My life is going out of control. I hate it where I live, but my parents don't want to leave. You see, in my school, there are a bunch of bullies, who are very strong, tall and older. It appears thety have bought out some teachers, so they never get in trouble. Everyone hates them and fears them, because they go around bugging people and want to dominate them. They carry illegal knives, the ones that snap out. They are rich kids as well, so they got their mustangs and motocross crap. So, a while back they came to me, and they were like wanting to get me to do somethings for them, I refused, and then one of them says to me: "Oh yeah, well then I'm going to kick your ***!" All in Spanish of course, and I tell him " I'd like to see you try" And the dude calls in his friends to come help him. I'm like, this guy must be gay, because he is much taller, stronger and more experienced in fighting than me, and he has to call in his friends? Man alive, I got away with out a scratch fortunately. But anyhow, I took this girl who I was talking about a few days ago to the mall, and some one told him I was going to be there. And I saw him, fortunately, he didn't see me. The police can not, basicaly will not do anything, because they think its all games. These guys will KILL me if they have the chance. They have beaten up a teacher, just because he proposed that they be expelled. They were only suspended for a few days. I need some sort of help, any one up for ideas? BTW, this maybe my last post, as I know nothing of what will happen.
Nothing to see here, move along.