Wow, this topic has grown in a few days. I thank everyone for their advice. It really will help me. My brother has some pepper spray, I'm sure he wouldn't mind me using it, if I have to. What really is my problem, is these guys won't give up until they have their way. They don't seem normal people to me. I mean, they are like, well, how may I say... WITHOUT LOGIC. I've seen their fights. And one of the dudes is strong enough to lift me... Really, I'd probably go unconcious with one of his hits. If I fight them, they will all attack me together, why? Because, I suppose they fear me more than I fear them. Perhaps it is wise to do something with stealth. I could have bought a tazer gun, but I used my last $20 on my girl... I thank you massassi, it was nice to see a society that actualy cares about people. I will try to speak to the police about these people, this time more persuasive.
Nothing to see here, move along.