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ForumsDiscussion Forum → A death threat has been made...
A death threat has been made...
2005-06-27, 11:38 AM #81
Sorry to be pedantic, but I missed the part of the story where they actually issued a death threat =/ So far they just seem to have bullied the guy.

Not trying to be unsympathetic, here, I just want to make sure no-one's overreacting a little.
2005-06-27, 2:46 PM #82
Originally posted by Sol
I thought that stuff could kill a human?

It could possibly yes, but it almost never will. I've seen many people get sprayed with it. It's painful as hell and you can't breath very well, but death or even serious injury is highly uncommon. The only way death occurs is if a significant amount gets sprayed directtly into the person's mouth. And by this I mean holding someone down and spraying it right into their mouth. Bear spraying someone regularly won't kill them.
2005-06-27, 3:02 PM #83
Originally posted by LividDK27
Sorry to be pedantic, but I missed the part of the story where they actually issued a death threat =/
If anything it's an implied death threat -- Beating up/paying off teachers? Deceiving the cops? Illegal knives? (and don't say that's probably just for self defense or cooking gourmet...)

Sounds pretty dangerous -- even if they aren't threatening anyone's life, it sounds like they wouldn't mind at all to inflict serious injury instead.

Originally posted by Dominik
Hahaha. That's a great movie.
Darn! I should've put an 'owned!' on the last panel :rolleyes:
May the mass times acceleration be with you.
2005-06-27, 4:00 PM #84
Originally posted by Kieran Horn
Physical leverage > All

Brazilian Ju-jitsu ftw! :p

Thats what I'm talking about. I just get so happy everytime I put someone in an arm bar. Just makes my day for some reason...

Anyway, I would either just ignore them, or talk to the cops. I know the cops down there aren't the greatest (having lived there two years, I saw plenty of stupid cops), but I don't think it can hurt either. They'll either do nothing or get the problem taken care of.
Life is beautiful.
2005-06-27, 4:27 PM #85
Find a lightsaber that happens to sit in your garage. Then, your problem will be solved.
2005-06-27, 4:49 PM #86
Wow, this topic has grown in a few days. I thank everyone for their advice. It really will help me. My brother has some pepper spray, I'm sure he wouldn't mind me using it, if I have to. What really is my problem, is these guys won't give up until they have their way. They don't seem normal people to me. I mean, they are like, well, how may I say... WITHOUT LOGIC. I've seen their fights. And one of the dudes is strong enough to lift me... Really, I'd probably go unconcious with one of his hits. If I fight them, they will all attack me together, why? Because, I suppose they fear me more than I fear them. Perhaps it is wise to do something with stealth. I could have bought a tazer gun, but I used my last $20 on my girl... I thank you massassi, it was nice to see a society that actualy cares about people. I will try to speak to the police about these people, this time more persuasive.
Nothing to see here, move along.
2005-06-27, 5:31 PM #87
They sound like a bunch of total cowards. Get some pepper spray or something that could just hurt them even a little bit and they'll probably leave you alone. Of course, if I were in your position I would probably take it to far. :p

EDIT: Bear spray sounds awesome. I must go buy sevral gallons and make some enemies in the slums. :em321:
2005-06-27, 5:49 PM #88
Do a google search for disposable camera taser.
Steal my dreams and sell them back to me.....
2005-06-27, 8:43 PM #89
Honestly, if it's THAT bad, take martial arts. Take self defense. It helps, a lot. Against ANY opponent. Size and all.
2005-06-27, 8:58 PM #90
Originally posted by JDKNITE188
Find a lightsaber that happens to sit in your garage. Then, your problem will be solved.

Also, you will become a Jedi and somehow learn the ways of the Force.
You will die alone.
Snail Racing: 500 Posts Per Line
guys I think my snail is stuck

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