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ForumsDiscussion Forum → U.S. Athletes told to cool it at the Olympics...
U.S. Athletes told to cool it at the Olympics...
2004-05-18, 5:07 PM #81
Sine's posts are by far the most coherent in this thread, not because of his factual information which backs up his opinions, but becuase none of them are presented as an attempt to make himself look more intelligent or well informed than those he is contradicting...

I also agree with his opinions, but trust me, it's not skewing my judgement.

although the calling Mano an idiot thing... []

anyway, my favorite flavor is raspberry.

Saberopus: omfq musical genuis j00 >mozart
Thrawn42689: Mozart = n00b
2004-05-18, 5:12 PM #82
god (n) A powerful ruler or despot.

Therefore, if you cross apply Kirby's logic we see that Bush must be a god.
2004-05-18, 5:17 PM #83
<3 Sine.

There is no signature
2004-05-18, 9:08 PM #84
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Look up the word Facism. If you find it hard to relate America to facism, you need to buy a better dictionary. This is simple fact. If you people don't accept it, I'll have to get out the dictionary, and give you, word for word, sources that prove this fact. I will, however, note that America isn't an extreme Facist Country. We ARE a democracy. I'm proud to be an American, Facism, Capitolism, and Democracy in all. People assume anything that ISN'T "Democracy" is bad. I'm not sure Facism is all that GOOD, but it's got arguably good points, and arguably bad points. Just like every other political party</font>


*bangs head on keyboard*


"If there's one thing I've learned it's this - you just can't shake hands with a fist" - David Allen Coe
2004-05-19, 12:20 AM #85
I read about... oh... half of this thread before my eyes, ears, nose and mouth began gushing blood. The overwhelming pressure of idiocy caused every single capillary in my head to explode. Thanks, Massassi, in about 2 minutes I'm going to die of a horrible stroke.

However, before that happens, I'd like to point out how this entire argument broke out into "AMERIKKKA IS TOO PATRIOTIC GUYS" and "YOU'RE WRONG" when the original news article was doing little but illustrating the problem of how the Athenians are worried about violence breaking out at the Olympics, to the point where that violence would reflect negatively on Greece's worldwide image.

Every country waves around their flag during the Olympics - even countries that those crap statistics show are less patriotic. With that in mind, maybe some sane human beings would use a much better topic of discussion like "It's only an issue with Americans. Why?"

I mean, gee, we could avoid the whole debate by just posting something like "Oh, they're worried that anti-American actions will happen at the Olympics. That's ****ing horrible." But instead it's so much more fun to post "YEAH AMERICA IS EVIL SO THEY DESERVE IT."

So basically every single thread that mentions the word "America" turns into a gigantic pissing match that gradually spirals into a stupid semantics debate. Hey, I have a great idea... instead of talking about politics or religion or whatever unholy subjects you're spewing nonsense about, we talk about how it's possible for a group of Star Wars fans to turn absolutely everything into a pseudo-debate cesspool of ignorance? Maybe we can even find a cure for Slashdot some day, eh?
2004-05-19, 1:37 AM #86
bugger the olympics, let's just have the soccer world cup early, that way the people who like soccer get to watch soccer and the people who like to watch street violence get to watch street violence
2004-05-19, 8:09 AM #87
*hugs Jon`C's twitching corpse*

[Blue Mink Bifocals !] [fsck -Rf /world/usr/] [<!-- kalimonster -->] [Capite Terram]
"If all those usefull inventions that are lyable to abuse, should therefore be concealed, there is not any Art or Science, which might be lawfully profest."
-John Wilkins, Mercury, or the Secret and Swift messenger, shewing how a man may with privacy and speed Communicate his thoughts to a Friend at any distance (London, 1641)
Also, I can kill you with my brain.
2004-05-19, 9:47 AM #88
And then Jon'C said unto the people of massassi......

"This thread is still alive? Someone should kill it." - As Featured in Guitar Hero II!
2004-05-19, 11:37 AM #89
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by CaptBewil:
Why not take pride in simply the fact that your a member of the human race?</font>

You're joking, right?

"Why aren't I'm using at these pictures?" - Cloud, 4/14/02
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2004-05-19, 12:34 PM #90
I want to have your babies Jon'C.

Is Wayne Brady going to have to choke a *****?
Democracy: rule by the stupid
2004-05-19, 1:05 PM #91
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Michael MacFarlane:
You're joking, right?


Well, if we get rid of all the idiots and such, it would be fine.

I'm not an actor. I just play one on TV.
Pissed Off?
2004-05-19, 4:35 PM #92
Mm, freeze-dried water..

[Blue Mink Bifocals !] [fsck -Rf /world/usr/] [<!-- kalimonster -->] [Capite Terram]
"If all those usefull inventions that are lyable to abuse, should therefore be concealed, there is not any Art or Science, which might be lawfully profest."
-John Wilkins, Mercury, or the Secret and Swift messenger, shewing how a man may with privacy and speed Communicate his thoughts to a Friend at any distance (London, 1641)
Also, I can kill you with my brain.

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