causes that great of a physiological change always, always has damaging side effects.
I wasn't referring to the disproven hole-in-the-brain studies by the way. That was a horrible study where they used a mislabeled container... Johns Hopkins, ha ha ha